Battlefield 4 Discussion


i might be using the wrong word :oops: ....well what I meant was where the player orders his teammates to attack the enemies... :/ was that in BF3?

Yeah, looks like they bought the 'spot' mechanic from the MP to SP. Hopefully, that will teach a lot of idiots who don't spot enemies in the MP.

what? ppl buying a 1.5k standard edition game for 6 hrs of singleplayer mission ? many ppl who bought bf3 did never even cared about sp. but dice plans to make sp more appealing, just to get those single player fps gamers out there. hopefully they don't screw mp for that.

bf2, bf1942,bf1943, bf2142 didnt have single player missions, except just practice maps.
only band company series and bf3 have single player mission i think.

12% of 15 million gamers aren't a minority, so dice cannot ignore them. I mean, who wouldn't try the SP campaign with that kind of engine :D
And you can't rely on those kind of polls all the time.


if sp is priority, purchasing MoH/FarCry/Stalker/Wolfestein/Stalker/CoD makes more sense. seriously, spend 1.5k for 6 hrs of sp enjoyment (that too with limited features) ? :blink:


if sp is priority, purchasing MoH/FarCry/Stalker/Wolfestein/Stalker/CoD makes more sense. seriously, spend 1.5k for 6 hrs of sp enjoyment (that too with limited features) ? :blink:

I know, and I agree, but that doesn't mean people won't play the SP. Its a good marketing tool as well. If it wasn't for those early battlefield 3 SP gameplay trailers, the game wouldn't had got all the hype.


The game has not even been fully revealed and DICE already has an expansion pack named 'Drone Strike' under development.


some ppl saying multiplayer preview is coing in may, to build up another hype after 1-2 months.


Thank god.

Battlefield 4 won't use motion controls because they are a 'gimmick,' says DICE exec producer.

The article title is slightly misleading though, he says motion controls won't work with the game they are making, and not that they are an outright gimmick.


Living to Play
Thank god.

Battlefield 4 won't use motion controls because they are a 'gimmick,' says DICE exec producer.

The article title is slightly misleading though, he says motion controls won't work with the game they are making, and not that they are an outright gimmick.

Finally wise words from mouth of developers. :)


The BF4 demo ran on a 7990.

With that in mind, the 7990 will be moving from officially unofficial status to just outright official status. Ending their GDC presentation, AMD’s final item was a tease of their official Radeon HD 7990 design, with word that it’s coming soon. Real soon in fact, as we later found out DICE had been using some of these 7990 cards to power their Battlefield 4 demo elsewhere at GDC.

As this is a teaser AMD isn’t saying anything about the card beyond the fact that it’s a dual Tahiti card just as the unofficially official 7990s were. But even from the few pictures they’ve strategically provided we can infer a few things.

AnandTech | AMD Teases Official Radeon HD 7990

So it won't be nearly as shiny on the western consoles.


Dude BF4 was insane!! I don't mean it was innovative, but it looked insanely real. Dice's VFX guys did a kickas$ job.


TBH, i stopped being impressed with realistic looking games soon after idTech 4 came out. At this point it feels as natural as the progression of technology and these thing start looking dated in 2 - 3 years. BF4 to me looks more like "Super Battlefield 3 Sigma Deluxe Edition G HD Ver." than an entire new game.

Stylization/ Stylization + technical prowess still continues to impress me though.(eg. Capcom's Deep Down)


well you can't expect completely new gameplay or breakthrough in graphics, afterall its a military shooter
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