Bsnl Gives Linux Dialer for Broadband In EXE File Format

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W i d e S c r e e N

Ambassador of Buzz
I agree to what vaithy has said, there are competent peolple in the gov they are just not utilized to their full potential.

What "the cat with an attitude" said is 100% true. itwas the main reason behind me not bothering with linux then.

They need to understand the definition of N00b.


Commander in Chief
Partially offtopic: (More related to .exe than BSNL)

A .exe is merely an extension which Windows being stupid needs all its executable files to be named along with. On linux of course it is a permission thing rather (chmod +x). But its not necessary that any compiled program, say hello_world.EXE which was compiled on Windows will not run on Linux. In fact a standard application would run anywhere.

Here I've compiled a Hello World C++ program on Windows via VS 2005's compiler and it runs just fine on Linux as it does on Windows: (No Wine, etc..)

harsh@harsh ~ $ ./hello_world.EXE
Hello World!
harsh@harsh ~ $

Just to point out that the extension don't matter, no other point implied. ;)


In the zone
^waht :shock: why this is happening ? :x ?

but using firefox,we can log in to the account management now

Yes. after large number of customers complained,only now the portal is working in FF, previouly I used to DATAFOX to access the portal. but we have our intranet sites for many fox never worked on this because they mostly made of VBscribt combined with active X, which in turn crash IE frequently..In customer Care Centre.. frequent crahshing of IE is main reason for delayed response..


left this forum longback
why are they like this ? :-|,it is hightime bsnl should switch completely to BSD or GNU/Linux :-|


Broken In
@All those who said BSNL engineers are stupid , idiots etc etc.. You think you can do a better job than those guys? If yes then go ahead and apply for a programer post or better keeping the FOSS spirit alive and offer them to work for free as a comunity service!!! Can you do it?

And BSNL provides data service, if there is something worng in the software or portal, then suggest/point out the mistakes to them, Your suggestion for them to use a perticular OS is complete bullshit and its concerned only to BSNL.

Yes. after large number of customers complained,only now the portal is working in FF, previouly I used to DATAFOX to access the portal. but we have our intranet sites for many fox never worked on this because they mostly made of VBscribt combined with active X, which in turn crash IE frequently..In customer Care Centre.. frequent crahshing of IE is main reason for delayed response..
I never knew BSNL employees face so many problems.

But you do people inside BSNL make such cr@ppy sites with VBscribt.
Do they do it with sheer ignorance or intensionally?
and nobody checks them?
VB is history now AFAIK

why are they like this ? :-|,it is hightime bsnl should switch completely to BSD or GNU/Linux :-|
Prakash Even Xp or windows platform as whole is Good solution, but the cost of ownership is more with windows platform
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@All those who said BSNL engineers are stupid , idiots etc etc.. You think you can do a better job than those guys? If yes then go ahead and apply for a programer post or better keeping the FOSS spirit alive and offer them to work for free as a comunity service!!! Can you do it?

And BSNL provides data service, if there is something worng in the software or portal, then suggest/point out the mistakes to them, Your suggestion for them to use a perticular OS is complete bullshit and its concerned only to BSNL.
Intresting Troll...

1. In case you are another person who has little understanding of how linux works, let me tell you something: this mistake is not something thats high level understandable sort of thing. What BSNL has done shows that their understanding of their customers is very low.

2. They used a Self extracting EXE. Inside it were two RPMs and a text file. Now lets just say they had a communication gap, and the engineers who created the RPMs were not the ones responcible for this error, which might have been committed by a website maintainence guy who accidently made them sfx like other files on BSNL site. So I excuse them for now...

3. But they gave RPMs for heavens sake. Anyone with a pinch of GNU/Linux experience will tell you that giving your software only as an RPM is complete BS. RPMs can't be used on all distros. BSNL were better off giving either a custom .bin installer or a cross-platform script to use the already existing commandline dialer software, or they could have given us the software as a "normal" compressed file, with theuser needing to extract the contents and run an executable(in linux world, executable does not mean .exe) thats (hopefully) as less dependent on other libraries as possible.

4. Where is BSNL's reply to this ? If they are really willing, me or anyone else who knows how to rectify the error is more than willing to help.

5. I don't care if BSNL uses BeOS, Amiga or PC-DOS. All I care is that mainstream OSes like Linux 2.4.x.x onwards, Windows 2000 onwards, Solaris 8 onwards and Apple 10.0 onwards are supported.


In the zone
@All those who said BSNL engineers are stupid , idiots etc etc.. You think you can do a better job than those guys? If yes then go ahead and apply for a programer post or better keeping the FOSS spirit alive and offer them to work for free as a comunity service!!! Can you do it?

And BSNL provides data service, if there is something worng in the software or portal, then suggest/point out the mistakes to them, Your suggestion for them to use a perticular OS is complete bullshit and its concerned only to BSNL.

I never say they are stupid, only their talents are underutilised,although our RTTC are better equipped in Linux,(Inchennai RTTC has more than 50 computers have provided with dual booting with Fedora and Windows, They arrange regular linux training, their superior officers never give permission to attend linux training.. saying ,' who use linux?
they are ready to put their employees always on a technical backwards) I know many classes had to be concealed the moral of the officers are put at the lowest ebb. Where to discuss? ever they arrange meetings with officers and staff? ever they discussed the , what the custom care centre people are facing with public? do they have any facility to interaction with public in their portal..?How transparent are present feed back system? I already sugested a php based forum in BSNL websites.. But they pointly refused todo anything with LAMP..
I am Account perssonnel.not a techie! ..
remember I am not happy for critisirng my own Officers unless they treat Customers as Asset to be cherished, BSNL future is bleak..


Commander in Chief
Ok this is enough. I've waited too long for you guys to realize.

What the heck is wrong with you guys? I don't get what you all are playing at.

First of all, they provide a DIALER for people who don't have INTERNET on Linux.

So this clearly means you CANT use internet on Linux without the dialer they have provided.

(Pros please ignore this, BSNL does NOT know nor care about your skills)

So what the hell is wrong in giving a EXE self-extracting package containing the dialer and some instruction manuals for a user to read before he attempts to do the installation on Linux. Any one reason? :|

Alright if your point of argument is that it should have been .ZIP atleast think about those bloody popular Win 98 users lacking WinZIP or equivalents. A self extractor is a boon to even ones with WinZIP since it eases the work and makes it automatic.

If BSNL tries to help in some way you guys just vent on it, BAH. :|

For a summary:
How the **** would you download this dialer on Linux when you can not connect to the internet without it? Rings bells? :|

Edit: Oh and lols at NucleusKore for his Wine thought. T'was near but pretty bad a thought. I_R_D - et tu? :shock:
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Wire muncher!
^^^ How about the Linux user downloading the dialer on another Linux machine? :)

IMHO, everyone is making a big deal for nothing! I don't see the point arguing on this matter... people posting 100 lines reply and stuff. Seriously, we haf better things to do!


Commander in Chief
As I said they (BSNL) do it for normal users, not for pros.. They would only be normal in assuming that all existing users who shifted to Linux were previously using Windows and have no other means. That's the worst case too, and they addressed it that way, so its just fine on their part. Atleast they did something. :)


* Teh Flirt King *
@ anyone who says BSNL's site can't run on anything else then IE6.

Check again guys..Its old news.. BSNL's site is working great on Both Opera and FF2.0.

Yes it is foolish of them providing Self-Extracting EXE and that too containing RPM files.. I talked about my uncle about this (he is PRO there and thankfully knows about Linux stuff...), he says its the fault of Web-Designers(who I doubt knew anything abt Win-Lin stuff) of BSNL's cause its them who uploads stuff (so its not the fault of developers, BTW software wasn't even developed by BSNL people). Still sent a feedback too...

And I hope anyone here who have 5 minutes to spare will do same...
^^@quiz: I told the exact same thing before. That the webmasters may have put the files into a self extracting exe as is a routine for BSNL downloads. But who is there to listen ? :p
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