Basic Guide Purchase a New System

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EXIT: DATA Junkyard
U may consider this:

ViewSonic VX1940 @ 10k

This 19" monitor has a very good contrast ratio and also the resolution is 1680x1050.


win2k intrnls xpert

I contacted Itwares and they gave me this quotation for my new system:
ntel Q6600 - - 10200/-

MSI P45 Neo-F Motherboard - 6100/-

3 x 2GB 800 kingston DDR2 RAM - 1375/- + 1375/- + 1375/-

Palit 9600 GT 512 MB DDR3 - 6500/-

500 GB Wetsern Digital 7200 rpm HDD - - 3300/-

Corsair VX450 power supply - - 4150/-

Zebronics Bijli - - 1450/-

Viewsonic 19'' LCD - - 8150/-

APC 650 VA - 3300/-

Shipping Charges - Rs. 1750/-

Grand Total =Rs 45,894/-

I have some questions,please

1.I use an APC 500 VA Back-ups (old model without USB) at present.Would it be sufficient for above config? for peripherals i use creative SBS 20 2.1 speakers only occasionally.I mostly use a Techcom HP-203 headphone

2.@janitha -Should I change the LCD to Dell 19'' since u reported complaints with Viewsonic ?

Waiting for ur replies,please ASAP


win2k intrnls xpert
1.I use an APC 500 VA Back-ups (old model without USB) at present.Would it be sufficient for above config(ie ,if I change proccy to Q8200)? for peripherals i use creative SBS 20 2.1 speakers only occasionally.I mostly use a Techcom HP-203 headphone


Wise Old Owl

I contacted Itwares and they gave me this quotation for my new system:
ntel Q6600 - - 10200/-

MSI P45 Neo-F Motherboard - 6100/-

3 x 2GB 800 kingston DDR2 RAM - 1375/- + 1375/- + 1375/-

Palit 9600 GT 512 MB DDR3 - 6500/-

500 GB Wetsern Digital 7200 rpm HDD - - 3300/-

Corsair VX450 power supply - - 4150/-

Zebronics Bijli - - 1450/-

Viewsonic 19'' LCD - - 8150/-

APC 650 VA - 3300/-

Shipping Charges - Rs. 1750/-

Grand Total =Rs 45,894/-

I have some questions,please

1.I use an APC 500 VA Back-ups (old model without USB) at present.Would it be sufficient for above config? for peripherals i use creative SBS 20 2.1 speakers only occasionally.I mostly use a Techcom HP-203 headphone

2.@janitha -Should I change the LCD to Dell 19'' since u reported complaints with Viewsonic ?

Waiting for ur replies,please ASAP

1. Try to speak to Rahul of the theitwares and you may get better prices. (his no. is there in their site itself)
2. For HDD, better get Seagate 500GB with 32MB cache.
3. Make sure which Viewsonic model no. you are getting, to ensure that it has DVI input. (There are lots of complaints reg their products and service but you will get service, though maybe delayed for weeks)


Point Blanc
its a li'l overpriced IMO.

do not say it is little overpriced, the vendor has taken margin of almost 6-7K

Proccy = 9K
Mobo = 6.5K
Monitor = 8K
RAM = 1.5K(for 2 sticks og 1GB)
HDD = 2.5K
KB Mouse = .7K
Sony Burner = 1.1K

+4% VAT = 1.2K = 31.2K max

Hasnt given any UPS in the package. Even if you pay that price ask for including the APC 650VA UPS and say it is quiet over priced.
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Point Blanc
guys who dont want to read full detail can read only next 2 lines
Need a Processor, Motherboard, LCD (19 or 22)
Budget is Rs. 18 or 19maximum, Please Help

now the detail......
Whenever someone ask for LCD i suggest go for 22" instead of 19"
it is cheap, wide blahh...... blahh............ blahh......................

but now its my turn

Please suggest me what should I go for
I am in need of 19" LCD bcoz it looks good and fair enough big in size
But like me all other are suggesting me to go for 22", if I go for 22" the budget get problem

Budget is tight 28-29K

The Component already selected are
HDD - Rs. 3000, RAM - Rs. 1800, Cabinet - Rs. 1500, DVD - Rs 1100, Floppy Disk - Rs. 250, Keyboard-Mouse - Rs. 650, Speaker - Rs. 1150
Total = some 10K

Remaining Processor, Mobo & LCD Monitor ????
Which is the Best i can get from the remaining Amount ??? Please Help with your suggestions

As I think I should go for 19" LCD @ Rs. 9K and can get a good Proc like E7200 + MOBO for 10K

If you spend 10K on proccy mobo then
E7200 = 5.5K
E7300 = 5.8K
Mobo as suggested by psycho DG31 based Asus P5K PL ..... would come in 2.8-3K max has 4GB RAM option which is good.
1GB 800 FSB stick 700-800
and 2GB 800 FSB single stick comes in 1.3-1.4K
as said you know about monitors, my suggestion is spending 2-3K if possible for going for 22 inch instead of 19 inch is real wise, extra screen size and all factors are good.
Check the prices with Dell, Benq 2200HD is another good model with 13K price, its a full HD monitor.
You budget is decent, if you raise by 2-3K your sure will get 22 inch, though its dilematic when buying on own, my say is money contraints come you cannot think much, and if waitinf for some time gets you some extra bucks to buy a proper product is worth waiting


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
do not say it is little overpriced, the vendor has taken margin of almost 6-7K

Proccy = 9K
Mobo = 6.5K
Monitor = 8K
RAM = 1.5K(for 2 sticks og 1GB)
HDD = 2.5K
KB Mouse = .7K
Sony Burner = 1.1K

+4% VAT = 1.2K = 31.2K max

Hasnt given any UPS in the package. Even if you pay that price ask for including the APC 650VA UPS and say it is quiet over priced.
Yes , its over priced. but it was a deal from my manager so all I can do is inform him , price negotiation is up to him. and BTW the vendor did give me a APC 500AV USP.


Any body knows where to buy D945GCLF2 Mobo in Mumbai or in india ?
Please provide a contact detail....

My requirements are
I want a Mini itx Motherboard for LESS i don't care if it is AMD or Intel but it should and must contain this....

Form Factor = Mini itx (very imp)
Sata connection
Onboard IGP
Svideo out or Dvi Out or video out(for connecting to tv)
silent cpu support...
1gb lan
1 pci-e slot

My max budget is 5-6k Only on Motherboard....

How can i know which MINI-ITX motherboard is available in INDIA ?
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The Burning Curse
My friend has a 4 year old configuration which he wants to upgrade but the budget is very stringent at 15k. He intends to upgrade to a config which would last him for atleast 2 years.

Usage: Programming, Multimedia and rarely gaming. The configuration must be able to handle MATLAB programming.

Processor : He would prefer an Intel E7200 Core 2 Duo but even a decent AMD processor will serve him the purpose.
Motherboard : Jetway HA06 or some other mobo which has future expandibility.
Power Supply : Some common brand like Zebronics (400W) coz i don't think he would be able to opt for something like Cooler Master or Corsair.
RAM : 1Gbx2 Kingston 800Mhz DDR2
Cabinet : Zebronics Bijli

Can u guys plz suggest some other good config in the upgrade budget specified??


My friend has a 4 year old configuration which he wants to upgrade but the budget is very stringent at 15k. He intends to upgrade to a config which would last him for atleast 2 years.

Usage: Programming, Multimedia and rarely gaming. The configuration must be able to handle MATLAB programming.

Processor : He would prefer an Intel E7200 Core 2 Duo but even a decent AMD processor will serve him the purpose.
Motherboard : Jetway HA06 or some other mobo which has future expandibility.
Power Supply : Some common brand like Zebronics (400W) coz i don't think he would be able to opt for something like Cooler Master or Corsair.
RAM : 1Gbx2 Kingston 800Mhz DDR2
Cabinet : Zebronics Bijli

Can u guys plz suggest some other good config in the upgrade budget specified??

Intels LGA 775 socket is dead now which uses Core2Duo & Core2quad , NEHALEM processors are new which uses LGA 1366 which is the future proof and safe as the price fall in DDR3 RAM , so with in two months Intel proc will be arriving with the LGA 1366.

And also AMD's AM2 socket also not much future proof as AMD lauching AM3 socket in January . So if u r going to spend for motherboard and Proc means dont go for much

i choose this config would suite ur friend needs ,

AMD phenom X3 8450 (tri core)
ASUS M3A78-EM (780g chipset)
2GB 800Mhz
250 GB HDD seagate
LG/Samsung DVD RW
I BALL ENGINEX or you can choose the model (iball PSU is better than Zebronics)

The price of listed config :
5250+4100+1400+2100+1000+1100 = TOTAL 14950/-

I added with DVD RW & Harddisk which u have not mentioned

Sorry if i add the AMD means because u told that your friend will play sometime 780 chipset plays the FARCRY2 @ Medium - 1024 X 768 , so only i choose this config

If u prefer intel means u surely need to spend 3k for extra Graphics .Now the applications are utilising the 3rd core


The Burning Curse
thanks for replying. Now my friend has got an extension of 1-2k in his budget of 15k.

I am thinking of this config for him-
1] Intel E7200 Core 2 Duo processor - 6k(approx)
2] Some good mobo in the price range of 4k with future expandibility.
3] Kingston 1Gbx2 DDR2 RAM - Rs 900x2
4] 250Gb or may be less capacity Sata HDD (just trying to save some substantial cash here to invest in a good SMPS. If the price margin is less then forget it) - Rs 2300
5] Zebronics or iball Engine-X cabinet with SMPS - Rs 1500
Total Cost - Rs 15.6k approx

No DVD writer is required for him but the mobo must have atleast one IDE slot for him to connect his old comp's HDD and DVD writer (both IDE)

Plz give me some more suggestions in both Intel and AMD based configuration fitting the specified budget. Which is the mobo with on-board graphics that will best suit the above config???

P.S.- Where is KPowerMania???? Haven't seen him here since ages...:D


Back to school!!
Intels LGA 775 socket is dead now which uses Core2Duo & Core2quad , NEHALEM processors are new which uses LGA 1366 which is the future proof and safe as the price fall in DDR3 RAM , so with in two months Intel proc will be arriving with the LGA 1366.

And also AMD's AM2 socket also not much future proof as AMD lauching AM3 socket in January . So if u r going to spend for motherboard and Proc means dont go for much

i choose this config would suite ur friend needs ,

AMD phenom X3 8450 (tri core)
ASUS M3A78-EM (780g chipset)
2GB 800Mhz
250 GB HDD seagate
LG/Samsung DVD RW
I BALL ENGINEX or you can choose the model (iball PSU is better than Zebronics)

The price of listed config :
5250+4100+1400+2100+1000+1100 = TOTAL 14950/-

I added with DVD RW & Harddisk which u have not mentioned

Sorry if i add the AMD means because u told that your friend will play sometime 780 chipset plays the FARCRY2 @ Medium - 1024 X 768 , so only i choose this config

If u prefer intel means u surely need to spend 3k for extra Graphics .Now the applications are utilising the 3rd core
LGA775 isn't dead yet, in that case Intel wouldn't have launched E8600 just a few months before launching Corei7, also Core 2 Extremes still cost a lot. Actually the high cost of X58 based mobo, lack of onboard video and need for Triple channel DDR3 RAM will keep the seemingly cheap Corei7 away from the people's reach for some time. Also the lack of application support makes purchasing Corei7 a complete waste of money, how many practical applications can use more than 4 cores let alone 4 hyperthreaded cores(8 threads) at the same time.
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