Computer directly shuts down


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i don't think you need to run memtest anymore but just for your knowledge. download the file from here. extract it and you'll get a image (img) file. burn it to a cd/dvd and boot with the disc (just like windows) and let it run for a few hours. any error will show up in the first hour itself or may even cause system to shutdown if PSU/ram is bad or corrupted.

Well I remember to run such a test as prescribed by windows itself in a diagnostic test , which was checking my RAM I did that test, lasted for like 15 - 20 mins and there was no problem reported.

I am uploading the screenshot of the pic of the RAM test that windows suggested me to do.


whether this test and above mentioned memtest+ are the same??
Do I need to carry out it again (following the procedure u have prescribed above)


Super Moderator
Staff member
Yes, would be enough. But as OP is insisting on buying GS600, I've suggested another alternative.

For the config OP have, a good 450Watt PSU like,
Corsair CX430V2
Corsair VS450 would suffice.

336-360W on +12v rails may not be so future proof in the long run and Ops's cpu and gpu both can draw lots of power if put under heavy use - even playing MP3 will do this.

U mean GS 500W will be enough, as my gpu is OC version I calculated my wattage and found it's maximum requirements would be around 400W, so considering 80% efficiency taking 500W would n't be a borderline case.??

your idea about PSu efficiency is completely wrong.

no. it won't. i have already said you to take CX500W or similar PSU of same wattage.

this should be enough unless Op is interested in OCing.

oh !!! yeah thnx, I am really getting confused with so many people's different views. Yeah u said cx or gs, while GS 500W and CX 500W both not available, so GS 600W, but that I think as everyone is saying will be a waste of money.

well some are suggesting ANTEC too, is that good ?? as they provide SWAP warranty (I don't know wat is d differnce between a swap and a normal warranty.)
Or should I stick to CORSAIR.
PLZ suggest, am totally confused now, and need to get it within a couple of days from the market.

Or may be I could look out in some more stores before getting GS 600W ??

getting a more powerful PSu than your needs is not a waste of money and here we are talking about a 600W PSU ( over a 500W PSu that you need ) though getting a 700W or more powerful PSu will be a different thing for your current needs.



about this efficiency stuff I read it from official CORSAIR site where they have this 'learn' option and this whole idea of how a PSU works I got it from there.


Super Moderator
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^^ can you post the link ??

it's maximum requirements would be around 400W, so considering 80% efficiency taking 500W would n't be a borderline case.??

say a pc needs ( without monitor ) 400W under load and a good 500W PSu has 80% efficiency - so what it means ?? The PSu can deliver only 80% of it's rated current under full load which is 400W ?? If you are thinking like this you're completely wrong. IF the PSu has 80% efficiency it means how much power it will draw from the wall socket to deliver it's rated current output under load - so under full load the 500W PSU will draw 600W from the wall socket - now a good 500W PSU can deliver at-least ~480W on it's +12v rail and most of the modern pc parts depends havily upon on this rail- so with 80% efficiency your pc's (sans monitor) will be 480W ( from wall ) and the PSu can easily deliver 400W to internal pc components.


^^ can you post the link ??

say a pc needs ( without monitor ) 400W under load and a good 500W PSu has 80% efficiency - so what it means ?? The PSu can deliver only 80% of it's rated current under full load which is 400W ?? If you are thinking like this you're completely wrong. IF the PSu has 80% efficiency it means how much power it will draw from the wall socket to deliver it's rated current output under load - so under full load the 500W PSU will draw 600W from the wall socket - now a good 500W PSU can deliver at-least ~480W on it's +12v rail and most of the modern pc parts depends havily upon on this rail- so with 80% efficiency your pc's (sans monitor) will be 480W ( from wall ) and the PSu can easily deliver 400W to internal pc components.

Thnx for sharing the info..........
Well here is the link
GS Series

Scroll down the page and on the left side look for the learn option. Their are many topics to read from.....their u will find everything about PSU


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ Thanks for the link .. well that page has some info ahead of time ( or from the future more precisely ) ;-) the part What's in the wattage? By Jonny Gerow, is dated on September 1st, 2013 ;-)


well I changed my PSU ( got the the corsait gs 600) as you guys suggested, but my problem still persists, plz help!!!!!


BMG ftw!!
Check dump files please..
Using software like whocrushed. Now it is definitely not a PSU issue.


Super Moderator
Staff member
well I changed my PSU ( got the the corsait gs 600) as you guys suggested, but my problem still persists, plz help!!!!!

Did you check the load cpu temp ( I asked you earlier about this ) ?? Just go into bios .. wait there for say 5 mins .. now check the cpu temp and voltage ( every bios has this monitoring feature ) - post the values here .. one more thing you can try is overvolt the ram module a little.


Check dump files please..
Using software like whocrushed. Now it is definitely not a PSU issue.

well the computer doesn't crashes by showing a blue screen.

Check dump files please..
Using software like whocrushed. Now it is definitely not a PSU issue.

here goes the report.
but dates of crashing as mentioned isn't true, as my system crashed yesterday only.........

Did you check the load cpu temp ( I asked you earlier about this ) ?? Just go into bios .. wait there for say 5 mins .. now check the cpu temp and voltage ( every bios has this monitoring feature ) - post the values here .. one more thing you can try is overvolt the ram module a little.
well here is the situation:
you asked me to go to the bios and wait for 5mins, but that isn't happening, every time I enter the bios, then go to HW Monitor my pc shuts down as usual within 10 - 20 secs, well I managed to take a snap just before system crashing, showing the temp and all, here it's:

And how to overvolt the ram module ??


BMG ftw!!
^^ Those are old files which most probably isn't related to your problem.
Now, no dump file means it is not a OS related problem.
How about reverting all the settings to default in BIOS?


^^ Those are old files which most probably isn't related to your problem.
Now, no dump file means it is not a OS related problem.
How about reverting all the settings to default in BIOS?

how can I revert all the settings to default in BIOS???
Will I lose any data after I do that??


lol @100 degrees.
get the heatsink repositioned with some good thermal paste. But before doing so, see some vids and make sure u can do it urself or get a professional assembler.
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