Rendezvous at Banoi
A meeting was fixed at the island of banoi.These are some postcards from that island.
1.We all meet at the appointed place.
2.We explore
3.Booked a perfect beach side resort with a pvt swimming pool.
4.all of us got bored and tried to do something not play pool football.

5.After getting heavily drunk!(the three of them

) We saw a car approaching.Requested the owner to give us a trial or rent it for some hours.But he refused and was arrogant.Beaten the driver (image censored) and took his car.
6.Now the question is who will drive the car.Now every drunken member started considering himself as Michael Schumacher.Therefore somehow the three inebriated persons managed to get a car for themselves.(owners met the same fate as the former one)
And the race began.
7.This is what happens when you drink and drive.
I.gaurav's car
II.Samer and ethan's car
er....these two were playing dashing car using real cars!
8.Atlast after getting crashed and beaten everyone decided that it should be nice if we go back to our resort
and enjoy the beach there.Therefore we left for the resort.
9.We at the resort.

