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Manchester United
1)In the US, you have these slumber parties or whatever, you are to bring a delicacy, made at your place and should be enough to pertain to the Guests. So consider, there are 10 families, and therfore 10 dishes. In India, we would hand over the food to the hosts and then wait for them to empty it and return us the vessel. In America, the guests are obliged to take back the vessel with whatever food left in it. My Aunt was so shocked, she abstained from attending such parties anymore

Excuse me, but I think when you are invited to parties, every guest is requested to make something (some food) for everyone but that is not obligatory. You will not be thrown out of the party or denied entry if you do not make anything.

Is it good that in India, you make something (whatever small be the amount) and take it to a party or for someone only to find that you did not get some share of the spoils as you got back the empty container? The real deal would be not to return the empty container but instead with some other thing.

Usually the food taken in by the guests is enough for everyone, even though not everyone will go there with something.

2)how would you react if after scolding or slapping your son/daughter, the police come banging at your door with an arrest warrant in hand? Yea, in the US, it is customary for yound children to call up the police if their parents behave badly with them. I know, you would defend yourself, by saying that we will raise our kids this way, that way....blah blah blah...but fact remains, you will always be in with an insipid fear of being handed over, worse still..REJECTION from your own kids. Think over it worth it??

Why would you scold or slap your son/daughter even for the smallest mistakes they make? Is scolding or slapping the solution to the problem? Children have a tendency to do whatever they are not told to do. You have to make them understand that it is not correct. I am sorry to say that I do not agree with you on this point.

And it is not mandatory for American children to call police/911 if they are slapped (physically assaulted, in their definition. But if the parents are caught, a case may be handed against them by the police.

Should this be in the fight club now?


Rockin g33k
^^I meant slumber parties(or whatever they call it). they are different. You have so many different kinds of parties in the US, more than the number of languages that prevail in our country. :D

Yea, its not obligatory for the children to call up the police, i used the word "customary". Are you sure you have no problems with that?? And this does not cater only to beating ur children up, scolding them falls for mental harrassment which is a violation of the law.
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