New thing I came to know yesterday.
People who are completing the tutorial quests are getting the items of the latest Sniper's Gunslinger set.
But there is a catch...
1st sniper mission gives you 1 of the 4 items of the set.
doing the "destroy the mid towers" quest for a number of times( its mentioned there), will give you second item
doing the 5 vs 5 bot match will give 3rd item (if you win it 5 times)
And Dont the the details of the last item quest.
Anyways, apart from that, anyone here play Kunkka well enough? If so, tell me his skill and item build.
What I follow is:
Skill build: 2 1 2 1 3 4 2 1 2 1 4 1 3 3 3.... ( where 1 is that active ability, forgot the name, 2nd is passive, 3rd is X marks the spot)
Item build: Ring of health asap, then phase boots, Drums of endurance, battle fury, shadow blade, then either daedelus/ bkb/ heart
What I think is that Drums delay my core items a lil bit, but they give precious stats in early game. Also, My shadow blade is completed after battle fury which makes me think that I lose many ganking possibilities which would have been possible otherwise.
Many people say Kunkka can do 1 hit Rampage. But is it even possible if all 5 enemies are at full health? Also, we have to make Divine Rapier, no? Coz otherwise, depending upon Daedelus crit for landing a rampage hit is gambling
I started Weaver after watching a TI3 match in which Weaver was dominating Lifestealer very well. Skill build for weaver is pretty straight forward. But what do you go for item build? Sometimes I dont really find its ok to make Linkin asap. Weaver needs stats too coz wards/dust can ruin him all the way down. What I do is make perseverance and power treads asap. Then I go for the tiem which reduces armor by 6 ( is it medallion of courage? ) as it helps to chew down solo offlaner/jungling enemies quite easily. Then I either complete linkin (if there are many disablers) or farm for butterfly. Is it ok?
I mean I feel like there are many options for weaver but less time and gold.
And last of al, mention some laning heroes for Weaver.
some suggestions on counter heroes
In last matches, I found that most of the matches I lost were rither due to me or my team abandoning OR some specific heroes in enemy team. I'll list down some heroes which I find pain in the ass and you mention the heroes which can dominate them from early game itself.
Spirit breaker
Skeleton King