Overheating unit, for sure.
lol @100 degrees.
get the heatsink repositioned with some good thermal paste. But before doing so, see some vids and make sure u can do it urself or get a professional assembler.
holy ****, batman!!!
that is one purning broccy!!!!
get your cpu fan/heatsink checked asap!!!
here, ur mobo is socket AM3, right ? this is how it's done. watch thoroughly, over and over. proceed carefully only if feeling confident.hey, what to do in this case?? remedies
hey can u help me with getting such vids........really appreciate if u could help me with this...
@ OP - apart from the cpu temp every other values are normal - even cpu fan running at 5k+rpm can't keep the cpu cool .. asall other suggested remount the cpu heatsink proeprly with some god TiM like CM TF400, Noctua NT-H1, DC Z5 ~ costing around 500 bucks or better buy a new CM Hyper 212 Evo @ 2.2k.
it's not normal to have such hot temperature at bios. first get the stock cooler repositioned properly if it does not go back to normal temps, then either the proccy or the mobo has problem.
in that case u will have to check it out with another cpu/mobo and get the faulty part serviced.
well, have you restored "default" settings in bios yet ? do that too.
get Cm Hyper 212 Evo from MD computers - price is around ~2.2k or for some thing cheaper CM Hyper TX3 @ ~1.45k.
^^ ok, good. now open ur side cover of cabby, switch on comp, go to bios. when tempo shows 100+ degrees, take ur finger near the cpu heat sink (BE CAREFUL NOT TO TOUCH ANYTHING OR THE HEAT SINK). u know how hot it feels near boiling water, right?
check that, if its not as hot, then censors of cpu is bad, otherwise it could be either mobo or cpu fault. go to the shop where u bought these stuff from and ask if they give maintenance service, or go to gc avenue and esquire the same at sabu/eastern logica/technocrat or other shops.
take the proccy+mobo+ram set to them and have them checked. then u will have to send the faulty part for servicing. proccy come with 3 yrs warranty, so do most motherboards. how old is ur system ?
its basically hardware fault, because stock coolers can handle any processors pretty well unless overclocked. but having a big cooler is always a good investment if u run system continuously for longer time (days) and under medium or heavy load.
^^ take it for checkup, it's still covered by warranty.
CM Hyper 212 Evo comes with 1yr warranty and just call the shop ( actually any Big pc peripheral shop ) - they know the most recent address of service centers.
have you checked if the fan is rotating or not?
try resetting the heat sink
Thanks for the tip buddy, much appreciated^if you know an pc assembler ask him to reapply your processor with new thermal paste,if the problem continues then its an hardware problem. Noneed to buy an aftermarket cooler if you are not overclocking.
hope this helps.![]()