Aggresive support u say? Ghostscepter aggresive? only if u are going for ethereal blade with it... and Mana boots? its support equipment. Better go phase boot..thats friggin aggresive

Veil of Discord...too late and its not a support item in any situation. By that time Pipes and BKBs will be ringing everywhere.
Nonetheless, for a aggresive support build with Skywrath i would suggest--
Bottle->Phase boots-->Force Staff-->---BloodStone--->GhostScepter--> Ethereal --->Hex (assuming u are controlling runes well at start or bottling with courier)
Dont go for Atos unless u are playing a pub game where such luxuries are considered "pro" . And its a 5v 5 game, there are other disablers to help your combo...
Bloodstone is needed for survival and mana pool and is supportive in the sense ur death will heal nearby allies.
What sets Skywrath aggresive is his 2nd, 3rd, and Ulti. The 1st skill is more like a continuous vision giver. So dont go crazy for INT, go for mana pool. Ulti is friggin 650 mana at lvl 11 i think >_<
Cast 1st, 2nd and 3rd and no mana for ulti LOL..u dont want that to happen..
In CM games and tournament ladder matches, Bloodstone is what Skywrath goes for, a must item. Like Bottle-->Stick-->Arcane-->start building bloodstone starting from Mana Booster.
And ya, Skywrath is not a pure support hero. He's a Ganker/Nuker. If he is slouchy in the start,or fails at ganking, he may as well quit.
anyone here plays invoker?
anyone here plays invoker?

In tourneys if my captain picks invoker (if we get first pick and its not banned) he gives me the epic responsibility to play this INT CARRY. Mastered it by playing it continuously weeks before Asylum DOtA tournament in 2012