[MENTION=21850]raja manuel[/MENTION] This I did not know so did a little research on the net and am still not sure. Would love to know if someone has more info on how an internal ND filter works
It seems that a lot of the cams that have a built in ND filter do it through sotware rather than at the hardware end, but this works like the graduated filter in lightroom and can only work if the highlights of the scene fall within the dynamic range of the cam sensor. The other alternate is to have a ND filter physically slide in in front of the lens when needed.
You are right about the polarizing filter. Circular Polarizer Q has some really good images showing how it works
It seems that a lot of the cams that have a built in ND filter do it through sotware rather than at the hardware end, but this works like the graduated filter in lightroom and can only work if the highlights of the scene fall within the dynamic range of the cam sensor. The other alternate is to have a ND filter physically slide in in front of the lens when needed.
You are right about the polarizing filter. Circular Polarizer Q has some really good images showing how it works