i don't think that a TDF guy is this n00b.
What makes you say that ?
Is TDF some kind of COLLEGE where you seat and get FREE lectures on

OR TDF magically turns every visitor to this FORUM into
I agree with @
thetechfreak atleast, this time.
1. Computer User's just installing AV will never protect him/her completely.
2. It is user's self consciousness, which will prevent his/her computer to get infected.
3. If user is conscious enough not to do some of the following his will save his/her day:
>>> a) By Not visiting and downloading suspicious programs / software just to try it out.
>>> b) Avoiding P0*n sites completely.
>>> c) Avoiding illegal ways to use software ( i hope members understand what i mean by this )
>>> d) By Keeping track of softwares running on their system.
>>> e) By opening E-mail attachments from trusted sources only. ( From known friends and office staff / clients / business associates only)
>>> f) Regularly moving suspicious e-mails to the JUNK FOLDER and BLOCKING the sender ( most e-mail providers have this features )
>>> g) DO NOT SUBSCRIBE for E-MAIL NEWSLETTERS from unknown websites / companies ( better don't subscribe for this at all )
4. This are some basic things i can think of at this time.