Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.
That's something looking near to the point.....
GTA4 was a console game...
well this brings me a new question... whats difference between decoding and processing game codes in consoles and in PC?????

Hey sorry for my innocence, but whats that BC2...(i know about metro 2033)
It is highly different, cause the console hardware architecture is different to a PCs. So the way the game is coded (read hardware it can utilize efficiently is different). Usually a development studio write separate code for each flavor: PC/Xbox/PS3. But to save money they just PORT the code from the native code they initially wrote. This way the textures are bad, and the controls, and PoV is not that good. The RE series were famous for this. It usually is apparent in TPS (Dead Space).
BC2 is Battlefield : Bad Company 2. An excellent shooter released by EA. Highly on the line of COD : MW I, II.
I have installed Crysis today, I will be playing it. Still trying to figure out the controls. The graphics are miles ahead of MASS EFFECT
Mind you, this game was released in November 2007, and still no other game is even close to it. Totally destructible environments, real time of day, occlusion mapping, parallax occlusion to name a few affects are available. Crytek is way way ahead in gaming.
I have Warhead screenshots, but will not steal the thunder from you. Download FRAPS, this lets you take screenshots via a hot-key while playing. Post them, we are all waiting..........!