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﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ O'RLY?
I still havent got an invite to the guild. Please do send me an invite:
Here it is-

Steam Community :: Doomcaster

Btw I was playing Riki, I love him. My score was decent 9-6 in my first human game. But the gem of true sight hurts very much. We were ganking the opposite team, they couldn't even roam around freely, but after luna got the gem, they started dominating us and won.

Friend Request sent. msg me on steam when you come online
Can someone tutor me this game?

try the new tutorial option.. heard it also drops rares items of sniper(cosmetic items for the hero) for completing them... then start playing with bots...
And if you get any doubts feel free to spam the forum.. we will be glad to help you


Start the tutorial. It has been changed a lot since early days. You'll feel right at home.
For any further doubts after you get through the basics, we all are here :)
Already past that, but I'm still the first blood in every damn game.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Why are there 2 TDF guilds? Can we please have only one?


Look at my awesome profile :



Wise Old Owl
Thanx for letting me play along with you guys. I know I was not good as you pros but eventually I'll get better :)

everyone is welcome anytime, bro anytime :wink:

@piyush, i think we should create a video tutorial for newbie dota players?

like a written guide + video tuts.

and 5v5 tdf lobby matches, so we can balance out teams and play. i think we have enough members now.
Already past that, but I'm still the first blood in every damn game.

Hmmm...First try avoiding first blood.. best thing to do while learning is to avoid feeding. Dont mind to run away from any fight, when you are not sure...
Also you should try jungling heroes like axe (also a natural tank).... go into the jungle and farm till 6 or till you feel your have enough items ( or till some one gives away first blood :lol:)...
Also Axe is always a good hero to learn any MOBA.. DOTA, DOTA 2 or HON
Other heroes who can help you learn the game easily are centaur warcheif, dragon knight and dark seer... though you may not be able to win games.. you will stay alive which will help with your confidence and help understand whats going on..
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everyone is welcome anytime, bro anytime :wink:

@piyush, i think we should create a video tutorial for newbie dota players?

like a written guide + video tuts.

and 5v5 tdf lobby matches, so we can balance out teams and play. i think we have enough members now.

That is a great idea.... In this way we all tdf members can play together.


Already past that, but I'm still the first blood in every damn game.
Do these things as for start.
Pick range heroes like drow, sniper, Viper, etc.... Play in safe lane, for eg, top lane if Dire sided and Bot lane if Radiant.
Try to hit creeps only for last hit to get gold. As long as yo are in a radius of on going battle, you'll get same exp points.
Harass ennemy heroes from safe position and retreat when required. Also, if you have time, spec matches . This will help you in grasping the minute details quickly.
Why are there 2 TDF guilds? Can we please have only one?


Look at my awesome profile :
Lina nd Crystal Maiden combined wallpaper is god too, But sadly, even if I use it, it wont have any better view as my laptop screen is 15.6 and that wallpaper requires 1600*900 and above resolution
Thanx for letting me play along with you guys. I know I was not good as you pros but eventually I'll get better :)
Ah dont be so humble
You can also can get rude in words with us if we do blunder in game :D
its free speech :p
lets try to play a lobby game today?
Can only play after 11 pm and that too 1-2 games
will be free on weekends from now on :(


﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ O'RLY?
What's the guild name can some one invite me too please?

Steam name: ACidBaseD

^Please add me on steam. Link to my profile is in my sig.
Its horrible to search in steam using steam name.

How to properly place your wards and make use of the minimap indications



ACid DrinkeR
^Please add me on steam. Link to my profile is in my sig.
Its horrible to search in steam using steam name.

How to properly place your wards and make use of the minimap indications


Added you. Lets play Dota 2 now?
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