LOL what happened to this line
You flew back seeing some farvoable wind from Incinerator. but do not stretch your wings & let me clear the Fog.
My recommendation was base on the fact that op's has listen to skull candy and Denon which has a more quanity of bass with better extention would be much better for an asking price of 1.5k. Op's had already mensioned that he like to listen to electronic music such as dubstep & bollywood msuic. Denon would work best with both of them. B/c of the sound signature it has. If you listen to dubstep it usually filled with patches low notes & mid range. To comform my theory i went to youtube and listen to Loefah - Root
While keeping my Asus DG audio Centre side by side to see the frequency jump as soon as the vocals ended it became clear that the entire song shifted to one side. The rhyming sub-bass was shouldered by the mid-bass which gave the song the rhyme & excitement that it had there where spike of treble here & there but rarely it changed any thing in this song the mids or vocals where more pormonent here than the high notes. An Ideal IEM would enhance these low notes of the music keeping the treble in check. What E10 would do here is enhance the bass which is already there that it get un-controlled or out of focus & at the same time enhance the treble also which will eat up the mid range or vocals so when there is a drop in the song you would not be able to hear the small things towards the ending or the starting after the drop. The same goes for the vocal dubstep. Denon which as mid bass enhancement would enhance mid bass with little spike in mid range the vocals of Bollywood & vocal deb step would have that spike that E10 would not be able to deliver & laid back treble of Denon would mean long listen session with out fractioning your ear drums.
You make it sound like it was a personal war between the two of us, and we had to prove something to each other. You kept pointing to one rather undemanding review and kept pointing to the specifications to justify the sound. After my mishap buying the XB90EX, I'd not go by any specifications on the matter of sound. If it makes you feel any calmer, I was only questioning the logic of arriving at your conclusion and not your brains.
I will order a Denon myself now, 1.5k cant hurt much, once I come back after the holidays (If its indeed as smooth as described here, I'd love it. Currently my go-to IEM is a PL50 and while its great, the relative lack of bass volume displeases me a bit).
Btw, Pro-FX site doesnt seem to have a online ordering page...
@yashxxx : I'd be skeptical buying from that (Zansar) site, if its a first time. I have never heard of them before snd they dont seem to have COD.