Newspost - Oct/09/2007
One of our members, Istabraq, was seriously injured in a car accident on the morning of Saturday 6 October: She is now on a life support machine - by Tuesday morning Istabraq had developed septicemia and this has caused other major complications.
Please keep her, and her family, in your thoughts as we hope for a full recovery for her.
There is a thread about the topic on the forum for those members that are also registered there who wish to pass on their regards and/or get updates on Istabraq's progress.
Newspost - Sep/30/2007
We received a letter from a lawyer represeting the CRIA, they were threatening with legal action and we need to start blocking Canadian traffic because of this.
Thanks for your understanding, and sorry for any inconvenience.
We are still digging through all the hundreds of emails we received during the downtime.
Our apologies to all the ones who have not received a reply yet.
Also, we take this oportunity to let you know that you can also access from the address *
We've been meaning to set up an alternate domain for accessing for a while now, and we finally got around to do it.