has anybody got $$ from adsense of google?

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Just Do It
sunnydiv said:
navjot the topic of the website if also very important, just like a

website about
making money online
credit repair

will make more money than

website about

ngcoders said:
here are a few tricks

Specifically can u name a few that can be understood.


Broken In
The Incredible said:
i dont know how to promote it without using paid ads.

i posted it on many ad directories. i used 12dp hits andi amkes my site have abt 30 hits per day but no one visits it.

so i dont update nowadays. i now update after a week.
well, one good thing about blogs is that Google loves them since they are updated regularly. And there are blog search engines, besides Google, like Technorati, & ping services like *blo.gs, www.weblogs.com which you can notify whenever your blog is updated.

but the key is that you've to post regularly. how long ago did you start your blog? typically you shouldn't expect anything from a website for the first 6 months, that can be set lower for a blog, but I'd say you should give it sometime. and you shouldn't just sit back & relax in that time. you've to both promote & update the blog in that time. you can also tell your friends etc & they'll tell their friends etc. then you can put the link to your blog in your signature on forums you visit. the more you post(helpful posts, not 'hi, hello' posts), the more people will notice you & will visit the link in your signature.

The Incredible said:
yeah! but how will any1 visit my blog when he dot know abt it. howz any1 gonna get any link to my blog. why will any1 s gonna try my blog???
well, I don't wanna boast but you can take an example of my blog for that. when I started out last year in april, I just started blogging & pinging the ping services. blogging regularly brought me into Google for a lot of terms(if you check now, I'm 2nd most popular "amit gupta" in Google/Yahoo/MSN & 17th most popular "amit" in Google, 21st in Yahoo & 6th in MSN). And I got quite less traffic in first month, but then it started increasing & was above 50000/month in less than a year!! :) And to tell you the truth, I didn't do any promotion for my blog, I just blogged regularly & pinged the ping services, that's all.

People started finding my stuff useful, so they started subscribing to my RSS feeds & visiting my blog. same is with everyone!! you ask yourself, why would you visit a website or a blog regularly? because you find it useful or interesting!! same thing applies to your blog as well. why would anyone link to it? because you've something that other finds good.

the questions
The Incredible said:
howz any1 gonna get any link to my blog.
The Incredible said:
why will any1 s gonna try my blog???
are good but I think that you should ask them from yourself & you'll know the answer. apply them to yourself, why would you link to a blog if its not of a friend & not paying to link? why will you try a blog? & I think that when you answer them, you'll know what to do!! :)


Broken In
The Incredible said:
what is the use of pinging any blog. how does it helps???
shouldn't you start a new thread for it as its quite offtopic?
anyway, when you PING a blog, you let them know that you've blogged about the same thing as they had or you've linked to their post!! sort of like a communication tool between two or more blogs.


Broken In
Sourabh said:
I have 34 $ in my account, i m on dialup so i refresh the pages 10 times, click on the ads once, again refresh a couple of times and meanwhile i get DC , then again login, NEW IP the loop continues

and 30+ $ in 1 months

Unlimited dialup surely pays off :p

rite now i m bugged of clicking on my own ads so taking a break
these things dont work.. my friend lost out on 200 dollars and his account as well to same thing... dialup.. new IP.. repeated clicks.. BEWARE.. GOGLE IS NOT A FOOL :roll:


Just Do It
meet_raman said:
Sourabh said:
I have 34 $ in my account, i m on dialup so i refresh the pages 10 times, click on the ads once, again refresh a couple of times and meanwhile i get DC , then again login, NEW IP the loop continues

and 30+ $ in 1 months

Unlimited dialup surely pays off :p

rite now i m bugged of clicking on my own ads so taking a break
these things dont work.. my friend lost out on 200 dollars and his account as well to same thing... dialup.. new IP.. repeated clicks.. BEWARE.. GOGLE IS NOT A FOOL :roll:

Lol, exactly meet raman. :)

Anybody who tries this sort of stuff will directly be given a KICK in the BACKSIDE. The service will be disabled imdtly if GOOGLE finds out.

The Incredible

Ambassador of Buzz
my blog is having public service ads from last few days. i cant understand why?? i have even sent them an e-mail but not yet got any reply. two days have past when i mailed them. i visited their support page too but there is nothing such reasong for showing those ads.


Broken In
The Incredible said:
my blog is having public service ads from last few days. i cant understand why?? i have even sent them an e-mail but not yet got any reply. two days have past when i mailed them. i visited their support page too but there is nothing such reasong for showing those ads.
if possible include more LINKS in your blog.. these could be links to anything.. like if you blog about hurricane.. give a link top definition of hurricane with HURRICANE itself as anchor word.. at any given time if you have more than 4-5 links on the page.. google adsense's technology CANT ignore them..

worked for me ;)

try and respond... i am curious for u :p


igeek said:
The Incredible said:
i dont know how to promote it without using paid ads.

i posted it on many ad directories. i used 12dp hits andi amkes my site have abt 30 hits per day but no one visits it.

so i dont update nowadays. i now update after a week.
well, one good thing about blogs is that Google loves them since they are updated regularly. And there are blog search engines, besides Google, like Technorati, & ping services like *blo.gs, www.weblogs.com which you can notify whenever your blog is updated.

but the key is that you've to post regularly. how long ago did you start your blog? typically you shouldn't expect anything from a website for the first 6 months, that can be set lower for a blog, but I'd say you should give it sometime. and you shouldn't just sit back & relax in that time. you've to both promote & update the blog in that time. you can also tell your friends etc & they'll tell their friends etc. then you can put the link to your blog in your signature on forums you visit. the more you post(helpful posts, not 'hi, hello' posts), the more people will notice you & will visit the link in your signature.

The Incredible said:
yeah! but how will any1 visit my blog when he dot know abt it. howz any1 gonna get any link to my blog. why will any1 s gonna try my blog???
well, I don't wanna boast but you can take an example of my blog for that. when I started out last year in april, I just started blogging & pinging the ping services. blogging regularly brought me into Google for a lot of terms(if you check now, I'm 2nd most popular "amit gupta" in Google/Yahoo/MSN & 17th most popular "amit" in Google, 21st in Yahoo & 6th in MSN). And I got quite less traffic in first month, but then it started increasing & was above 50000/month in less than a year!! :) And to tell you the truth, I didn't do any promotion for my blog, I just blogged regularly & pinged the ping services, that's all.

People started finding my stuff useful, so they started subscribing to my RSS feeds & visiting my blog. same is with everyone!! you ask yourself, why would you visit a website or a blog regularly? because you find it useful or interesting!! same thing applies to your blog as well. why would anyone link to it? because you've something that other finds good.

the questions
The Incredible said:
howz any1 gonna get any link to my blog.
The Incredible said:
why will any1 s gonna try my blog???
are good but I think that you should ask them from yourself & you'll know the answer. apply them to yourself, why would you link to a blog if its not of a friend & not paying to link? why will you try a blog? & I think that when you answer them, you'll know what to do!! :)

igeek please explain again what you have written and how do you check your rank in google,msn etc.


cyberia.in said:
Placement is very, very important. I went from almost nothing to a few bucks a day these days just because of re-placing the ads. Hope it continues and get better ! :D

How much have ypu earned and in how many days?


The Photoshop Guy
To earn good adsense you need to experiment a lot.
Here are some tweaks that you can do adn i bet it will surely improve the click rate!

1) If the site is content rich (meaning more contents than images) try to blend the ads with the layout means try to match the background colour of ad with the layout!
2) If your site has more images like less content try to use contrast colours. This will catch the attention of the users.
3) Placement of ad is very very important!
4) Content is king try to include some high paying keywords also use them efficiently don't over do it!

5) Do use multiple ads as google allows to have 3 ad units on the same page.
6) Also use the new link units they get some clicks ;)

At the end of the day it is the visitors. i.e. visitors = clicks = rokda ;)

All these tips are from my experience well as far as my earning goes it is around 1xx$ per month.

..:: peace ::..

Generic Superhero

Google Pagerank

well lemme answer for him... his site his www.cooljeba.com and blog -- www.cooljeba.com/blog

igeek said:
well, I don't wanna boast but you can take an example of my blog for that. when I started out last year in april, I just started blogging & pinging the ping services. blogging regularly brought me into Google for a lot of terms(if you check now, I'm 2nd most popular "amit gupta" in Google/Yahoo/MSN & 17th most popular "amit" in Google, 21st in Yahoo & 6th in MSN).

i am the most popular generic superhero in google :D


Broken In
cybermanas said:
igeek please explain again what you have written and how do you check your rank in google,msn etc.
well, the URL of my blog is in my signature & you can see there what I've written. I blog about any industry specific news that has any effects on web-development & other stuff related to web-development & designing as well, & some rants on whatever I like/dislike on internet etc.

checking rank in Google etc isn't rocket science!! just search for a keyword/key-phrase & the number at which your site comes up is your rank for that keyword/key-phrase in that search engine!! :)

Generic Superhero said:
i am the most popular generic superhero in google :D
that's cool, but I was just giving an example!! what actually matters is how often the keyword/key-phrase, that you rank well for, is saerched. If its not a popular one, then you may rank #1 for it, it won't do you any good, while if its a frequently searched one, then even a #10 ranking will do you a lot of good!! :)

And I think that being 17th in 8million+ results is a bigger feat than #1 in less than a million results!! ;)

Generic Superhero

'zactly dude..
when i will get top ranks on searching on topics --that i blog about-- then only i can rejoice
after all, who is actually botherin to search in my name? :roll:
anyway.. just tried 2 share my xcitement... :)


Broken In
Generic Superhero said:
after all, who is actually botherin to search in my name? :roll:
yeah well, sometimes people do search for them, & then its a consolation, we are #1 in atleast something!! ;) Like I'm #1 in Google for "syntax hiliter" & #6 for "syntax highlighter"!! strange how just a few letter placements can dramatically change your rankings!! ;)

Generic Superhero said:
anyway.. just tried 2 share my xcitement... :)
yeah I understand!! when I became #1 in Google for "amit gupta", I was over the moon!! :lol: Then I thought that I should try for the top spot for "amit" which is quite harder since a lot of people have that name. ;) as you can see with the difference between number of results for both "amit gupta" & "amit".

PS: now I think that we should stop this offtopic chatter before a mod gets annoyed!! ;)


Cyborg Agent
Oh man like some ppl here i also tried the trick of dial up. I got 28$ in one month. But one day i got mail - You r rejected.Lol. So don't try this.


Just Do It
chirag said:
Oh man like some ppl here i also tried the trick of dial up. I got 28$ in one month. But one day i got mail - You r rejected.Lol. So don't try this.

Once ur rejected , u dont recv the $$$ also. All lost.....
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