@Kl@w-24 Good job buddy
This noob
pushkar dont know what meterial needs for getting 7MBps downlod speed. For getting 7MBps download speed the line should have the speed capacity atleat 65MBps. This speed needs Fiber Optic Cable not the coper cable and the Router is VDSL or HDSL not the ADSL. The country Sweden have this type of speed for Home User with an Unlimited share.
Yes, I am a noob in relation to the things you said about optic fibre, etc. And I didn't know what that L in utorrent's speed means. Maybe I am downloading from a local peer. It may be possible that someone in the office had the same files downloaded on his utorrent and I am downloading from him. But there is no reason why I will write this just to gain some attention. I really didn't realise that this may be the reason. You people have become so paranoid on the internet that every thread like this seems to you that it has come from an attention seeker. You can check my previous posts in this forum. I have always had a low profile on this forum and I only come to this forum sometime for help. I apologise to all of you if I misguided you.
And indranil please improve your english grammar before calling me a noob. everyone is noob in some aspects of life.
And Kl@w-24, thanks for the informative post. Now I know where the speeds were coming from.
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