My left hand is pretty useless now. Almost broke it. Story is: was pretty agitated today, so installed Street Fighter IV. Couldn't get past level 4 with Ryu, was no good with other characters. In the process, almost broke my keyboard too. I have no clue how I managed to do the ultra combo about 6 times. Buttons mashed, fingers too. Very tough game for me, even at easy difficulty. Uninstalling.
Don't haste. I was like that in tekken in my first session. I chose King and it almost took me 2 hours to complete 10 fights. Just go to practice mode, see the command buttons, practice those commands for 30mins, then see the difference. Street Fighter is a brilliant game.. but i haven't got hang of it yet.. coz, of the tekken, when ever i play a arcade fighter, weather it is completely defensive games like Viruta Fighter and Stance Shifting games like SoulCalibur.. i don't feel them as engaging as tekken even though they are.
Time is all you need. And don't mash the buttons. It is not that kind of game. Give Tekken, SoulCalibur to any noob and some times they will make the average players cry. Thanks to button mashing. The Strategy of them is.. Mash the buttons, hope for the best.
Street Fighter, Virtua Fighter are kinda different. Getting hang of few comobs is a must to survive. Button mashing is not going to take you any where.