"O king, we, the deities are indebted to you for the help and protection which you have given us, by sacrificing your own family life. Here in the heaven, one year equals three hundred and sixty years of the earth. Since, it has been a long time, there is no sign of your kingdom and family because it has been destroyed with the passage of time. We are happy and pleased with you, so ask for any boon except Moksha(liberation) because Moksha(liberation) is beyond our capacities".
i think only the shuttle attached with the mother ship, where did all the fuel go ?
some people think otherwise :(if u donno the author, google up ! )
Actually if he wrote a book there is no guarantee murph would have read it. He was sure that murph will take the watch (because of love) and hence will find the data.right now i'm wondering if cooper had already transcended space and time and figured how to concoct and stabilize enough negative energy to sustain a worm-hole in future, why did he not simply just write a book and place it in the Library instead of haunting his beloved daughter by flipping books and finally tapping Morse code through the watch? Would the most daunting solution of the quantum-stellar equation of all time not take fking forever to transmit that way ?
Agreed on that. But from Cooper's perspective going into space went wrong. He missed his child growing up, could not be there when they needed him. So muphy's law is applicable in Cooper's frame of reference. Anyway that's my point of viewMurphy's law does not state anything that can happen will happen, that is Nolan's law
Murphy's law is "Anything that can go wrong, will". Nothing else.
this is exactly why the movie can give out the wrong message
Where did Coop get the co ordinates from, yeah that is known as a Bootstrap paradox. The information of the co-ordinates to the NASA base has no clear origin because the person went back in time and gave it to himself.
Actually if he wrote a book there is no guarantee????!!![/B] murph would have read it. He was sure that murph will take the watch (because of love) and hence will find the data.
What I don't get is how copper got the co ordinates? If he did not knew he could not have gone to the NASA station and hence could not be able into the five dimensional tesseract.
One possible explanation may be is Murphy's law. Cooper going to NASA was bound to happen. So may be he stumbled upon it or something. And when he ended up in the tesseract he communicated. And starting the current events? Any ideas?
Half way in .. The interval. Copper and other explorers are traveling to the other galaxy. Only foundation is laid in first half. Audience saying it's a boring film. I say lol to them. Some mind bending stuff will follow now.