Best nvidia gpu on intel based rig

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Ambassador of Buzz
Hi i am building one and need to know which card could be future proof. so that later a year i can add another to get much better performance.

Nvidia i prefer as its works well with intel.

If AMD let me know the counter part of nvidia competing one.

BUDGET 20k max

x2 series i saw is good but 30-40k is too much.

All i want is 25fps bare min at full HD . Irrespective of game never mind beyond resolution


Gaming Unlimited
Go for MSI R6950 Twin Frozr III Power Edition/OC @ 15.9 K, Its already overclocked and you can further increase the Core and Shader speed to match the High end performance of HD 6970 stock settings.

Also, if you CF with another card, then it scales much better than nVIDIA and provides great performance.

Or, if you want to buy nVIDIA card then it will be more costly but provide more performance MSI N570GTX Twinfrozr II Graphics Card @ 19.8K

This card provides good performance and consumes less watt than HD 6970, but more than HD 6950.

and, for Crossfire/SLI you need at least 800 W PSU, and Corsair TX 850 @ 7.5K can handle your rig.


Super Moderator
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@ macho84 - post your system config in details and what's the PSU you have - brand and model name/no ??


Ambassador of Buzz
i am buying individual parts. The power supply is glacialtech 950

i can go for amd as well what your opinion


laborare est orare
Then state the whole budget and what are the components you are willing to buy. It will help us to suggest more precisely.


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ yep, it can even handle GTX580 in SLI ;-)

BTW, Op can get GTX 570 / MSI R6970 Twin Frozr II/III / 2x Sapphire HD6870 in CF at 22k - recommended.


Wise Old Owl
I will go with Top Gear but does his Mobo has a SLI/CF Capable Mobo?

If Single then HD6970 one as suggested is nice.


Ambassador of Buzz
Top & Piyush, I had mb which support dual x8 . But which is better going for 1 card or 2 card.

Also AMD OR NVIDIA. Some say amd and some nvidia. Not sure. In long run which can withstand. I need a bare minimum of 25fps. with i5 overclocked to 4.4ghz planning


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ then you are all set and get 2x Sapphire HD6870 in CF @ 22k with your eyes wide open - those two cards will perform way better than any single gpu and will be a future proof investment as well ;-)


laborare est orare
^^ Agreed with Topgear. Two HD 6870 in Crossfire actually beats GTX 580..the most powerful single GPU card by more than 10% margin.

So if Dual GPU solution-> 2X Sapphire HD 6870 in Crossfire

IF Single GPU -> MSI HD 6950 Twin Frozer III 2 GB @ 16K


Theres no point in being confused. Since you will be getting a hd monitor (1920x1080) both gtx 570 and hd 6970 will perform similar. Get whichever you like and stop creating too many threads on same topic dont cf your 5770, hd 6k is a lot better.
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