^^^ he he he nice discussion gng on
well i guess everyone has heard abt blan chat (spirit calling ) .
Two of my colleagues (say A and M) have actually tried it when they were in college .
First incident was at a hostel in Kolhapur, they called some spirit and everyone has asked about their future , their crushes , gals etc etc . One guy was noting down all the ans and they are in fact correct till date
Seond guy M had done this at a hostel in Silchar. But their was some mistake in spirit calling and one of the participants had started reacting violently and absurd . Like he was possessed by spirit . everyone was scared like a dead fish ....even atheist ppl were remembering GOD..that guy was on the topmost bldg in hostel and everybdy was scared he may jump ..badi mushkil se us se spirit jaa payi at last after some 1-2 hrs