Dragon Age: Origins


Living to Play
masterkd said:
told ya..it'll suck all your juices before getting killed!!
Damn he don't look that strong but dammit his attacks kills my companions in just 2 blows. And killing him was not enough so we got darn skeletons.


^[Sarc]have you killed him once yet, if not then please don't open the next spoiler[/Sarc] :mrgreen:
After killing him for the first time, the small creature that went into him(shown in the cutscene before the boss fight will become alive and he's equally tough to kill!!


Living to Play
Yeah I have killed him once before on normal and I know that but that smaller creature is easier that big one because it don't give you devastating blows. But this fat one is like some kind of rock he just don't die. Have to be at my best to beat him. I'll use all my health poultices to kill him. Afterall rest game is easy as I rarely used health poultices in entire game. One more problem is that I have no ranged attack all are melee and don't have any nature slave to protect them from nature damage. This is my worst fight. I don't have good companions, no mage, no archer. Damn. I killed archdemon effortlessly but this one is tough specially at hard.


Cyborg Agent
Are your family members around you @ 3.00AM? Shouldn't they be, I dunno, sleeping?
(just kidding, no offense).

Playing game at night is fun, as everyone is sleeping and you feel part of the game world

and tht sex part is fo future only.. i dont know if i can reach that part very soon....


Cyborg Agent
At 3 AM and you were starting this! I'm having a feeling that you were only doing so to watch those scenes!! :lol: :rofl:
And regarding skipping you can always press ALT+TAB :p

I am working in a call center and my duty ends at 1:30 AM, by 3AM i m home and free, so only get time to play that time...........


Hi guys ! I have a confusion .....help me!
I started dao again with human warrior.
After Ostagar, went to Lothering and completed every quest of village.
Also in Lothering , i used chantry mother glich for morrigan approval.

After that i went to Circle of Magi , killed sloth demon and uldread and then sides with templars.
There i got Black Grimoire and in camp given to morrigan and then warmed her body. She is now 100(love)

now i wanna go for real grimoire quest.

confusion is that if i wil give her real grimoire will she break up.
I don't want any break up with her please show of the way.


Living to Play
No she won't break up with you. You can do the quest. In fact I broke up with her to be with Leliana and then completed the quest to gain her approval as friendly. :)):))


Cyborg Agent

I have just stated the game and completed the mission in kokari wilds....

now the quat mastr has the back pack, but it is too costly.. i do not have money to buy at thi momet. will it be availbel later if i come back to ostagar......


So u have missed one backpack.
Here are two , one before going korcari wilds and one after returning from quest.

Now go to the stairs near duncan's fire.
Head to left and go forward untill u meet a lady priest .see there for a silver boul, sell for money.

And then see previous page for my two picture post showing a prisoner .give him food he'll give a key,use it for chest and sell items. that will also give some money.

Also if u find white flower in wilds give it to master of sick dog and ask for money.


Cyborg Agent
before starting the mission, the trader did not had any backpck, it appeared only aftr the mission...

i did not asked for moey from the dog master as i tought i must earn some good repuation with him. this may help me in future...

also i have the pot but i think this may be use ful fo futue

is there aany way we can find what are useless thing and must be sold for money....


Lol...you didn't ask for money.ok he had said "you are very generous !":)
Well i bought two from him.

And sell weapons u have no use. U will find better further.

Take only one and sell extra wolf pelts coz u required one wolf pelt in bercilean forest side quest.

If u have steal skill start pick-pocket. U can steal a good belt from trader.

If u give food to prisoner(see previous page for map) he will give u a key. Another way to kill him and take key. Then open chest there r lot to sell.


Not spamming here..
DAO Ultimate Edition...with the DLC's and all @ 596 on flipkart...
Already placed the order...
also BFBC2 @370 only...:D


Living to Play
sumesara said:
now the quat mastr has the back pack, but it is too costly.. i do not have money to buy at thi momet. will it be availbel later if i come back to ostagar......
hmm.....you didn't had any items apart from your clothing to sell ??? You should even sell your secondary weapon as you'll get one in korcari wilds. Also just before meeting Duncan after korcari wilds strip down your companions naked by taking all the clothes and weapons, Sell to ostagar and buy a backpack. You know I actually sold all my inventory apart from my weapon and primary weapon to buy a backpack before korcari wild quest. You can do the same as the quest is quite easy.
You see I did this because these backbacks are dirt cheap as compared to others in the game and also there are two one before quest one after quest.

Reaper_vivek said:
Not spamming here..
DAO Ultimate Edition...with the DLC's and all @ 596 on flipkart...
Already placed the order...
also BFBC2 @370 only...:D
Telling us that you are buying game is not spamming. :)):))


Living to Play
OK guys I have defeated the Harvester on Hard difficulty. Here is a small strategy to kill him if anyone have trouble.

Fight with harvester is in two parts. In first part the harvester will be a giant fat badass and will use his many abilities to kill you. The second phase is with his head just head but this time that head will summon many skeletons and some could be elite ones.
Killing him with Warrior is hard because then your warrior needs to be close so here is a simple trick. Take control of snug the Bronto and go to harvester and taunt him. Now don't attack him with bronto just circle him and he will follow you as you are his first priority because of taunt. Just keep circling him until he is down. Also whenever the room turns red then use to switch to make the harvester vulnerable to your attack again and also to kill all the skeletons automatically. Now when the first phase of Harvester is about to die use the switch so that you don't have to fight his second phase with skeletons.In second phase go to him as fast as you can with entire party and unleash everything you have on him and if he summon some skeletons then take care of them if you want or don't. But if the room turns red in his second phase with lot of skeletons run like hell with your party as when the room is red those skeletons go crazy and much harder to kill. Wait till room is normal and take care of them. Try to kill harvester ASAP as he will summon skeletons continuously. If you are a mage use spells like crushing prision, paralyse, mass paralyse(on skeleton group) and unleash your force on the harvester. Just don't let your Golem die because if he is dead and you are not a spirit healer then the fight is nearly over unless Harvester is on low health. But still fight till you are dead.

I have killed him on Hard difficulty with my level 24 warrior from Origins with this trick.


^^Nice labour:)

help required
1-I am playing in hard difficulty.
2-Mission Flemeth hunt

3-team =
ME(two handed)

4- My team get over every time in 4-5 min and flemeth is 80% left.
Suggest a strategy.
+i have 3 fire crystal
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Living to Play
@ Kola2842
You need a tank to soak up damage from the dragon. In your companions there is just one tank and I can't say him tank as he is a two handed weapon warrior. Bring Alistar with you (fill up his defensive abilities) and rest of the companions is OK. Also you need fire resistance as much as possible. What is your level ????

baccilus said:
This game must be really long. I don't think Gameranand takes so long to complete a game.
Yeah it is. I could have completed it some days ago but I busy for 5-6 days so didn't got time to play this one. :)):))


@ Kola2842
You need a tank to soak up damage from the dragon. In your companions there is just one tank and I can't say him tank as he is a two handed weapon warrior. Bring Alistar with you (fill up his defensive abilities) and rest of the companions is OK. Also you need fire resistance as much as possible. What is your level ????

:rofl:i started and after lothering went to Circle Tower. Slain only Sloth and Uldread . So my level is :rofl: only 10:))

And Alistair is 8.

Well can my mighty hero beat a high dragon if yes tell me how.
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