Basic Guide Purchase a New System

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Broken In
hey what abou this Tagan TG-600-U37????

TheITWares - One Stop for all Gizmos!Tagan TG-600-U37 Max Power Upto 700W Power Supply - TheITWares

hey what abou this Tagan TG-600-U37????

TheITWares - One Stop for all Gizmos!Tagan TG-600-U37 Max Power Upto 700W Power Supply - TheITWares
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Broken In
ok than i will buy it beacause it is a good combination of power and price point and if corsair 550 W will in reach than go with that.

i have selected these psu i m going to buy R6870 + PSu. if you think any bad psu from these than tell me which is bad???? i will buy from these powersupply because sometimes a particular psu may not be available.

these are the psus that i have seleceted

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Retired Forum Mod
simply distribute the PSU like this: below 500W enough for HD6870 (usually Corsair VX450W)
650W or above enough for HD6870 X 2 (Corsair TX650W).

this rule is valid for only good PSU. CM Extreme power PSU of 500W may fail to hold a single HD6870 (though some extreme powers are found to be of good quality).


Broken In

i hv decided to buy a new computer. the budget is not more than 20000. the system sud hv the following config:
1. cpu
2. lcd monitor
3. ups(APC preferable)
4. keyboard+mouse
5. sound system 2.1
eagerly waiting for your suggestion.......


Ishu Gupta

Manchester United
Athlon II x3 435/440 @ 3.3k
ASUS M4A78LT M LE @ 2.6k
G.Skill F3-10666CL9S-2GBNQ @ 1k
Seagate 500GB @ 1.7k
Benq G920HD @ 5.5k
Zebronics Bijli without power supply @ 1.1k
FSP SagaII 350W @ 1.5k
Creative SBS A35 @ 0.4k
KB/Mouse @ 0.3k
LG 22X SATA DVD @ 0.9k
APC 600VA @ 1.8k
Total 20.1k


Broken In
Hi guys i have purchased R6870 TWIN FROZR WITH GX650 CM AND 1TB SEAGATE baracuda., it is going very well please suggest me a good processor motherboard.

Ishu Gupta

Manchester United
Intel i5 2400 @ 9.5k
Intel DH67CL @ 5.7k
Corsair 2GB DDR3 1333MHz @ 1.1k
TOTAL 16.3k

But their is a problem with the motherboards which should be rectified in 2 months.

IMO You should enjoy your HD6870 and get the CPU and Mobo in March end.


Broken In
yah performance with my pentium D sucks. i want to take a good decision about procesor and mother board intel vs and which is batter.???????

Ishu Gupta

Manchester United
If you are only going to use 2 SATA (port0 and port1 for SATA3) ports than you can go with the 16k option.
The other SATA ports are defective and will degrade performance overtime. Intel will replace motherboard for everyone who has bought it once the revised chipsets arrive.
Dunno if it happens in India though.
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