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Yeah he harasses pretty damn good early game with his illusions and the shadowcast of enemy. Whenever he is against me in lane I always prefer to kill him so that he don't get the advantage. :p

So how many heroes did you learn yet. Im sure you must be following quality over quantity.... in the sense that you must be focussing particular heroes only as of now to get the in depth idea about the mechanics of the game ;)


Cyborg Agent
You counter PL by destroying is early game farm by constant ganking. If you let him farm, there's nothing you can do. Although, if you have a shadow demon in your team, you can create your own PL army with it.

Riki: dust, sentries and gem. Dust when going offensive, sentries when pushing near tower and gem when your carry is tanky enough to carry it. Also, a tip, when laning against him, don't turn your back when trading hits. His right click damage without his passive isn't much and he'll lose 1v1.

Drow: She's really has no escape mechanism so heroes who can close into her quickly can easily gank her (storm, ES, weaver). Catch her out of position and she's dead. Her late game is really good with her amazing right click damage and pushing power, so make sure you don't feed her. (The change in her silence spell is a nice addition and may make her more viable, so again make sure she doesn't gets farmed). Most of the hard carries can outfarm (and outcarry her) so make sure your carry is farming well (which is rare in pubs). You can also counter her with a scythe of vyse late game.

Spirit Breaker: One word, wards. He received a buff in this match so he may make a comeback in pubs. When you see a support near you all alone and bara is missing from the map, you should know he's coming for you. So don't risk trying to kill the support unless you're sure.

Edit: On other notes..HOLY F&CKING ****, I'm getting 130ms ping today :O I've never gotten ping this low, always hovered around 300ms. I'll enjoy while it lasts!!

Hi may not be as experienced as you guys but I generally pick Spectre for hard carry!
Mainly I get 2 build orders
1.Traditional-VG,Phase,BM.Manta,ethereal (not butter)
2.Skadi rush,helm,BM,Manta,
ethereal (not butter)
For high burst damage heroes like drow,sf I rush BM!

Blade mail gives a whooping 128% return damage!

Guys give any other ideas of decent build !

Generally early game!As per as my reads(Correct me if I am wrong)
1.Skadi outclasses heart on Spectre
2.Evasion blocks dispersion so ethereal
3.get radiance before 16th min mark or else don't get!


Cyborg Agent
So how many heroes did you learn yet. Im sure you must be following quality over quantity.... in the sense that you must be focussing particular heroes only as of now to get the in depth idea about the mechanics of the game ;)

In 3 months time I have played few heroes
STR-Only Sven
AGI-All except sf drow lanaya warden
INT-All except CM,Lina,Atropos

Can you provide me build for viper
My build-Treads,Lothar,Manta.Buriza,Orchid/Linken(Tanky spell caster),Heart

Now which is better Heart or Skadi +HoTD?

Can you suggest me a good build?


Living to Play
So how many heroes did you learn yet. Im sure you must be following quality over quantity.... in the sense that you must be focussing particular heroes only as of now to get the in depth idea about the mechanics of the game ;)

Tried only 3 and liked all.
1. Drow - Awesome carry but only when enemies are not too near her.
2. Crystal Maiden - My teammates always insist that I play her because I give good support to them.
3. Lich - Really liked his Ulti but need a group with no creeps to take full advantage.

Also played Bounty Hunter and BloodSeeker once each and won the matches also but didn't got that awesome feeling. Specially with Bounty Hunter, I think Riki is better than BH for stealth. BS is awesome with all the buffs and all but I kinda try to play mostly Radient Heroes for the reason I guess you can understand. :D
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