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Will sure do. Any more beginner heroes I can try out? I prefer ranged heroes than melee.

Mine is rgupta94

Ok, the next hero will be Doom :)
You can try range heroes like Sniper and Drow... but farm for Lothars asap before you head out. And since you are new.. never hesitate to run away from a fight.. its much better than feeding.


Where you can see that screen ? My match details don't show bear items and totals. Also names in your images are missing.

Go to your steam profile and copy profile link.

Here it is-

Steam Community :: Doomcaster


Wise Old Owl
^^Yeah! unfortunately i suffered a fishy battery leak in mah laptop which successfully pawned the wifi-lan port and NIC. No network for months and hell :-x, office lappy crappy for any gaming, i fixed the wifi though, NIC is gone. Buying Clevo P157SM with GTX 780M next month, will be back to Dota2 once owned. I see lot many things added in dota2. Care for some news please?:cool:


Firecracker to the moon
Soon the Flawed mute system will be repaired :)
There was a massive update to most of the heroes,like which made Huskar have high magic resistance etc


Hardcore Gamer
that screen is from Dota 2 lounge
some names are missing due to they set their profile to private. Thats why..

Its Nice to know that you are still alive
when you will be playing Dota?


Firecracker to the moon
Today played tusk in 2 matches
One match I went on MEGA kill strike 2-3 times
Next match LOL, we were PAWNED


Wise Old Owl
that screen is from Dota 2 lounge
some names are missing due to they set their profile to private. Thats why..

Its Nice to know that you are still alive
when you will be playing Dota?

Dayuum!! Why people are under the impression that i could be dead!!! Two posts i saw saying "glad to see u alive ":shock::cryeyesout:

Hopefully i will get myself online in August. Lot of things to settle out here...


Dayuum!! Why people are under the impression that i could be dead!!! Two posts i saw saying "glad to see u alive ":shock::cryeyesout:

Hopefully i will get myself online in August. Lot of things to settle out here...
Hey LAW,glad to see you :D And congrats,you would be out of LPQ by now :D

Also watch this interview of SingSing guys,its very informative :rofl:


﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ O'RLY?
Dayuum!! Why people are under the impression that i could be dead!!! Two posts i saw saying "glad to see u alive ":shock::cryeyesout:

Hopefully i will get myself online in August. Lot of things to settle out here...

You were dead, you did not realise. Check the calender . You just respawned in the fountain :lol:


BTW I have created a guild named 'TDF'. I have invited almost all I know who are from tdf. If I missed anyone, post your steam profile id here. I will sned the invite.

My steam Id : Despicable(^_^)me[/QUOTE]

Here it is, inv me :)

Steam Community :: Doomcaster


New thing I came to know yesterday.
People who are completing the tutorial quests are getting the items of the latest Sniper's Gunslinger set.

But there is a catch...
1st sniper mission gives you 1 of the 4 items of the set.
doing the "destroy the mid towers" quest for a number of times( its mentioned there), will give you second item
doing the 5 vs 5 bot match will give 3rd item (if you win it 5 times)
And Dont the the details of the last item quest.

Anyways, apart from that, anyone here play Kunkka well enough? If so, tell me his skill and item build.

What I follow is:

Skill build: 2 1 2 1 3 4 2 1 2 1 4 1 3 3 3.... ( where 1 is that active ability, forgot the name, 2nd is passive, 3rd is X marks the spot)

Item build: Ring of health asap, then phase boots, Drums of endurance, battle fury, shadow blade, then either daedelus/ bkb/ heart

What I think is that Drums delay my core items a lil bit, but they give precious stats in early game. Also, My shadow blade is completed after battle fury which makes me think that I lose many ganking possibilities which would have been possible otherwise.
Many people say Kunkka can do 1 hit Rampage. But is it even possible if all 5 enemies are at full health? Also, we have to make Divine Rapier, no? Coz otherwise, depending upon Daedelus crit for landing a rampage hit is gambling

I started Weaver after watching a TI3 match in which Weaver was dominating Lifestealer very well. Skill build for weaver is pretty straight forward. But what do you go for item build? Sometimes I dont really find its ok to make Linkin asap. Weaver needs stats too coz wards/dust can ruin him all the way down. What I do is make perseverance and power treads asap. Then I go for the tiem which reduces armor by 6 ( is it medallion of courage? ) as it helps to chew down solo offlaner/jungling enemies quite easily. Then I either complete linkin (if there are many disablers) or farm for butterfly. Is it ok?
I mean I feel like there are many options for weaver but less time and gold.
And last of al, mention some laning heroes for Weaver.

some suggestions on counter heroes
In last matches, I found that most of the matches I lost were rither due to me or my team abandoning OR some specific heroes in enemy team. I'll list down some heroes which I find pain in the ass and you mention the heroes which can dominate them from early game itself.

Spirit breaker
Skeleton King


some suggestions on counter heroes
In last matches, I found that most of the matches I lost were rither due to me or my team abandoning OR some specific heroes in enemy team. I'll list down some heroes which I find pain in the ass and you mention the heroes which can dominate them from early game itself.

Spirit breaker
Skeleton King

I found OD best counter against any Hero that rely on summoned units(doppel, Warlock,Meepo ..) and thx to his prison skill he can be good counter for SB and pudge in late game.But OD require fast lvling and max his passive before raising orb skill. I usually play semi carry-support OD in pub matches cuz its hard to get support in pub matches.

For SB , i seen any tanky hero with good magic disables like doom or riki/OD (in late game) good counter.
For viper & razor we have riki /slark/SB ...hmm many counter heroes ?

Regarding Kunkka skill build.. it should vary based on the state of the game.. 1 point in torrent would be enough...Also max tidebringer(s-2 passive) first...
Also go for shadow blade first unless you are having a hard time....
I suggest 2,1,2,3,2,4,2,1/3, 3/1..... for first eight levels... if you are doing good and being sucessfull in ganking max "X" after s-2.. so no enemies can escape.. its also good to help you escape when thing go wrong..
If you are running againg 5 man pusing team.... max s-1(torrent) after tide...
Regarding the 1 hit rampage build.... yes its possible when you farm well and also when the enemy has no tanks....
The item build would be shadow blade ( this is not required, but will help from dying) , crystalis/ bf, crystalis/ bf,D edalus, bf and second Dedalus
1 hit rampage is also possible with one bf, one shadow blade and one dedalus.. but the enemy needs to have no tanks...and squishy carries like sniper or drow..
This is cause the BF effect and dedalus effects stack... and when the extra damage from shadow blade is added to it, its one hit rampage. Also use torrent and ship to confirm the rampage..

Viper --- nukers like lion or skywrath or lina etc... though with the new patch corrosive skin effect magic damage too..
Spirit breaker---- stunner or blinkers... silencer, lion is good too with two disables
Warlock---- ani-mage burns mana has magic resistance, od... rubick
Meepo--- nukers like above
Razor--- many counters stunners.. nukers
Skeleton King --- AM, PL and any diffusal carrying hero...etc

there are many other counters to these heroes based on their builds and state of the game...
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