Hello guys!!..
u guys seem 2 b commendable...and helpful..
I m a noob in here an ..Please help on da following:
I am planning to replace my old rig (P4 2.6, 945 Mobo,512MB SD RAM, Samsung 80 GB HD, Geforce 5200 FX(yaa....d oldie

I plan to reuse the Sony DVD RW and Creative 5.1 Speakers, also I have a Intex Sound Card which I think..i can utilize!!!
I tried purusing the older posts...and mayb I've gained smething bt nw i m confused..

(Budget approx.
20-25 K (+/- 2000) excluding Monitor, Speakers, DVD RW)
(Usage: Preferably for gaming(not an xtereme gamer bt shud run all current and future games at drscent FPS and visuals) and entertainment, video editing etc.)
Consider OC is nt necessary fr me if it gives descent FPS and visuals while gaming at stock settings bt shud b futre proof as I want to use it till next 4-5 years at least
I have my eyes on:
Proc: Core 2 Quad Q6600
Mobo: MSI P45 Neo-F or MSI P35 Neo-F or ASUS P5N32- E-SLI(preferance) (do nt wanna spend mre den 4-6k...shd support PCI E 2.0/SLI etc.)
Video Card: I prefer Nvidia over ATI (Donno da reason) 8800 GTX or 9800 GTX (lemme know d brand..xfx/msi/palit..shud be between 6k-9K)
Hard Disk: 250 GB 7,200 RPM (suggest d brand)
Ram: DDR2 -2GB 800 Fsb (Suggest d brand , approx: 1.5 K)
Keyboard/mouse: <1k, suggest d brand and model
Cabinet/SMPS: 1.5K-2K
Hopefully dudes..u guys can help me build my dream rig within dat budget..
Kindly mention the prices also.
Looking forward to your support /thanx in advance!!