Calling all Linux Experts: I've got a million questions...

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I wont enable all the DX10 effects. So it doesnt matter.. And im not a serious gamer...

Can somebody help me enable gstreamer plugin? see post #39
^^Forget that.
Back to topic. How do i install gstreamer???
Its already installed. All you need are its codecs.
You might want to catch hold of the build-essential package, and compile its codecs yourself.
Or, you can take somebody's help and get an AptOnCD disc with GStreamer plugins(codecs), vlc, xine, mplayer, etc.


^^I entered that command in terminal. But the same thing happens...
See post #21 to see whats happening...

I went to that ubuntu forums link.
This is the error i get when i type
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras in terminal...
akshay@akshay-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Couldn't find package ubuntu-restricted-extras


Wire muncher!
^^I entered that command in terminal. But the same thing happens...
See post #21 to see whats happening...

I went to that ubuntu forums link.
This is the error i get when i type
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras in terminal...
Before doing that just goto the terminal and type: sudo apt-get update

and then install the ubuntu-restricted extras. While that will install most of what you will need it is about 37mb download but then after installing that you may not need to install any codec/flash player etc. Do it if you can afford to download that much. Secondly there is is also a gui method to do this (synaptic etc.) but i'd suggest you use the terminal. You learn a lot that way :)

next, i'd suggest you skip the build-essentials and stuff. Give yourself more time in linux and then start compiling. atm, just download and enjoy :)

If you are low on bandwidht you can take help of cad-crazy for the offiline package insallation :)


Think Zen.
You might want to catch hold of the build-essential package, and compile its codecs yourself.

Please, compiling stuff and that too codecs is the last thing you wanna tell a newbie.
Dude nvidia, you gotta enable the restricted repositories.
Do this , goto
System > Administration > Software Sources
and enable the universe,restricted and multiverse repositories.

Now, trying to play a file through totem should ask to download codecs.
And will download them for you.

Or you could do it in a single shot,
Type this in the terminal.
After you enable the repositories.
$ sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-fluendo gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly



Thanks a lot rayraven.
I did that thing and now, i can play audio files!!
All this was done in less than 6 MB!

Now i have heard of Wine. I think it will let me play NFSMW right? Has digit given it in any of its DVDs?


Think Zen.
Congrats ;)
As for NFS MW, Not many people have been succesful in running it with Wine.
The percentage is a tad bit higher with Cedega -which is a commercial software forked from wine made to run only games.
You can try though.
Just one tip, run it - or any game for that matter,
from a linux partition, or at the most a fat32 one.
Running from ntfs just crashes games for me.



Think Zen.
Here's a tut on gettin NFS MW working,
Its a tad-bit complicated for someone new to linux,
but i cud'nt find smthin easier.
And use wine instead of cedega mentioned in the tut.

Hope it helps,

forget installing non native games in linux, because all you will end up doing will be get the game running SLOWER than in windows, as the DirectX commands need to be translated to OpenGL to execute.

If you want to game in linux, get some good linux games. Doom3 will be a very good bet with your configuration. And Unreal Tournament 3 is another awssome game to try, but for it you need to add an extra gig of ram.


Think Zen.
forget installing non native games in linux, because all you will end up doing will be get the game running SLOWER than in windows, as the DirectX commands need to be translated to OpenGL to execute.

Not quite true,
I play AOE and Counter-Strike on wine and I dont see any slow down, compared to windows.
But then again , maybe newer games might.



In Pursuit of "Happyness"
OK.I checked the gutsy nvidia version which is 100.14.19 which supports 8xxx series partially only.
you should get latest nvidia driver 169.09 for full support which unfortunately missing in default Ubuntu gutsy installation.for that,you have to wait for the new drivers to hit gutsy.although this driver is provided with hardy beta .
You can always have the LATEST Nvidia driver on Ubuntu using Envy :)


GTK+ programmer
I regularly play Warcraft III under wine, theres absolutely no performance difference if you run the game in its own X server and stop all GUI sessions
I tried playing NFS: MW under wine, the menu works fine....but crashes after the race starts


Forget about this gaming thing in Wine for a few days..

Can anybody tell me for what all the "sudo" command can be used and what does it stand for?
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