This just in, all the work is done

. The vendor has collected the parts & kept them aside safely.
Intel Core 2 Duo E4500 & Intel DG31PR Motherboard are in stock & waiting for me to buy, placed safely in a shelf seperately

. The bundle costs Rs 8,500.
I got Kingston ValueRAM, 2 x 1 GB DDR2 667 KVR667D2N5/1G for use in dual channel mode. The old Simmtronics RAM with Dynet Chips is available for Rs 900 for one module while kingston costs Rs 1,200 for one module but I m ready to pay Rs 600 extra for better quality. Total cost is Rs 2,400
The harddisk is Western Digital WD1600AAJS, it is coming on order & will be here by Monday or Tuesday costing Rs 2,400.
Cabinet is same, iBall Baby 306. Rs 1,700.
The overall price has incresed though, I now have to pay Rs 9,000 to the vendor alongwith my old computer. Due to this I am not exchanging my TV Tuner card for a new one right now.