AntiVirus Name: Avast free Anti-Virus v7.0
Free or Paid: fREE
Price in INR [If Paid]: N/A
Protection Type: This comes with antivirus, web shield, p2p shield, webrep addon, behaviour shield, boot time scan, sand box. and so many other good stuff.
Ratings out of 5.
User Friendly: 5
Detection Rate: 4
Price: N/A
Overall: 4.5
Recommend to Use: Yes
Comments: This is the best free security protection around! I have been using it from v4.7 and am satisfied with its performance. I have used many premium suites like KiS 2010, PC TOOLs iNternet security etc, and i felt safe with them and i feel same way for this too. Avast feels like a professional and I feel safe when using this.
Review on v7.0: So many new things have been added good detection rate and furnished GUI. I like it