I am not an Owl
Checking e-commerce sites for product review is not a sensible move in understanding what one requires & what the guy who wrote the review meant.
What op asked is a bass heavy IEM not a V-shaped sound signature IEM ........
Amazon ratings are far more accurate than say, Flipkart ratings. And I personally own the E10, so I know how good they are. Their only weakness is the slightly loose/fluffy bass, but then I didnt find its bass loose until I compared them to say, a Grado SR60i or the Signature acoustics C-12 (2.7k). In fact the E10s hold very well even against the Sony MDR-XB90EX (4k) - and thats decidedly a bass heavy IEM.
I wouldnt call the E10 bass light by any stretch. Moreover the E10 responds nicely to equalizer settings.
And since OP wants a bassy IEM I dont see why the E10 is not a good choice amongst IEMs.
Regarding the bass quality of the E10, I can only compare it to the ones I own. Disregarding price and form factor -
Grado SR60i > C-12 > XB90EX > E10 > PL50
overall sound (with no equalizer tinkering)
Grado SR60i > PL50 > C-12 > E10 > XB90EX
E10 > Grado SR60i > PL50 = C-12 > XB90EX
Also, how do you like your bass - powerful but controlled or just all out bass volume ?
A sample song link on youtube would be helpful...