It's not 'burn'. It's a disgrace.
You are a disgrace if you watch (Nolan's + Sci Fi) Genre on cam print. Sucks.![]()
watching cam print.
will get back soon.
It's a problem, does not require Coop at all.
Start of movie
Brand - young woman
Murph - little girl
Water planet maneuver
Brand - young woman
Murph - young woman
50 years pass on earth
Brand - young woman
Murph - old woman
see the problem now?
even if the tesseract sent Coop back in time or something, Brand and Murphy should have aged at the same rate after the water planet maneuver
One more thing is how Coop had to first give the co-ordinates of NASA then spell out stay. A simpler way to make himself stay would be to not give out the co-ordinates in the first place? Coop had to do nothing in the tesseract if all he wanted to do was not leave in the first place. If he did want to send out the singularity equations, he needn't have spelled out stay and risk it.
Also, using the cryo sleep tech creatively gives pretty good solutions to a lot of the problems. The lack of food because of the blight, the space travel, the colonization, and the time difference for the astronaut's families can all be solved. Keep people in cryosleep in cycles till everyone has enough food, match the time spent by astronauts near black holes by sending their families to cryosleep, keep the first colonisers in cryosleep till all the others follow and then wake them all up together... all of these strategies are sci-fi staple.
from wht i learned,they would get the data in less than 7 yrs u said,because they r transmitting from the surface to the ship provided they use radio waves,waves would be streched at the planet surface due to gravitational field and it become normal as goes far away from the surface beacuse of decreasing force
he says otherwise,information can come out
Into a Black Hole - Stephen Hawking
^^ Hawking radiation is not instantaneous, and it takes the blackhole to naturally evaporate over millions of years. We are not talking about that.
I still am confused what caused the tides on the first planet.
It wasnt stated , but I think it was due to the Gravitational pull of the black hole (Gargantua) . Like the tides on earth due to moon's gravitational effect .
The only question I have is how did those space shuttle even lift of that planet , when they needed big rockets to lift of on earth . (asked earlier by icebags)
thing is right before the final sling-shot maneuver, the one where Coop sacrifices himself (were both of us talking of the same maneuver?), Murph and Brand were of a particular age. After the maneuver, Murph aged like I donno, 50 years maybe (no clue, you said that), basically she went from being Coop's age to being an old woman. But Brand didn't age at all, still Coop spent more time close to the Singularity than Brand, so Brand should have aged. This is the movie's own logic, can't argue this with science also.
Unless the blackhole is a super-massive blackhole and its SC radius is considerably big, but then again, a super-massive blackhole is surrounded by accretion disks emitting explosions of 100 suns, colliding star mass, gamma ray and x ray radiations, super magnetic storms, nova and unimaginable amount of swirling high velocity gas and plasma and remnants of planets and debri and what not! its not like anyone can go there with a spaceship unhindered and gracefully, maneuvering their ship as much as they like inside that s#itstorm.
this reminded me of those fictional characters fight thread(superman vs batman).This is just a movie,nothing else.In a movie where there is a 5th dimension & time itself can be bend anything is possible.
It's a problem, does not require Coop at all.
Start of movie
Brand - young woman
Murph - little girl
Water planet maneuver
Brand - young woman
Murph - young woman
50 years pass on earth
Brand - young woman
Murph - old woman
see the problem now?
even if the tesseract sent Coop back in time or something, Brand and Murphy should have aged at the same rate after the water planet maneuver
One more thing is how Coop had to first give the co-ordinates of NASA then spell out stay. A simpler way to make himself stay would be to not give out the co-ordinates in the first place? Coop had to do nothing in the tesseract if all he wanted to do was not leave in the first place. If he did want to send out the singularity equations, he needn't have spelled out stay and risk it.
Also, using the cryo sleep tech creatively gives pretty good solutions to a lot of the problems. The lack of food because of the blight, the space travel, the colonization, and the time difference for the astronaut's families can all be solved. Keep people in cryosleep in cycles till everyone has enough food, match the time spent by astronauts near black holes by sending their families to cryosleep, keep the first colonisers in cryosleep till all the others follow and then wake them all up together... all of these strategies are sci-fi staple.
there is nothing called normal ! if u consider miller's planet a floppy drive and coopers ship the hard drive, then no matter how fast the HDD is, while receivng from floppy info, it cannot surpass floppy speed. the only way cooper ship could read 1hr miller data in 1 hr outer universe time, without slowing down is, going fast forward to 7 ys, i.e. travell to the future.
about hawking emission, it goes above my head - its a mathematics derivation and basically all math that includes calculus, flies past like fighter jets over my head.![]()
all my understanding says, beyond the event horizon (boundary, where generated light (generated, at the very same point ! not light that coming from outside or inside) can neither go in or out. ) everything rushes to the centre thing called singularity,
i.e there nothing could be stable, but always rushing inside or if no rushing thing available, the just void perhaps.....
then finally there is singualrity @ zero radious ! all mass, no size !
(i once fantasized, if pendulum can go shm, then why light or other particles can not go shm around singularity, but since i never heard such theory, wont dicuss it)
-> as massy the BH gets, boundary of pull gets further, i.e. event horizon area increases.
-> temperature should increase too, but there is no way for it to come out .....
and my understanding ends ...... (i will try to enhance my boundary ouf senses, by pulling more and more knowledge from outside though !)
gravitational pull doesn't cause waves, it only causes steady increase in liquid in eliptical shape!
big huge waves are caused by super/megar/gigar windstorms and more effectively, tectonic plates repositioning themselvs in drastical manners. unless black hole gravity causing tectonic plates go boom boom, there in no way such steep waves could be created !
about the vehicle liftoff! its a mystery.
at singularity, space should be zero or infinite - caz when speed of light is 0 both r same ! and so [delta] time i.e. rate of change of time should be 0.
and given that cooper was given options to communicate with daughter in different times, it was absolutely cruel intentions by "them" to move cooper 50yrs further ahead in time to put around saturn. it sounds absolute intentional. :/
few more possible plot holes noticed :
when they are standing before thw WH, they could see stars from other side. so, if light could pass through, then why can't other em radio waves? they should have been able to send their data from other side. (in more recent sifi shows, wormholes are always shown bidirectional)
unless millers planet was very very near, and rise of time distortion curve was steep (which did not look like should be from looking at the distance between millers planet and gargantula) they should have taken very very long time to even reach the planet in the eye of outside world, even if the distance is considerably small. but not sure about this, when speed of light is ralative, position of planet goes relative as well - complex stuff.
+1 to this & supporting with pics.
i might have gone a bit of gaga over the technical stuff, but could not resist with all the gyaan sharing going on !![]()
Hmm. So the NASA people in the movie looked at a bunch of pixelated light blobs and decided it was a bad idea to try and relocate humanity on a planet orbitting a black hole only after physically getting there.
someone should have shown them this:
this reminded me of those fictional characters fight thread(superman vs batman).This is just a movie,nothing else.In a movie where there is a 5th dimension & time itself can be bend anything is possible.btw [MENTION=121491]rajatGod512[/MENTION],time does not exist in only 1 frame of reference so yes there are different time frame references when cooper & brand got separated beside each of their frame of reference with respect to earth [MENTION=56202]Anorion[/MENTION],it was never shown which time of reference had applied to cooper going inside black hole & which would apply to cooper once he traveled back so maybe there was some "adjustment done to frame of references" by either "them" or cooper to match his & brand frame of reference when he will finally meet her,let's leave it at that.
+1 to this buddy.no man can survive spaghetti-phication while crossing event horizon. The insane gravitational pull at the head of the falling man and at his feet would be godly, not only the magnitude, but also, the difference between them, that would instantly tear the body apart.
Unless the blackhole is a super-massive blackhole and its SC radius is considerably big, but then again, a super-massive blackhole is surrounded by accretion disks emitting explosions of 100 suns, colliding star mass, gamma ray and x ray radiations, super magnetic storms, nova and unimaginable amount of swirling high velocity gas and plasma and remnants of planets and debri and what not! its not like anyone can go there with a spaceship unhindered and gracefully, maneuvering their ship as much as they like inside that s#itstorm.
Kaun hai ye aadmi+1 to this buddy.
i think only the shuttle attached with the mother ship, where did all the fuel go ?the vehicle liftoff is not mystery,its simply saving fuel,that the spacecraft can used for more travel.imagine small spacecraft with huge fuel rockets.it doesn't look pretty.most probably with disintegrate while eascaping earths gravity and air.
some people think otherwise :when its comes to saving humanity,why not?