
Human Spambot
256kbps, is more than enough.

---------- Post added at 04:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:21 PM ----------

Get used to it. Its Multiplayer! And thrash talk is used to its limits here. :twisted:

I'll see you in the battleground, then.

Friend Invitations sent to:

lordofthething (Ethan_Hunt)
Cybo47 (Cyborg)
Gunslinger_geek (self explanatory)


Maximum Effort!!!!!!
PPL im played crysis 2 demo mp on my age old p4ht+hd4670 on 1680*1050(gamer). getting no problem whatsoever....even on my old pc and it looks awesome!!!!!!


Human Spambot
^ Yup. Got it this morning. :p

Just got promoted to Level 4. I'm being owned now and then :( Anyways, game is fun.

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