Calling all Insomniacs..


 Macboy
Just put an ice pack on my shoulder and then applied some Ice Gel. I've got tendinitis on my shoulder btw...


BSD init pwns System V
@ Nautica

Fedora 9 sux man, try OpenSUSE 11 its better. the KDE is not that responsive in Fedora 9 as it used to be before..


Beyond Smart
Pat, what hardware mod? And did you try normal ubuntu or some port?

Ah..nothing great..Bought a qwerty keyboard for EEE (as the original one had german keyboard) and installed it.

I tried normal ubuntu but it kinda sucks. Wanna try arch now.but its going to be a little diffult :-|


 Macboy
^^ Not so fast sunny. For us it is still night. Only at 5 p.m. tomorrow will it be morning, where the Sunset, will be sunrise...


 Macboy
Hey tomorrow I want some of you to make some spam threads using fake accounts so I can do some mod work. Past full day I did nothing but maybe merge a few threads here and there... this sucks.

Or maybe I'll just ban this ph4x0r dude, being that he seems to have posted in this precious thread after waking up...


left this forum longback
^learned hindi? :D hindi may be similar to konkani ,I suppose :) kyon shyane?ghodon par kaboo rakh :D ;)
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