Calling all Insomniacs..


 Macboy
Well lots of people have said that my Hindi has improved. Although I can't speak it for nuts. And I take it that sentence meant hold your horses?

And no, Hindi is not similar to Konkani. Marathi is very close, but the Konkani accent makes it something very unique.


left this forum longback
^me? :p Malayalam. turns my talk into hindi or tamil or may be kannada if the necessity arrives. (I can abuse very well in Tamil!it is one LANG which rocks for abusing ,ask any Tamilians :D )


 Macboy
Parents - English
Brothers - Konkani
Neigbours - Konkani
Friends - English
College - English
Cops - Konkani (so they know I'm goan. I don't really look like one)

Its weird actually. Bunch of friends having a conversation and suddenly when I have to say something to my brother I just switch effortlessly to Konkani. Cannot, even though we've tried, to speak in english to each other.


 Macboy
Born and brought up in Goa, so I'm a Goan.

Although I don't have much Goan blood. Seem to have inherited a lot of Parsi blood (I'm quarter parsi I think). Dad is Mangalorean. Its all yippadehoo!


Here Since 2003
I am trying to improve my Hind. so these days conversing ing Hindi with my friends a lot!
Man the most confusing thing in Hindi is gender.
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BSD init pwns System V
And me :-
Parents - Hindi or Pahari (I'm from Himachal)
Lil bro - Hindi or English
Friends - Hindi, Pahari or English
Neighbours - Hindi
College - Hindi & English
Girls - English :D :D (if a girl talks in hindi, then hindi, if pahari, then pahari)
Cops - Pahari
Sardars - Punjabi


 Macboy
Just purchased my first ever track on iTunes music store (after aayush helped me fund the account). Gotta say I chose an excellent track to start it off :)

No more CDs for me thanks!
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