Graphics Cards related queries here.


In the zone
i had no idea about which psu to purchase 2yrs back.........i had done a major upgrade of my rig and the vendor fixed that psu for my pc......

@sam, do you mean to say that psu may have caused the gpu to break early? b'coz my pc temps are pretty ok...

@guru-urug: Checked it on friends pc, same problem.....


^ try getting another PSU from your friend & verify your GPU. May be the PSU is the culprit or the other way around.


In the zone
i won't be able to do that, since y'day my pc is running with no problem ever since i removed my GPU...
I really want to know two things:
1.Do i need to upgrade my PSU? and what shall be the cost for a psu with higher wattage

2.Which gpu will fit my budget for btw 5-7k keeping in mind requirement of pc games...


^ your PC is running fine, either because your PSU is not loaded with the GPU or as you told GPU is fault.

Regarding buying new PSU, i would suggest grab a Second Hand Corsair VX450, which someone is selling in the bazaar section. [It was priced some 2.5k, which is completely justified.]

Next for GPU, you can sell your existing GPU, if its working fine with the new PSU. Then your overall budget for GPU will increase to 9k atleast.

Simply buy HD6850 at 9k & you are good to go for next couple of years without any hickups.


In the zone
^ your PC is running fine, either because your PSU is not loaded with the GPU or as you told GPU is fault.

Regarding buying new PSU, i would suggest grab a Second Hand Corsair VX450, which someone is selling in the bazaar section. [It was priced some 2.5k, which is completely justified.]

Next for GPU, you can sell your existing GPU, if its working fine with the new PSU. Then your overall budget for GPU will increase to 9k atleast.

Simply buy HD6850 at 9k & you are good to go for next couple of years without any hickups.
no my budget is limited to mainly 6k and i will go for a 7k one if its really worth paying extra 1k...
the reason why i asked for psu, is that i don't want another gpu to get dead in less than 2yrs...

i will go for a new psu with higher wattage, only if its needed....


Human Spambot
@kapilove77, congrats..

i will go for a new psu with higher wattage, only if its needed....

Higher wattage is not the need.. But build quality n efficiency...

My suggestion would be the same,
Regarding buying new PSU, i would suggest grab a Second Hand Corsair VX450, which someone is selling in the bazaar section. [It was priced some 2.5k, which is completely justified.]


no my budget is limited to mainly 6k and i will go for a 7k one if its really worth paying extra 1k...
the reason why i asked for psu, is that i don't want another gpu to get dead in less than 2yrs...

i will go for a new psu with higher wattage, only if its needed....

The PSU "Coolmasters RS-350" is a complete CRAP.....Yes, you heard the correct thing.

Now just for running a PC without any GPU on it, that PSU will be more than Sufficient, but not for the way you have abused.

Do as i & Megamind has Suggested. Its the cheapest way of expenditure for you now.

Rest is all upto you.


Yes its 2 gb version :). I am having 1 problem with hdmi i can't see full desktop. Its cutting from edges for like 2-3 inch but with dvi i m getting full what's the problem ? i updated to 11.11 driver already!
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Right off the assembly line
Hi everybody,

First, specs of my computer:
nVidia GeForce 9600 GT Graphic Card
Intel Core-2-Duo Processor
Cooler Master 500W S.M.P.S

Now, My problem is that, when i start my computer, it all works fine, but when i run a game, many Blue/Red Dots appear on my screen and my computer suddenly becomes unresponsive and i have to restart my computer manually. It all started a week ago when i started to play a game which i played often.

I am not able to run any game or an HD video. I searched it on the internet and found this information:
> It can be due to high temperature inside the CPU. So i installed a software which tells the inside temperature. I noted that the temperature remains around 60 Degree Celsius.
> Someone told me that it can be an indication that my graphic card is going to die. I bought it in April 2009. And it is still in warranty.
> It can be due to dust and dirt inside the CPU. So i cleaned all the dust but all in vain.
> I scanned my PC but nothing came out.

This is all i found. Now you are my last hope, please help me and tell me whats the problem and a possible solution. Do i have to buy a new graphic card?

Please help me..
Thank You


Super Moderator
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This card, good for HTPC???

Sapphire HD6670 Low Profile Graphics Card Review - Introduction


Retired Forum Mod
I am not able to run any game or an HD video. I searched it on the internet and found this information:
> It can be due to high temperature inside the CPU. So i installed a software which tells the inside temperature. I noted that the temperature remains around 60 Degree Celsius.
> Someone told me that it can be an indication that my graphic card is going to die. I bought it in April 2009. And it is still in warranty.
> It can be due to dust and dirt inside the CPU. So i cleaned all the dust but all in vain.
> I scanned my PC but nothing came out.

90% chance is the one i marked.

Cause of problem:
1. overheating due to dust.
2. overheating due to faulty fan or loose HSF.
3. GPU not receiving enough power from that crap PSU.
4. you stretched the GPU by benchmarking it a lot.

This is all i found. Now you are my last hope, please help me and tell me whats the problem and a possible solution. Do i have to buy a new graphic card?

send it for RMA but before that try to test it in another PC. clean the PCIe slot & try. install latest drivers. try other games. light games or try the one thats giving problem at lowest settings. test the temperature. if nothing works, its RMA time.

BTW which brand?

This card, good for HTPC???

Sapphire HD6670 Low Profile Graphics Card Review - Introduction

if you game, then the small fan may need to spin a lot/fast & that "may" create an audible sound. also these low profile cards are hard to find & usually cost more than the normal version. else look for some other lowend cards.
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