Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen them

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when ur brain is weak(after a tiresome work etc) u will see more dreams and hallucinations.
even my grandma used to say,if you saw elephant in dream,then ur brain is weak at the moment. :D


Hello friends.

I'm new to digit(just 10 posts) thread but today after watching so many posts here,in this thread, I couldn't stop myself from making comment. To give wrong knowledge/information("AFWAAH") is a crime as I've seen in many cases(Ppl make afwaah just for fun or to fear someone). I could also have answered this question as "yes" or "no".But I thinked that won't be enough.
I'm that kind of person who donot believe on anything very easily.But this is a true story. My mom used to say(whenever I asked her) that there is the existence of devils but I never paid any attention to her, knowing that she never lies bcaz I believe in the fact that 'what I see that I believe', famous saying by my science teacher. One thing that I should point out that my guardians never tried to fear me from ghosts stories bcaz they think that it will create impact or fear in child's mind forever.They just says that the ghost exists(whenever I asked) and nothing more.
But when I saw(that time I was in 6th class) a ghost for the first time in my life, I was totally amazed. I was so shocked that I jumped two feet in backward direction bcaz the distance was mere 2 feets between me and her.Actually the story was like this : There is a little garden in back of my house. One thing I want to tell u at the beginning that (at that time) I donot know how the ghost looks or nobody have told me about that. I used open my room's windows(open towards garden) so that I can get fresh air. I usually close it by evening bcaz of bunch of mosquitoes coming inside my room. It was almost dark when I went to close the window but what I saw was like this a white lady (really milky white) with the same colour saree was just running horizontal to my windows.I just got only single look of her (from atleast 2 feets, in my first window) and as I told earlier I jumped backward bcaz she was so unexpected and close.I could never imagined in my life that I have to face a ghost like this. When I jumped backward I looked at another window and found her running and then she went in that direction(here I saw her 4-5 seconds). The map was like this ===============================>
____________|1st window|_______|2nd window|_______________________
--------------- ME(here)1st time------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Me(here) 2nd time--------------------------------------------------------------
What I found uniques are : she was running like train means flawlessly,means no jerking (but when we walk we do jerk) and I saw her 2 white and long canine teeth pointing out of her mouth and her face and whole body with hair was like colour of marble's white. I was totally feared that time and went to say my mother about this but I went atleast 4-5 foot away from my room's door, two lizards from different jumped on me. After this, I can't say what happened to me I ran like mad and went to tell my mother who was in different room. She came but nothing was there. Later I found that I got hurted myself in my foot while running. While putting ointment on my foot she revealed the secret that where we live was graveyard earlier (the whole area where my or others people houses r built) and she further added that she also saw 2-3 ghosts in her life. I will post that story later. I've posted this true story just to say that I was also amidst those persons who critised/donot believe the existence of ghost but when I found, I felt the fear although she never harmed me. I just want to add this : this is not like science where we have some theory and we prove them and then say that yes these theories r real. But in the ghost case there is condition of spirituality which humans cannot control, we cannnot catch any ghost and say that see/prove this is the ghost. It's a coincident that some persons see or some not even visiting graveyard or other haunted places. I also have seen Discovery's haunted places serials. Discovery donot make fake stories.Lastly, If u have to believe u can or if don't have to believe u can't.This is all upon u ppl.


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^read may be true.
BTW,do any guys heard of headless ghost bodies?even Jyotsyan(Astrologist) in my place said that headless ghosts are those who are killed by someone.i donno much but i asked this Jytosyan thinking i will get a reply regarding my grandma who claimed that she saw(NOT IN DREAM) headless man entering our tharavadu(ancestoral house) in Palai,Kottayam.later she went sick and expired too soon.this is wayback in 1990.
I want to know what is that headless man means?later i saw in DD(afair) some ghost serial where the same headless man is shown to came back to take revenge of people knows.
as a believer in God and religion,I have to admit that devil/saitan or ghosts all exists and it is those few who are able to see it.
Also,In my home state,although educated very well,people still believes in blackmagic :( does blackmagic exists? I dont know.
but when i questioned an Old man(he who solves others problems!) when i was young,he suddenly asked me to tell some flower name while we are sitting inside a room.I told "rose" and he suddenly gave me a rose flower from empty hand.i know that magic is what u expects,then how can he?he is not prepared!


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yeah bucket wala ghost toh nahi.

Lol..hav seen one in Evil Dead emo..her lover was headless ghost

hayabusa_ryu said:
Hello friends.

I'm new to digit(just 10 posts) thread but today after watching so many posts here,in this thread, I couldn't stop myself from making comment. To give wrong knowledge/information("AFWAAH") is a crime as I've seen in many cases(Ppl make afwaah just for fun or to fear someone). I could also have answered this question as "yes" or "no".But I thinked that won't be enough.
I'm that kind of person who donot believe on anything very easily.But this is a true story. My mom used to say(whenever I asked her) that there is the existence of devils but I never paid any attention to her, knowing that she never lies bcaz I believe in the fact that 'what I see that I believe', famous saying by my science teacher. One thing that I should point out that my guardians never tried to fear me from ghosts stories bcaz they think that it will create impact or fear in child's mind forever.They just says that the ghost exists(whenever I asked) and nothing more.
But when I saw(that time I was in 6th class) a ghost for the first time in my life, I was totally amazed. I was so shocked that I jumped two feet in backward direction bcaz the distance was mere 2 feets between me and her.Actually the story was like this : There is a little garden in back of my house. One thing I want to tell u at the beginning that (at that time) I donot know how the ghost looks or nobody have told me about that. I used open my room's windows(open towards garden) so that I can get fresh air. I usually close it by evening bcaz of bunch of mosquitoes coming inside my room. It was almost dark when I went to close the window but what I saw was like this a white lady (really milky white) with the same colour saree was just running horizontal to my windows.I just got only single look of her (from atleast 2 feets, in my first window) and as I told earlier I jumped backward bcaz she was so unexpected and close.I could never imagined in my life that I have to face a ghost like this. When I jumped backward I looked at another window and found her running and then she went in that direction(here I saw her 4-5 seconds). The map was like this ===============================>
____________|1st window|_______|2nd window|_______________________
--------------- ME(here)1st time------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Me(here) 2nd time--------------------------------------------------------------
What I found uniques are : she was running like train means flawlessly,means no jerking (but when we walk we do jerk) and I saw her 2 white and long canine teeth pointing out of her mouth and her face and whole body with hair was like colour of marble's white. I was totally feared that time and went to say my mother about this but I went atleast 4-5 foot away from my room's door, two lizards from different jumped on me. After this, I can't say what happened to me I ran like mad and went to tell my mother who was in different room. She came but nothing was there. Later I found that I got hurted myself in my foot while running. While putting ointment on my foot she revealed the secret that where we live was graveyard earlier (the whole area where my or others people houses r built) and she further added that she also saw 2-3 ghosts in her life. I will post that story later. I've posted this true story just to say that I was also amidst those persons who critised/donot believe the existence of ghost but when I found, I felt the fear although she never harmed me. I just want to add this : this is not like science where we have some theory and we prove them and then say that yes these theories r real. But in the ghost case there is condition of spirituality which humans cannot control, we cannnot catch any ghost and say that see/prove this is the ghost. It's a coincident that some persons see or some not even visiting graveyard or other haunted places. I also have seen Discovery's haunted places serials. Discovery donot make fake stories.Lastly, If u have to believe u can or if don't have to believe u can't.This is all upon u ppl.
give me creeps

Canine shosts are from which family ? :confused:
Though i would love to see bovine ghosts:D
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bovine ghosts?i remember rumors of "the buffalo feet men" who comes in night in suburbs of my town and asks ppl beedis or cigarattes(gosh!) and lately he shows the buffalo feet :D


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lol...i encountered canine teared my flesh off my hands..blood was dripping like hell...but aint no pain feeling...six marks embarked on my fingers.
Got tetanus shot and some dressing of wounds.

Did i mention it was my pet dog ?


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The_Devil_Himself said:
^^lolss man I have never seen a man bitten by his own pet dog,thats insane!!
yeah true am typing with my right hand and two fingers from left hand:(

dunno wat made him do it, may be he didnt know wat biting actually is, he was like walking around as if nothing happened , after the incident.

May be some canine ghost took control over him and damn :D

I must check out if i'll be havin rabies soon:(, already read wikis abt rabies and dog bite treatment. It hurts reading all these.


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^dogs are cruel friend from TN explained to me when he was a kid 7-8yrs old,they got a Rajapalyam Dog(Huge local genus with less intelligence;google for it :D ) inside their house.the dog is pretty playful with him.once when his family left outstation with the dog inside the house,He as usual played with it.but after sometime the dog is growling and is trying to attack him(the wolf tendency underlying i suppose!) and he had to run out of the Bungalow from 2nd floor and got the dog locked inside the house!.

So,Dogs are ghosts!they can harm anyone at any time.look at me or goobimama :D,we are happy with cats,who are soft and more cleaner than those stinky dogs!.I hate ppl who lives with Dog inside their house!untidy,stingy beasts called as dogs!and not to say rabies which dogs easily get infected if they are outside.
all dog owners leave ur dogs to municipal/panchayath pounds or send to Maneka the World and India :)


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praka123 said:
^dogs are cruel friend from TN explained to me when he was a kid 7-8yrs old,they got a Rajapalyam Dog(Huge local genus with less intelligence;google for it :D ) inside their house.the dog is pretty playful with him.once when his family left outstation with the dog inside the house,He as usual played with it.but after sometime the dog is growling and is trying to attack him(the wolf tendency underlying i suppose!) and he had to run out of the Bungalow from 2nd floor and got the dog locked inside the house!.

So,Dogs are ghosts!they can harm anyone at any time.look at me or goobimama :D,we are happy with cats,who are soft and more cleaner than those stinky dogs!.I hate ppl who lives with Dog inside their house!untidy,stingy beasts called as dogs!and not to say rabies which dogs easily get infected if they are outside.
all dog owners leave ur dogs to municipal/panchayath pounds or send to Maneka the World and India :)

my friend read this before coming to any conclusion.

Maybe I surprised him while he was sleeping and that caused the worst to happen


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all dogs are not tamable AFAIK :) google for Rajapalyam dogs.dogs should be kept in a cage outside!please save ur home visitors from the stingy smell all over ur house.most families who have dogs inside the house dont know the stingy smell when guests or outsider come to ur house.
I know many who pampers their dog like their kids.still keep the dog outside ur courtyard in a cage!I dont want to run again :( (happened many times with GSD dogs) have a cat!its tenderness allows u to cool down!unlike dogs which are big sh!tty creatures licking ur body.i cant tolerate ppl smooching dogs mouth to mouth gee!what a pity!get over!still time is there :)


CG Artist
T159 said:
lol...i encountered canine teared my flesh off my hands..blood was dripping like hell...but aint no pain feeling...six marks embarked on my fingers.
Got tetanus shot and some dressing of wounds.

Did i mention it was my pet dog ?
apne dog ko Tiger biscuits nahi daaloge toh yehi hoga.:mad:


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gaurav_indian said:
apne dog ko Tiger biscuits nahi daaloge toh yehi hoga.:mad:

all dogs are not stingy..i guess someone has got wrong perception. IMHO cats are useless luxury creatures, atleast a dog is faithful to his owner (i am not the owner, he listens to my parents). Even a cat will stink if u wont take care of it.

Remember the old saying

A dog is a man’s best friend

Lets leave the matter here and go our way:)


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any dog owners experimented with dogs tail put on a pipe for some time to straighten up it ? seriously :-|


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gaurav_indian said:
kutte ki dum kabhi seedhi nahi hoti.:p
acha:eek:! seedhi nahin hoti he, isliye log kutte ki dum kaatke pheng deta hai?mera maano kuthe bhooth se bhi bhayankar hoti hai!(sorry for hindi grammer!)


die blizzard die! D3?
^^your hindi is good man don't worry.

Dogs pwns cats(and all other pets).hehe.I don't have a dog cos my mom don't allow me to keep one :(.I'll buy an Labrador as soon as get a job.
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