HTC Desire HD or Incredible S or any other

Which according to you is the best smartphone and why?

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Finally HTC has launched its Incredible S in India.
Now guys please suggest me which one should I buy and why,Desire HD(costs around 26K) or Incredible S(Don't know the price but will be under 30k i guess).

I also like iphone 4 but if I get it from outside India(unlocked version) it is going out of my budget.(is it worth spending 35K for iphone 4?)

Sony Ericsson is also launching its Arc(costs around 28-30K) & Neo(costs around 25K) within a month or so.

I can also get Dell Streak for 400 US$ from US but will have to wait for 1-2months for that.

I need ur suggestions guys...
What should I do??Which phone should I get?
please suggest me from the above mention mobiles only(as I don't like LG,samsung or nokia phones)


1. An iPhone 4 is worth spending.
2. Both the SE phones are currently overpriced.
3. HTC Incredible S is on pre-order at for 27k. Its price should come down after its launch in last week of this month.
4. Dell Streak is huge enough to make it difficult to carry.


In the zone
I voted iPhone 4, because at Rs 32k, (if you manage to get it), it won't be that overpriced.
And I still think overall, Android lacks the polish of iOS.Now, that all of its major competitors have got hardware acceleration, I am hoping that, the next version of Android will bring a major upgrade, and provide support H/W acceleration in UI and browser especially.

I am not sure, whether the phones listed above will be getting upgraded to the that version of Android (that hypothetical version) even months after the release.

Having said that, now that the iPhone 5 is around the corner, with lots of dual core phones with 2.3/2.4 Android phones to come, the price of these phones are bound to go even lower, and iPhone 4 might feel a bit too expensive a purchase.

Of the Android phones listed, Incredible S seems to be the best option (hopefully with a price drop to Rs 25k soon ;) )


Believe Me or Not!!!
I always consider apple products to be on expensive side.
My choice - HTC Incredible S, but I suggest you to wait for its review (as according to some sources, second generation snapdragon processors aren't impressive)


Gadget gyan dispenser
There is no best smartphone according to me and there will never be because newer models fly off at a very high pace......and dumb people tend to buy a new one everytime one comes out...(thx for bringing the prices down :)) )
Also as the platforms are different really even the same H/W gives different results....Android and iOS and Win7 are not comparable if you don;t consider usage....which obviously none here have considered....becoz-

Mostly people tend to judge wrt either Software Or H/ one thinks of usage.....Remember definiton of a Smartphone..what you are discussing is a shiny toy not a smartphone.....
For many even a Nokia 1100 is a smartphone if you get me.....not every body needs to spend aka DUMP 20-30k on a damn phone...get over it guys.... :p

p>S:Sorry if this hurts someone or shatters some dreams of the so called geeks pun intended



^^ I didn't get that. Do you mean that people should not buy expensive phones even if they can afford one ? Then you are either a cheapskate or jealous.


Gadget gyan dispenser
[M happy you have enough money most don't and overspend because of the like of many of us here.....]
No by all means get all you want if you have money.....but consider this
Ask you relly need you really need to spend that much[other mobiles that are not so expensive can get the same work done].....Is it your need ot do you want to buy just coz it's the latest and every other geek has one?

ex..first HTC DESIRE...hey no now galaxy S with a flashy AMOLED no now Incredible S ...and yes this list is never ending becoz people don't understand this is a marketing gimmick for companies to earn...this is not a daily need companies making these shiny toys have to do this and fool people if i may say so .....

If one asks these ques sure 50% would opt for much decently priced phones and phone companies will stop making a killing by launching a new product...especially in india where most high end buyers are not professionals but young college guys or those who have just started their carriers.....

out of the rest 50% ...most don;t know why they are buying this..just coz everybody everywhere says this is the best in the market and those with money to dump/fanboys/geeks/or those who have not earned some of it themselves....
So out of the total only 1%[not a fact ] are those who actually need it and use it to the fullest.....I hope you are among them...coz definitly everybody here has enough money including me..... :))

p>S was not trying to be preachy......but this forum definitly needs this as there are other things to care about than smartphones NOM :)/....

So why i posted this here..simply because this needs to be acknowledged....and if one has enough money i urge you to give it to those who really need it more than u...[one can find many easily in india]..and buy what you relly need as WESTERN CONSUMERSIM WILL LEAD US NOWHERE....

One more reason i was urged to reply because most people refer from digit forums for their purchases and read the threads.....those who are not so into it don;t comment but they are surely influenced by threads like this[maybe this is what is called MARKETING]....

Somebody with less info might overspend by viewing these polls...

p>S:Maybe there should be a sticky for telling readers that there are other options coz most don't post .....just browse...comments/reading ratio <.2 in here or for any other forum.....


Believe Me or Not!!!
^^^ huh???
Buddy, it would have been better if you have posted something helpful.
It's OP's desicion to buy a high-end device, we are here to suggest him the best he can buy in his budget. Simple isn't it? :-| So, try to make your posts useful.

check out LG Optimus X2

Optimus 2X costs around $800, thats around 35-38k


Peak Oil is real!
ex..first HTC DESIRE...hey no now galaxy S with a flashy AMOLED no now Incredible S ...and yes this list is never ending becoz people don't understand this is a marketing gimmick for companies to earn...this is not a daily need companies making these shiny toys have to do this and fool people if i may say so .....

These are seriously good devices. HTC Desire, SGS, Incredible S... these are computers in your pocket.

Yes, these are toys also. Sometimes I wonder if I should really get a high-end phone, or a mid-range android+tablet combination.

Some men are into cars, some into watches... I like tech...

So why i posted this here..simply because this needs to be acknowledged....and if one has enough money i urge you to give it to those who really need it more than u...[one can find many easily in india]..and buy what you relly need as WESTERN CONSUMERSIM WILL LEAD US NOWHERE....

COMMIE!!! How much will you give? It will never be enough...

p>S:Maybe there should be a sticky for telling readers that there are other options coz most don't post .....just browse...comments/reading ratio <.2 in here or for any other forum.....

Most Digiters buy midrange phones... 10k to 20k is the norm here...


In the zone
You do realise that what you preach applies to almost anything? For eg. why buy a new house, isn't your old 2 bhk flat/apartment enough? Why buy a new TV, isn't your old black and white tv (extreme, then let's change it to 11-channel 21" TV) serve your purpose..

And if you think in the extreme, then a simple Nokia 1100, would serve everyone's purpose, unless your business/line of work requires a more capable phone.


Gadget gyan dispenser
Yes maybe i was to general in my comments....this was so as not to point though...
@Android fan
i agree....and same here ....i am guessing you might be having a device which you bought for it's usage to you... maybe a galaxy3/O1 or maybe a wildfire even

From the OP i got the idea that the person is interested in buying new toys....maybe not...
If he was looking to get a device which will support his usage/lifestyle then maybe the ques/post would have been different....
Altohugh i know we are here to ans what is asked but i think i am right i doing there is no following of rules these days (refer end of msg)

With asking which devices ..there is no mention of other details even requirements...
"Now guys please suggest me which one should I buy and why"
without any req how can one suggest,still our experts have suggested..well who gives a damn...

No mention of h/w software req ...any previous OS's or smartphones used etc.....So i assume this guy is not into tech but just want for the heck of it coz he has some extra cash to burn
"Seriously i APPLE IPHONE4"..
now one will say it is a great device blah blah blah...but look at the price point...also no warranty in is not meant for india wlse it would have been available here...
One will agree a superb phone for 60k is no good as it is not a real world option....i think same is the case for Iphone4 in india.....but yes people still buy it.....

Also many are talking about buying high end smartphones....let me tell you points to note
On the h/w front:
.3g has just arrived into india....just launched by private players that is(which comes to be 10p/10kb i.e 10k for 1gb get it....)..
BSNL plans are the cheapest many are using since last year i know ....

..these phones are made for heavy data usage market where speeds touch 7.2mb to 20mbps(3.5g verizon) ..not for indian networks...

On the s/w front:
.iOS was not meant for india......indian consumers were not kept in mind before creating any apps or features.....all apss are based for US market....

..Android ...till few months back one was not able to download paid apps from market let alone sell some indian apps.....

..Wiin7 ...a smartphone which does not have copy paste come zune pass/xbox live etc

NOW why does one get a smartphone if one cannot use the features simple ....follow the trend and that is what @OP post is displaying....
Just becoz someone in US reviews it other buy it...not neccessary we need it here...

Also one does not need these high speed's in india as most users don;t use mobiles for heavy downloads.....except the 1% who know and use tethering on their phones ....that is my point and i rest my case....

HOPE OP gets what u really requirements...then get suggestions about which range, in this forum it is other way could get better advice i said it
as "(as I don't like LG,samsung or nokia phones)" sounds NOOB


1. Budget?
2. Display type and size?
3. Form Factor? bar, slider, flip?
4. Preferred choice of brand?
5. Preferred input method (QWERTY, touchscreen, numpad, touch-n-type).
6. What camera option you want? Please specify need for flash, autofocus, front facing camera.
7. Preferred operating system? (Android, Symbian, iOS, Windows Phone etc).
8. Preferred connectivity options (3G, Wifi etc)Please specify clearly.
9. Preferred applications (Flash, Swype, GPS, etc)?
10. Primary use of handset (multimedia, camera, mails, internet, gaming etc)?
11. Any specific mobile phones in consideration?
12. Any other info that you want to share
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It is not like I am not into tech and I am buying it just to burn cash..I am a gadget lover thats it,it is really hard for me to spend such a big amount(25-30k) on a mobile but still I m doing because some people like cars,watches etc but I like gadgets i.e. mobiles,laptops etc.

BTW currently I am using an HTC touch with Windows mobile 6.1 version from almost 1.5-2yrs n I have got bored from it so I am planning to by a new one.

So if you want my requirements then here are they:
1. Budget- 25-30k
2. Display type and size-a minimum of 3.5" screen or more
3. Form Factor-bar(touchscreen)
4. Preferred choice of brand-apple n HTC
5. Preferred input method-touch
6. What camera option I want-A minimum of 5MP camera or more and a front facing camera would be nice
7. Preferred operating system-Android or iOS
8. Preferred connectivity options-3G as well as Wifi
9. Preferred applications-GPS and all the basic applications like adobe reader,MS office applications etc
10. Primary use of handset-listening music,click some nice photos as I can't carry my camera everytime, checking mails, surfing the internet (n playing games sometimes)
11. Any specific mobile phones in consideration?-its already written above
12. hardware specs-atleast 1Ghz processor and atleast 512mb of ram


Gadget gyan dispenser
Now we are talking....hmm let me see from your stated req i want to clear somethings

So if you want my requirements then here are they:
1. Budget- 25-30k...
Ok ur choice but wait
2. Display type and size-a minimum of 3.5" screen or more
get it
3. Form Factor-bar(touchscreen)
4. Preferred choice of brand-apple n HTC
5. Preferred input method-touch
ok...priorty 1...
6. What camera option I want-A minimum of 5MP camera or more and a front facing camera would be nice
this is a major req....
7. Preferred operating system-Android or iOS
iOS has only one option right now as you might be knowing....
8. Preferred connectivity options-3G as well as Wifi
got it
9. Preferred applications-GPS and all the basic applications like adobe reader,MS office applications etc
ok basic for all phone s above >10k
10. Primary use of handset-listening music,click some nice photos as I can't carry my camera everytime, checking mails, surfing the internet (n playing games sometimes)
Galaxy3,O1 or ACE can do it good....i.e if gaming sometimes
11. Any specific mobile phones in consideration?-its already written above

12. hardware specs-atleast 1Ghz processor and atleast 512mb of ram
why this for your requirements .......600-800Mhz is okay....

WHAT I GET ur req is:
- Camera >5mp....and front facing preffered
-Primary use of handset-listening music,click some nice photos as I can't carry my camera everytime, checking mails, surfing the internet (n playing games sometimes)

Budget of 25-30k not req.......
FOR your Priority 1 and primary usage any android phone from O1(3.2") can do...if you want that extra .3" .... galaxy ACE is good(i.e if your drop the brand cliche....) to be on the safe side....
According to me get a IDEOS X6 or Olive smart 300 (indian name maybe too risjy for u) when it launches....comaparable to Galaxy SL if price is b/w this for the use of it...a no no if u want to show off ur new device to it is a block evne uglier than the SL.. :(

Reagarding camera i agree lower end phones do not have a decent option so we are above >13k now..
ACE has a 5MP camera which satisfies ur has LED flash also which tops ur req...but i would recommend no phone is a substitue for a DLSR(joke) or even a decent digicam..except if you go for N8 or any good SE phone..which is not in ur brand list if you want decent pics hold on...

SL and X6 have 5mp....but a front cam also..... with this u get ur proccy ram combo though :)

Now all you require is available withing 15k ....why spend more instead buy ACE and save some to get a good digicam like a NikonP series one.......or for higher go for X6 or SL....

That is not all...there is no mention to be able to use some great ROM... so why iOS or Android dont's know....this is where the hype comes in when looking into higher budgets....
1GHZ proccy and 512mb ram are just the config for the phones u mentioned earlier.....acc to ur usage you don;t need it..
Just becoz Nokia is not the norm these days among the tech community does not mean they do not deliver.....
For your req even nokia has some options will get a good build quality with good h/w and ruggedness if u want .......

NOW that you haev stated clearly people here can really help you getting a device which suits your req

p>S :Don't decide on a budget and then look into devices...first get ur usage and then decide on a price.. :) ..hope i was able to help... intention was to do the same....

On giving it another thought maybe u will not take my advise as ur brand not being present...
HTC DESIRE .... get it for 19.k from letsbuy(not sure but here is the cheapest price :)) don;t spend extra on HD/Incredible S .....not worth it now that dual core phones are coming like galaxy S2 and Optimus 2x...and yes not from HTC
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Buddy I already own a digicam.
And I have already mentioned that I don't like Samsung phones so I m not going to buy Ace.
And I have already said that I want a front facing camera,but desire doesnt have that tough it is a good phone but please suggest me from the above mentioned phones....


I too cannot afford such phones. I use a 4k phone.

Now coming back to your posts, there are people who use their phone to the fullest & there are people who buy expensive phone just for showoff. By reading the queries, it is almost impossible to guess which type the person is. So we stick to what we do the best, suggest him the best phone possible in his budget.

This is a tech forum & most of the queries are from people who want to get the fullest out of every penny they spend. Any user who just wants a showoff will rather visit a showroom & buy the most shiny-looking phone available there. They won't ask it here.

Sometimes we do get people who ask us about buying substandard or outdated phones. When we reply with something better, they just keep on ranting about the same phones. Those guys just need a showoff & will pick something like the Xperia X10, HTC Wildfire or even the N8 which are not worth the money.

If you want, you can continue your discussion here:

Please don't crap this thread.


If you want the Incredible S, I'll recommend that the proper reviews are out before you buy the phone. It does not make sense to hurry now.

If you can survive the closed ecosystem of Apple (& iTunes), then look no further, get the iPhone 4, possibly from Hong-Kong.

The SE phones are overpriced so wait for their release so that the prices comes down to acceptable levels.


Techie By Heart

If you want the Incredible S, I'll recommend that the proper reviews are out before you buy the phone. It does not make sense to hurry now.

If you can survive the closed ecosystem of Apple (& iTunes), then look no further, get the iPhone 4, possibly from Hong-Kong.

The SE phones are overpriced so wait for their release so that the prices comes down to acceptable levels.

no point going for iPhone 4 as whats going on the net is that iPhone 5 is going to be released in June & plus iPhone 4 is plagued with lots of probs so its not worth it! Also Android is taking over the market now!!!


Gadget gyan dispenser
there are many options even for 4k and you can do almost everything..that the OP wants to do..... get a USED...HTC g1...if you look hard enough....
IT is not about money so leave it there..

No i am not trying to crap this thread...
Also right not buying HTC Dersire HD/Iphone4/incredible S is of no use.....
Soon dual core phones with 10x faster GPU like Nvidia's tegra 2 will hit the market around june and will be priced @30k for now then 26-27k later....

Basically this is not a good time for a high end buyer..... :)
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