DOTA - Warcraft 3: Frozen throne expansion map by Icefrog


Re: DoTA custom map for Warcraft 3: Frozen throne

I say rename this thread to "The Dota Thread".

Can anyone suggest good inventory for Axe and why.

No such thing as a good inventory for any hero in Dota.. All the inventory is built based on the situation (lane control, farming, kills-deaths, opponent hero etc)..

Still for a starter axe, Phase boots, vanguard, Heart, scepter, bloodstone are all good items.. but like i said, it all depends on the situation.

If you are really intersted, you can visit forums.. you will find detailed guides for all heroes and replays of really good players there.. To get any good at dota, you will have to watch as many replays as you can and practice (with humans, NOT AI) endlessly.


Pawned!... Beyond GODLIKE
Re: DoTA custom map for Warcraft 3: Frozen throne

OMG Finally DOTA thread got bumped and ITS FULL ON LIVE. Nice.

I love dota a lot. Playing for 4-5yrs. My Garena ID is Fun2sh (LVL 35), Fun2shWEB (LVl 31).

So, guys what are you fav hero, strategy and what you like most about the game.

Lets all discuss it here


Re: DoTA custom map for Warcraft 3: Frozen throne

I say rename this thread to "The Dota Thread".

Can anyone suggest good inventory for Axe and why.

When I used to play (which was like, 3 yrs ago), the usual inventory for Axe used to be Vanguard, BoT, HoD, HoT, Blademail and Blink Dagger. You could get a Radiance or Assault too if you are farming well enough (and which is not much of a problem with Axe). There is no point getting damage dealing items for Axe as his Counter Helix does the job, and his attack speed is too slow. He should be made the tank of the team. Blink in, put Berserker's Call, and watch your team-mates shred the enemies to pieces. :D

However, this is an old build, and there must be better items and better builds available for him now.


re: DoTA - (Icefrog | Warcraft 3: Frozen throne expansion)

Phase boots
A Vanguard or two
Blink dagger
Blade mail
HoT / Assault

If there are too many INT heroes then make HoD after Vanguard :)

He is just a tank, in both early and late game, so just concentrate on defense.


re: DoTA - (Icefrog | Warcraft 3: Frozen throne expansion)

+1 for Phase Boots for Axe. However, BoT will also help in ganking/pushing more, as Axe is excellent at these two things. :)


re: DoTA - (Icefrog | Warcraft 3: Frozen throne expansion)

Phase are easy to make. Also give a much early advantage of speed

500 + 450 + 450 = Phase
500 + 2200 = BoT

You can see it's more cost effective to get phase which can be made within 10mins with Vanguard. Getting BoT might delay Vang which is catastrophic. Cause axe is a solid tank early game while late game depends on his invent.


re: DoTA - (Icefrog | Warcraft 3: Frozen throne expansion)

Yes. Phase boots are easier to make, compared to BoT. Sometimes I would get the phase boots early game, and will later sell it to make BoT, if the game requires a lot of pushing in the lanes, like if you lose your towers early. Farming is pretty easy with Axe, so spending this much is not a problem. I am just saying that you could get a BoT if you feel the need.


Gaming hardcore
re: DoTA - (Icefrog | Warcraft 3: Frozen throne expansion)

i dont use garena, its kinda heavy.... you guys also try gameranger, its a very good program to play various games including dota... however there are no dedicated server but you can host your games and your room will be full in a min...


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
re: DoTA - (Icefrog | Warcraft 3: Frozen throne expansion)

Thanks all. I have been concentrating more on offense while playing axe so used to only make damage items and did not conc on defense.
Posted via Mobile Device


BIOS Terminator
re: DoTA - (Icefrog | Warcraft 3: Frozen throne expansion)

advice guys:
i prefer offensive ganking/tank heroes like sand king and the spiritbreaker. Which other heroes should i try?


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
re: DoTA - (Icefrog | Warcraft 3: Frozen throne expansion)

I hear Dragon Knight tanks pretty well too.
Posted via Mobile Device

PS: Why they hell is Posted via Mobile Device coming on my posts?
Posted via Mobile Device


Chosen of the Omnissiah
re: DoTA - (Icefrog | Warcraft 3: Frozen throne expansion)

^^ have it since more than a month. In Steam. :p


Chosen of the Omnissiah
re: DoTA - (Icefrog | Warcraft 3: Frozen throne expansion)

Could we please have a quick review of the game? I know it's still in beta ,but I'd like to see what they've added.
Social stuff but that comes due to steam integration. I mean, we don't need to use stuff like Game Ranger now. With Steam, everything is "in-house"...

Most heroes are missing. It is a work in progress and updates arrive every week generally.

Graphics have been improved, but that is obvious. :p


In the zone
re: DoTA - (Icefrog | Warcraft 3: Frozen throne expansion)

Social stuff but that comes due to steam integration. I mean, we don't need to use stuff like Game Ranger now. With Steam, everything is "in-house"...

Most heroes are missing. It is a work in progress and updates arrive every week generally.

Graphics have been improved, but that is obvious. :p

There's one thing I need to know. In Heroes of Newerth , the rate at which your character moves on the screen was impacted by the lag. At 250-300 ms , your hero would hop all over the place (almost warping , and so would the other players) and it was difficult to keep track of him. (no it was not a graphical issue , I had no issues when playing on practice mode since it was a local game at 0ms ping)

But in League of Legends , your hero (and the other players) move smoothly on the map despite 200-300 ms ping (of course, there's a short delay between clicks thanks to lag).

I'd like to know if DOTA2's movement system is heavily ping based like HoN or instead relies on delayed inputs like LoL ?
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