Hardcore Gamer
Legion comanders 1st skill maxed out can take out his illusions![]()
but not for too long
PL can be easily countered with heroes and itemsAnybody know how to play tidehunter and how to counter Phantom Lancer?
buy early dust for ganks so he cant have good farm in mid game and pick Bloodseeker...his sense can be useful in ganks
nims suggested Earthshaker is a very good counter to PL...When Pl is farming/pushing with his illusions ,blink in and ulti since illusions are treated as body count ,it will deal insane damage
ogre magi,centaur,sven ,medusa are some of the counters to PL
Outworld and Clinkz (both orchid) can solo PL anytime
P.S: anything new in this post??