Split Second is turning out to be a hell lot of fun. However, the useless motin blur while drifting or when too many cars are around is annoying. Another irritant is the AI. I am on Episode 5 now, playing the elite race. There are these two AI guys called Raptor and Vixen. No matter how hard I try, I just can't get close to them. I have played that race at least 20 times now, just to try for numero uno position.
Once, I got really close to them, like about 2 seconds off them. Then I drove around a curve and they are gone! Poof! How the hell does that happen? No matter how many times I blow up the others, they are always less than 2 seconds behind me. AI is really bad here. I mean, I understand that the game won't be as much fun if you did not have someone ahead of you to blow up, but this is a little too much. The car you have doesn't matter, there is not much of a difference in the handling of any car. Also, lack of a nitrous boost makes getting away from split second opponents difficult (of course Black Rock wants you to blow them up). All the hardwork done for going ahead is negated by crappy AI, who will always catch up!
That being said, this game is a lot of fun. Destruction of environment and as a result the cars has never been so much fun (not even in Demolition Racer
