Call me D_J!
^^ I am just hoping that whatever MHG told comes true!!
Disc_junkie for PM...*s269.photobucket.com/albums/jj44/visio159/Unismilies/28.pngI think the admins want to surprise us suddenly with everything fixed lol!!
he is not 35 yet.Disc_junkie for PM...*s269.photobucket.com/albums/jj44/visio159/Unismilies/28.png
Disc_junkie for PM...*s269.photobucket.com/albums/jj44/visio159/Unismilies/28.png
I cometh, frageth and kicketh ur ã$$ë$
I cometh, frageth and kicketh ur ã$$ë$
quote of a modern gamer Shakespear
Haha.. this is epic! Spam in this thread!!!!! lolz...*www.mastersmindtechnologies.com/worldwide