Dragon Age: Origins


Lol:-DWill see that after korkari wilds.

Have u played Witch Hunt? Tell me ur rating about it.


Living to Play
Kola2842 said:
Have u played Witch Hunt? Tell me ur rating about it.
Well that DLC is good but short. You can import your DAO character and play with him. You'll only get your trusty Dog as a companion from previous game with you. Game is good but just too easy. Maybe too easy for me because my character level was 23 and 3/4 bar full. But still much much easy. You are searching for Morrigan and discover that She is after something from elven history(Won't tell you its a spoiler :)) ) You go to about 4 places in this game. There is just one boss fight and thats way too easy I mean way too easy I never felt like its a boss fight. You have just one conversation with Morrigan when the DLC ends and that dialogue choice depends on your previous actions in the game. By the time I was getting used to the game DLC was complete already. Also it doesn't reveal a thing about Morrigan's plans for the baby and basically keep you in mystery> I thought that I will play with Morrigan for at least sometime. So you can say that it was a disappointment for me in story department but still good to play. Good time-pass for 2 hrs I'll say. I enjoyed it more than Leliana's Song at least because I was playing as me with all my abilities and all that. :)
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Back to school!!
One question guys, for those like me who had yet to play it, shouldn't there be a SPOILER warning???????


@gameranand i was hoping for an interesting story and also something :) with morrigan but only one conversation. Disappointing:-(

@tkin when u start ,look at above images. Hope he will meet u also:))


Back to school!!
@gameranand i was hoping for an interesting story and also something :) with morrigan but only one conversation. Disappointing:-(

@tkin when u start ,look at above images. Hope he will meet u also:))
No, actually I want to be surprised by it, thanks for suggesting though, I am done for today, I won't come online till tomorrow, now I am off to play crysis 2.


Living to Play
Well just completed Leliana's Song DLC. Here is some info about that
This DLC is pretty good IMO. Its better than Witch Hunt. Yeah I know I said before that Witch Hunt was better but maybe because that was easy for me. In this DLC you play as Leliana and witness the betrayal of Marjolaine her mentor. The story of this DLC is different from what you know from DAO vanilla version. I am not gonna spoil that for you. Many part that Leliana told us in DAO about her past were true but some were not. Its a pretty good DLC and has a nice ending. Here you'll come to know how she ended up in Chantry. You'll have 2 companions all the time not 3 unlike normal. Story is very good IMO and with a good moral. This will eat up about 2.5 hours of yours at best. Well I completed in 2 hrs so I guess more or less others will complete it in 2.5hrs. A real good DLC must play if you want the truth about Leliana. Witch hunt was a waste as it didn't delivered what it was supposed to do means Morrigan's Future.


if you are upto it try Golems of Amgarrak in hard difficulty(there's an achievement too)..final boss is tough like hell in hard difficulty!!


Living to Play
masterkd said:
if you are upto it try Golems of Amgarrak in hard difficulty(there's an achievement too)..final boss is tough like hell in hard difficulty!
Yup I know. I am gonna defeat that on hard difficulty to get that reward. :)


Living to Play
Piyush said:
what is this reward?
Its a weapon called
Its not great to have but it sells at a really high price I mean 452+ gold in Awekening and 339+ gold in Origins.. I think you get the idea how important this is. But the battle for this is hard like hell. I mean that harvester is one of the toughest enemy I have ever fought. I wasn't able to kill him on nighmare difficulty in previous play but I killed him on hard though. It would take a real good veteran team to kill that beast.


Living to Play
soumo27 said:
^^Well I saw your signature in DA:O loading screens
Yeah thats the main quote of Grey Wardens.
Kola2842 said:
@gameranand da-o sig:) but don't change Nero coz it looks good:)
I ain't gonna change Nero. He is my avatar for like 2 years everywhere be it FB, IGN, Gamespot or anything. If DA2 would have turned out very good I might had changed my avatar to Hawkes.


Living to Play
Dammit that Harvester is hard as hell on hard difficulty. Killed all my companios when his health was more than 75%. God knows how I am gonna kill that beast.
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