I got a C2Q q6600 revision G0 on a gigabyte g41m combo M/B. currently i'm running it @3.0 GHz with multiplier at 9 and bus speed at 333 with FSB at 1333. the Vcore has been raised to 1.275v
If i decrease the multiplier to say 8 and increase bus speed to say 375 to again run it @ 3.0 GHz, will it make any difference in performance and temperature? or say run it @3.2 GHz (400 bus and multiplier 8)
If i decrease the multiplier to say 8 and increase bus speed to say 375 to again run it @ 3.0 GHz, will it make any difference in performance and temperature? or say run it @3.2 GHz (400 bus and multiplier 8)