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1. Yup even getting 1mbps speed on a 2mbps connection is a miracle(i.e with BSNL which everyone knows sucks), but Airtel gives proper speeds and world-class service so why not try Airtel?
And BB was introduced in India only recently, so it'll take time to get better speeds.

2. Ya you'll have to shell out loads of cash for latest hardware because MOST of India's population isn't tech oriented like the Japanese etc., people here are are more worried about the prices of daily commodities than about the prices of latest CPUs and GPUs available in the market ;) ,

This is because of the low per-capita income, but its gradually increasing and things will change gradually :) ,

3. And people ogle at fancy gizmos mostly because they're tempted to have such stuff but cannot afford it, this isn't decent but its not a crime, its just like a kid drooling in a candy shop ;) .

As to points 4, 5, 6:-

Dude everyone has different tastes, you comment about people who don't like tech, English flicks, and your kinda music,
But the people who don't like the stuff you like will be thinking the same thing about you, like how you couldn't like Sonu Nigam, Hindi flicks etc and calling you wannabe punk,

So just because they dont like your kindi stuff doesn't give you the right to call them n00bs :rolleyes: ,

And it isn't the world dude its just you :rolleyes: , learn to live with and tolerate "differences" of this sort,

And you call all this your problems?! Dude people are starving and dying and here you worry about such trivial things(like what people listen to and watch) :rolleyes: ,

And you judge a country on basis of points 4, 5, 6 sheesh man you are the n00b here :rolleyes: .


Broken In
I hate women.

^^ forget that. (why the hell is there no option for stricking)

I too have similar problems.
Leave aside broadband, jeans, etc we are a poor country.
Sometimes, at least sometimes, some items are better priced.

Our slyllabus is *()#^@&*%#$%(@^#&*^*()@()#&. They still teach us C programs for command line. They have very limited HTML (I love the art of webdesigning). The teachers know nothing more than how to make a plain boring page displaying some simple text.
Our teachers know nothing but what they studied in their colleges. One said Windows 98 is the latest version of Windows, and other doesn't know what the hell is Open source.

BUT DON'T WORRY BROTHER, simpletons seem to have become the majority in our country.

Those born with brains, and correct teacher's mistakes are labelled arogants.

I'm glad god made me intelligent (yes I'll claim myself to be after seeing that people could be sooooooooo dumb, like some of my classmates.)

Regarding music, my taste is strickingly different, I like Tamil folk songs!

About girls...... did you really forget what I worte on top?
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Beware of the innocent
i hate men, women and children. so whats your point? :p
<edit> hey it is not fair to edit your post so my post sticks out like a sore thumb.</edit>
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Welcome to the club
I too listen to LP, Breaking Benjamin, Metallica, Green Day, Limp Bizkit but guys at my college (+2... I mean) shun me telling I'm angrezi :(
Till I found a group with my taste :)
Solution : Either find a group with your tastes in music OR dont give a damn
to put it simply, I neither agree with you nor do I disagree with you.

All this is because of the fact that unlike US, UK, Canada, Australia, Japan, Korea, etc, India is not uni-cultural. We have a variety of cultures and due to this some people seem stupid to others and there is a big communication and cultural gap.

If you find a place where people are like you, go there and live there and be happy. Let dogs be dogs and let cats be cats. You can do nothing to change them.


Your grievances may be genuine, but to make a long story short,

[size=+5]I love my India[/size]

and you too will if you realise to appreciate what you have rather than what you don't,


Look at countries like Zimbabwe today, and feel fortunate.

Jai Hind !


I really want to make something clear here , this is not a --i hate india-- thread . i just wanted to share my thoughts. i have nothing against this country , knowing that it feeds me. i am not a wannabe uk or american citizen.


Tribal Boy
I do not want to attack you on every point, but just my thoughts. Yes, I know you are not against India, still ..

1) No broadband: if you call that measly 2 mbps dataone with montly limit ,broadband! why cant i have a 20 mbps cheap and unlimited connection?

Ahh, remember those days when we had 56kbps modem and dead slow connections ? I remember paying Rs.120 for browsing in internet cafe which was on dial-up. Those were days just 4 or 5 yrs back. Things has changed a lot in the recent yrs (thanks to BSNL). Lil patience work always :)

2) i cant get the latest hardware without shelling out truckloads of cash. most of the latest hardware in india has heavy tax on it.

Tax is there for every product. We just can't do anything. Unless there is a move from IT people (which IT guy / student has time for such a movement ? lol ) aginst the heavy tax, it will remain the same.

people stare at me if i am playing some game on my psp and think that i ran from a mental centre if i have my ep 635 in my ears.

every 4th guy comes and ask "bhaiya yeh konsa chinese set hai?" (refering to the psp) . " bhaiya kya yeh battery se chalta hai?"

If you wear a Bermuda and go to a remote village in India they will stare at you and may even tell you - Bhaiya aap bade hokar bhi trousers nahi pahante ?- lol. I mean the environment matters. The people you meet are all new to these kinda accessories or gadgets. How can you blame them ?

3) i went out to buy a good pair of raw slim straight fit jeans.. like hardware, most fashion stores dont have the latest "models" . they all have @%y clothes. i coudnt find a decent jean! the brands available like levis, lee ,wrangler, spykar, etc etc dont cut it for me..

the higher end ones sell stuff at a premium. when i couldnt find a decent jean at these stores , i went to a mall which had a brand named "GAS" . the price of the jean was 6000 rupees but i didnt like it. it was completely overpriced.
why cant we have brands like apc , nudie jeans , acne etc in our god forsaken country?

First, there are not a big demand for such things. Not everyone want to wear those brands and it is not easy for the shop keepers to bring those. If there is a huge demand, they will sure bring it from anywhere. And prices - depend on a lot of factors (especially if they are imported)

a) in our colleges why cant they have an updated syllabus. why do they teach us how to program on that boring borland c++ everywhere? why does every single computer in the lab has windows xp and ie 6 on it which almost crashed on me twice in 15 mins , why cant we have linux in our college.why dont they teach us something that actually useful and fun?why dont they have textbooks as informing and fun as computer mags and websites. i study 2nd year engineering in IT . why doesnt any teacher know anything about IT? why do students get 100/100 in a computer subject but dont know how to use a mouse? why do they teach me maths when i dont want!?

First - Maths and IT are very much related. To build a good logic in any programming language, you need to learn maths.

Regarding syllabus, I agree. But learning C++ is not a bad thing. C and C++ are basics and by learning those two will help you learning any other languages.

4) i am having a hard time in college because all the people in the college seem like noobs. i listen to music like led zepplin , nirvana , plain white Ts , some classic rock oldies , underground hip hop etc, but these people find me strange and tell me to listen to good music like sonu nigam and pritam ( which i know is copied music). i tell them this but they dont care.

People prefer different types of music. Some prefer to listen only Hindi, some prefer to listen only English. Some regional languages. The people in your college or town may be more interested in Hindi songs or the songs by sonu nigam. It is just likes and dislikes of people.

5) And most people here wont appriciate movies like "the pianist" or "the beautiful mind" . they will reject a movie without even watching just because its in english. then they will happily watch that movie dubbed in hindi ( which loses all its charm of originality) . or watch bollywood movies which are ripped off from the same movies..

Same point as above

6) people in my college never seem to appriciate the best things in life which i appriciate ,like digit .. none has any reading habit . nothing.

I agree it is sure a bad attitude and behavior. We should appreciate good things, we should encourage reading etc. And may be you can start an initiative in this. No, not joking, start an initiative and it will sure become a success.

And the girls .. especially the girls .. none of them know the T of tech even while studying 3rd year computer science.. they have no taste nothing .they all listen to sonu nigam and wear pink tshirts and laugh without a reason. gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!111

Either their parents force em to learn IT or they learn it just coz the sake of it. Oh well, majority is like that. But exceptions are there too.

is it the world or is it just me?!

Sorry in most of the cases, it is just you :)

See the brighter side of life. When you travel in bus, do not curse that you do not have car. Think about people who not have any mode of transportation, yes people walk more than 20 or 30 kilometers to reach their work place in India. When you curse teh speed of internet, think about the people who do not have power (electricity) or telephone and lives in the remote villages in India (I very well know this as there was no electricity / telephone in my area till I complete my 12th Grade).

Always remember - The Glass is Half Full not Half Empty

And as Nucleauscore says - I also love India (does not mean that you hate), I am very proud that I am an Indian too. Not having a 20 mbps unlimited internet connection does not force me to think otherwise.

Good luck my friend :)


Rockin g33k
Just imagine, if you had a 20 mbps connection and kept it on whole day, you will download 50 movies a day,and about 1500 movies a month. Just think of the money you are saving on buying DVD-R's :D


18 Till I Die............
^^ Nothing at all, and join the club threeonethree, I feel the same way myself, and know a few others who think the same. I'm gonna leave the country to do my MS after I finish engineering, and come back to this for a vacation.
Please do tell us when you do that. We'll be so happy to have one less idiot, who anyways doesn't seem to see any importance of his motherland. We seriously need people like you to get out on their own.


lol ^^ ! i think it makes a difference when you speak you hate your country ! you hate a particular thing ! you hate a leader :) , what do you do to make it lovable ? even a single thing , the best i loved with the movie " RANG DE BASATI" was they told us that we are the once who can change , nothing would happen itself, we have to make a step forward to make things happen for your country, jst cursing wont help ! and thinking like that would make frustrations even higher !

i dont find a reason to close it though..


Legen-wait for it-dary!
Please do tell us when you do that. We'll be so happy to have one less idiot, who anyways doesn't seem to see any importance of his motherland. We seriously need people like you to get out on their own.

Sure :) Yours is not the first negative criticism I've received, so I'll offer no arguments on my part. I just want to make it clear to everyone that I dont want to be branded as a UK/US wannabe without an ounce of patriotism. I like India, considering it IS my homeland after all. I possess the same patriotism every Indian has, except that I dont like the current state the country is in.

Its quite simple, really. How many of you people have left your native village/town/city to seek fortune in another city? you still come back to your native for a vacation, right? Thats the case with me too. :)

I have nothing against India, this is my home country. I just want another one! :) One for my past, one for my future! Is that wrong?


Rockin g33k
^^^Thats one of the more contradicting statements that i have come across in thre last few months. You love India, and you love it coz its an obligation, this being your homeland. Great. It would have been better off, if you would have just despised the idea of being born in India and slanged it left right and centre. Dont add insult to injury by pulling out innoucuous and obligatory statements.
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Beware of the innocent
Lets leave out love out of the equation right now.
What you are saying is that you would prefer to be elsewhere, but would like to come back to your homeplace because of its nostalgic value. As I see it, nothing wrong in what you think. But as the others here are saying, India has its redeeming points too.
And I don't think this thread should be locked. Freedom of speech anyone??


Rockin g33k
It is so demeaning that someone loves his won country just coz hes born here. Its like loving your teeth coz you can chew biriyani with it. Look around, where else do you see a greater culmination of so many cultures sitting and sharing their life. Where else do you find a 30 year old man attending to his 70 year old father. Let me give you anecdotes on how life is at the US.

I have a huge number of relatives there and these are directly quoted from them..

1)In the US, you have these slumber parties or whatever, you are to bring a delicacy, made at your place and should be enough to pertain to the Guests. So consider, there are 10 families, and therfore 10 dishes. In India, we would hand over the food to the hosts and then wait for them to empty it and return us the vessel. In America, the guests are obliged to take back the vessel with whatever food left in it. My Aunt was so shocked, she abstained from attending such parties anymore

2)how would you react if after scolding or slapping your son/daughter, the police come banging at your door with an arrest warrant in hand? Yea, in the US, it is customary for yound children to call up the police if their parents behave badly with them. I know, you would defend yourself, by saying that we will raise our kids this way, that way....blah blah blah...but fact remains, you will always be in with an insipid fear of being handed over, worse still..REJECTION from your own kids. Think over it worth it??

3)Now, life in the US is great, if you are there, ruling on ur dads money.But if you are there through scholarship, you are expected to be extra good, be very polite with evryone. One report, and your scholarship will be cancelled. the same report on an European(rather a white) would be warned and let off.

4)While at work, you are expected to work the hardest with the least promotion prospects. So, monday to friday, is all work no play. The weekends are your to spend. But, you will be stuck with the "Asians" there too. The americans there expect you to spend money and the richer you are, the more firends you will have. Of course, there are exceptions, but quite scarce.

But, you will not befall the worst until you are there till the latter part of your life. No one to look after you, no one to support you when you are down. Your own kids going by their own ways. Theres always a longing to come back, and whn you finally do, you will see your family waiting with arms wide open. The you repent.


Well let me also jump in and say something.

  1. Life is not about cherishing what you dan't have but what you have and valuing it. When people gripe about the slow or namesake Broadband, one should remember that the word and concept of Broadband was alien to India 5 years ago.
  2. Not everybody is so rich that he can buy jeans of such Videshi brands, many of us are contended with getting just an odd pair from Charlie Outlaw. Be contended and ur "Contention Domains" will decrease.
  3. India is a country where more than 25% of the population is below poverty line, nation is ran by dirty, raggdy *** politicians, divided on Communal basis, segregated on the basis of religion and caste BUT still within just 60 years of Independence we are at World's envy for our growth and skills. I say, Don't believe the system, believe in the Nation.
  4. Well, love it or hate it, C is the base and it is taught using primitive interfaces because it is taught to all the students of all the streams, Mechanical,Electronics,Computers,Chemical everyone. Since it is also used by Electronics, Electrical and Mechanical students too for Circuit programming, Lathe automation etc. Institutes can't make distinctions over the level of education between streams. I do acknowledge the fact that Teachers are sometimes not adequately qualified or posses necessary skill or knowledge to teach a subject acc. to ones standards but we alone are not studying their. They don't have to take right decisions, what matters is the decision is taken rightly.
  5. All the ignorance possessed and presented by students and teachers alike in these matters is what makes true tech fanatics to absolve themselves to the higher call of self enlightenment by referring to abundant sources of knowledge present in the form of books in Library of College or here on the Internet with guys like us.:)
  6. The lack of interests possessed by these Boys and Girls is what is going to work in your favor you half-witted insipid BOY. If everyone was to become such an expert in the field of I.T, can you even imagine getting yourself a decent job? There will always be 10 before you in such line. Its for our own good that the world is full of such ignorant moronic dumbos and bimbos. This is what keeps the competition down. :cool:
  7. Well Girls, I can't say much in this matter (I never had a Girlfriend) except for a fact that I read on the net, "Every time a Woman opens her mouth it is either for blabber out crap or for a BJ":D. How true is it I don't know but the former part holds True acc. to my general observation. Girls will be Girls and let 'em be like that. In a million you'll rarely find a one that is up to your "Standards" of Brains,Brawns and Booty. :cool:
Well that is my projection of the situation from my viewport.:D Its all positive maybe coz I believe in Gita's saar,"Jo ho raha hai achhe k liye ho raha hai" or maybe because I live near to Kurukshetra. :D
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