Wise Old Owl
imma BACK!
can i haz GG?!
can i haz GG?!
@ Rapusa
Dont angry at me
i just say he can lane against Pudge ,clinkz at his best
leaving no mana but he cant against certain heroes like sniper huskar
How i am supposed to deny when i can't go in range to hit creep ?@Rapusa you have to deny your creeps when they have 50 %
by doing this you can fight under your tower and get Last Hits
imma BACK!
can i haz GG?!
Btw I was playing Riki, I love him. My score was decent 9-6 in my first human game. But the gem of true sight hurts very much. We were ganking the opposite team, they couldn't even roam around freely, but after luna got the gem, they started dominating us and won.
Im still level 2.Don't worry.In most matches people don't know about sentry wards and Gem.Better luck next time(I'm talking if your lvl 1 or 4 not if you're like the level 50+ Gods here
Heroes like Pudge, Templar Assassin, Luna (or any Nuker), etc.. eat Sniper for breakfast
Learn any of these heroes... esp Pudge/ TA
What about your uncompressed updates problem?
When getting pwned coz of gem in a riki game, ask one of your team's stunner/ disabler to come with you.
Jump on gem holder, smoke and backstab the hell out of that hero. And most important of all.... Destroy the gem asap
Heroes like Pudge, Templar Assassin, Luna (or any Nuker), etc.. eat Sniper for breakfast
Learn any of these heroes... esp Pudge/ TA
What about your uncompressed updates problem?
When getting pwned coz of gem in a riki game, ask one of your team's stunner/ disabler to come with you.
Jump on gem holder, smoke and backstab the hell out of that hero. And most important of all.... Destroy the gem asap
AFAIK you can't destroy gem.(as of a not so recent patch)
#Tip of the Day
We can have an idea of enemy's wards/ invi enemy units presence if we are playing with heroes like Slark, Phantom Assassin
Slark will lose his passive regen and move speed.
While PA will become blurred as per her passive.
What about your uncompressed updates problem?
Oh ho...
Ok here is my rough idea about other DOTA players whom I've played with, but not too many matches
[BaB]Pikachu (The_Serpent): Carry, mid solo
GtaGagan : Carry
Rapusa : Mid solo
Cannibal_Corpse : Carry, Mid solo
Nims11 : Offlaner, Support
LAW (Sam): Carry, Mid solo
NoahArcAngel : Support, Offlaner
can we use multiple player cards in our compendium?
deude, you forget my killstreak with whiiiper, and my imba lifestealer rage mode![]()
The player cards that you use, will be consumed in the process of making the dull pics of that player into colored ones.
You can use, lets say, Dendi's card only once.
For Kunkka having 2 daedelus, how will the crits probability work?
Will it be same as having 2 stout shield? If so, then it'd be somewhat easy to do 1 hit rampage as 2 daedelus will have their separate crits chance just before Kunnkka lands a hit.
Also, how does the ulti of Kunkka works?
I mean, when I marks the position of my ship, it always lands beyond that. And does the ship's direction is always in the direction of Kunkka at the time he used his ulti?
i have about 10 player cards...can i use them all ?
thanks a lot man for thisThe crit damage does not stack one over other.. any one of the crit effects occur at any given time... priority is based on which was puchased first (in dota 1 it was based on the slot where the item is)..
however the chance for the crit stacks with diminishing effect... first dedalus 25%, second dedalus 18-19%(25% of the remaining 75%).. ie total 44% crit chance..
For kunkka one hit rampage occurs due to the combination of tidebringer, backstab, Bf cleave.. all this multiplied 2.4 times due to the dedalus.
ex: at level 16 with two dedalus and 2 BF... crit chance is 44% and cleave damage is 170% (tidebringer(tb) 100%+ bf1 35%+ bf2 35%)
107(base damage) + tb bonus 60 + phase 24+ shadow blade 22+150 + 2xdedalus 162 + 2xbf 130.. total 675 damage
Add to it the cleave effect of 170% .. damage = 1150... then its multiplied by the crit (X 2.4)= 2760
Also since cleave damage is not reduced by armour value... its almost pure damage to the heroes in 500/600 aoe...
Add boat and torrent to it and its easily a one hit rampage....
Regarding his ulti.. its hard to explain but the place it 1-1.5 inches before the place you want it to land.. also the ship starts 1000 units behind kunkka and travels in the direction he is facing...
Make sure it travels over your allies before.. for the extra bonus...
Oh yea.. courtesy of latest patch
Then hide in in jungle![]()