Got mafia workin Just renamed the DVD as MAFIA_DVD__
Completed Half Life 2.
Now playing:
Condemned: Criminal Origins [PC]
Will be getting my Crysis Warhead copy by tomorrow & hopefully Pure too.Time to get back to some real action.![]()
if your game is original, then ask EAJust got Warhead & guess what my worst nightmare has come true.The f*cking game is stuttering like hell.Even cut scenes seems to share this issue.Don't understand what optimisations have been done but I'm really disappointed.
The original Crysis ran far better than this.Though it gives me 45-54 Fps with Gamer setting the stuttering is just making it more & more annoying.Before anyone asks I already updated the drivers to Catalyst 8.9 but the issue still persists.
Any solution?
Completed Condemned Criminal Origins.Excellent game & awesome ending.God wish the sequel had come out on PC.
Will be trying some mods out on Crysis Warhead to see if the sound loop stuttering can be rectified.![]()
I would rate it on par with Doom 3 in terms of scary factor but not with F.E.A.R.To be honest there weren't many moments in F.E.A.R which actually spooked me out totally but in Condemned the locations & sounds were so freaking scary that I had to remove the headphones out for a while & catch a deep breath.Some levels like the Subway tunnels & the Metro City Library were really scary.Each corner had some strange surprise.^Is Condemned Criminal Origins scarier than Doom 3 and FEAR?![]()