Calling all Insomniacs..


 Macboy
If you export to powerpoint all the mindblowing effects just turn into boring slides cause that is all that Powerpoint is capable of. Your only way of having a keynote presentation on Windows is exporting it as a Quicktime movie. You will need a good powerful notebook to play it though especially if you are working on a high resolution.


BSD init pwns System V
Hey thanx.. i just need to send this presentation to a friend who runs Vista.. I'll export the presentation in Quicktime format.. and then mail him.. thanx for the tip..

BTW can you tell me where can I find more tips on Keynote.. and my cousin wants to increase the RAM (Intel Core Duo, 512 MB RAM , 60 GB HDD, Combo Drive) to 1 GB.. can you tell me how can he do that?

Reporting time : 05:05 AM


 Macboy
Installing more RAM on a MacBook is really simple. Apple has a nice article on how to do it.. Even youtube is flooded with videos on upgrading RAM on a notebook.

However, I would advise him to go in for 2GB (1GBx2) for some awesome performance. RAM hardly costs anything these days and 2GB makes things really comfortable.


BSD init pwns System V
That was coooooool.. its so easy.. ya i was also telling him to go for 2 GB .. let me show this article to him when he'll wake up .. he's not insomniac.. working guy.. :D


 Macboy
I know he will say he doesn't need it, but tell him, this is advice coming from a macboy with a very similar configuration. 2GB makes a hell of a lot of difference. In fact, I don't know how he survived all along with just 512MB...

Just posted a wordpress theme "Zhovnya" on my blog.
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BSD init pwns System V
Yaar.. actually he bought this Macbook in college days.. now he's at Bangalore with Infosys.. he works at the systems in the office.. uses his Macbook only to surf the net.. But as soon as he wakes up I'm gonna tell him about your advice...
Designing a presentation on Keynote.. is well.. like making a movie.. the effects are superb.. thank god my cousin is here for weekend.. and thanks to his Macbook.. but I don't know weather the effects will work on PowerPoint or on Impress!! Hey goobi.. help me out yaar..

PowerPoint hardly work on keynote and impress.
Impress effects hardly work on keynote or powerpoint.
Keynote effects hardly work on powerpoint or impress.

Heck, even OpenOffice linux can't recoganice linux KWord's saved .odt files properly.
If you export to powerpoint all the mindblowing effects just turn into boring slides cause that is all that Powerpoint is capable of. Your only way of having a keynote presentation on Windows is exporting it as a Quicktime movie. You will need a good powerful notebook to play it though especially if you are working on a high resolution.
Can an SWF export be possible ? That would be much more better I guess...

T has many meanings - Inspired from Torque (main protagonist in The Suffering), T the terminators, T invariably resembles someone's initial letter now (now thats coincidence).

159 - was the directory I used to hide games in DOS in the computer center for summer courses. press (Alt + 159 ), it gives a slanted "f"

nope BE project, guess I can get an interview call this month :D If lucky I will be selected and working soon instead of waiting for Wipro to send in joining dates in oct-nov late 2008.
Turns out you aren'T The only person with T in his name :p
Win what ? :p
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 Macboy
Powerpoint docs open flawlessly on Keynote. Most of the stuff is left intact. Just that the other way round is not so much.

Quicktime allows you unlimited resolution video, with interactiveness of a real slideshow. I haven't tried the flash option though (yes, swf is possible).

Although the best way I would say on a mac would be to start up a screen capture with something like ScreenFlow, and then simulate your keynote.
Powerpoint docs open flawlessly on Keynote. Most of the stuff is left intact. Just that the other way round is not so much.

Quicktime allows you unlimited resolution video, with interactiveness of a real slideshow. I haven't tried the flash option though (yes, swf is possible).

Although the best way I would say on a mac would be to start up a screen capture with something like ScreenFlow, and then simulate your keynote.
problem with video is that you need to control the speed or else you are doomed if you make any mistake. But if you use my favourite way in Impress, i.e, make a SWF of the final presentation, everything stays intact and runs the way it should.


 Macboy
Well like I said, you can control the video with Quicktime. Its not just a plain-jane movie.



BSD init pwns System V
Tried exporting those presentations as flash.. all the transitions gone.. all the effects replaced by dissolve effects.. seems to me the best would be exporting them as QuickTime or getting a Mac for myself :D

Ya.. i'm also using this feature of Keynote for QuickTime movies.. it is cool.. downgraded movie to CD-ROM quality 512x384 from 720p.. for the sake of size..
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