AMD HD 6950 and 6970 released


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Might not be in 2010 but may be in 2011. So you are saying anybody interested in physx effects should turn away from amd camp and look nowhere except nvidia right?

Even i think like you. I would choose a card according to its true power. But to be honest ICO i sometimes regret of not choosing the gts 450 when i made my purchase.Atleast it would have given me playable framerates in physx titles with PhysX enabled like mirror's edge and mafia 2.

But that is a personal choice anyways.
Fixed your post and here are the benchmarks:
Benchmark Results: Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (DX9) : Nvidia GeForce GTS 450: Hello GF106, Farewell G92
Benchmark Results: Crysis (DX10) : Nvidia GeForce GTS 450: Hello GF106, Farewell G92
Benchmark Results: Aliens Vs. Predator (DX11) : Nvidia GeForce GTS 450: Hello GF106, Farewell G92
Benchmark Results: DiRT 2 (DX11) : Nvidia GeForce GTS 450: Hello GF106, Farewell G92
Benchmark Results: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (DX11) : Nvidia GeForce GTS 450: Hello GF106, Farewell G92
Benchmark Results: Just Cause 2 : Nvidia GeForce GTS 450: Hello GF106, Farewell G92


I am the night...I am...

Because it is pathetic and lame coding by nVidia. When an nVidia card is not realized by the sub system it is all off loaded to the CPU. Now these are mathematical calculations with extremely high floating points --- and the CPU which is supposed to be managing things is now actually doing them.

It is not ATI faults that these 'high end' affects cannot be rendered on their die and get off loaded to the CPU. It is the game developers and the PhysX engine which forces the game to run in this manner. See this link here. Yes the Green cards are on top, but they are made for this game. You will also see some HD5xxx series in there giving 'playable' rates. Now why is that...??

The Mafia 2 developers signed up for this program with nVidia. Basically it is home ground advantage to put it in layman terms. Of course the green cards will win.

Regarding your system A,B question:
System A will run better cause it is customized to run on nVidia cards. ATI cards have a disadvantage here, which is not their fault. Why you think we run Vantage benchmarks with the PhysX capability off. To give both sides an even playing ground.

See this playable screenshot.
And this too. With PhyX off. The average is 101.2

Ok buddy i am satisfied. Its because of nvidia's proprietary physx engine amd cards are unable to process them and the poor cpu has to do them.But don't you think that lame coding is nvidia's advantage? Why will nvidia allow their propriety code to be handled by amd gpu's in competition point of view. Don't you think amd should stress on a physx equivalent and give its cards an advantage?

So guess i will contend in playing mafia 2 with apex physx off.:smile:

Fixed your post and here are the benchmarks:
Benchmark Results: Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (DX9) : Nvidia GeForce GTS 450: Hello GF106, Farewell G92
Benchmark Results: Crysis (DX10) : Nvidia GeForce GTS 450: Hello GF106, Farewell G92
Benchmark Results: Aliens Vs. Predator (DX11) : Nvidia GeForce GTS 450: Hello GF106, Farewell G92
Benchmark Results: DiRT 2 (DX11) : Nvidia GeForce GTS 450: Hello GF106, Farewell G92
Benchmark Results: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (DX11) : Nvidia GeForce GTS 450: Hello GF106, Farewell G92
Benchmark Results: Just Cause 2 : Nvidia GeForce GTS 450: Hello GF106, Farewell G92

5750 and gts 450 are quite similar but none of the above titles has physx. Anyways we have have to turn off physx for an amd card and it will render fine. I am satisfied with what i have.:smile:
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aby geek

Cyborg Agent
so 6970 cf only weaker to 5970 cf and asus ares ?

and fudzilla is reliable they were atleast right about the prices

and man metro 2033 is crysis daddy no decent fps at any setting or res. are there any benchmarks for this game for 5970 and asus ares


I am the night...I am...
so 6970 cf only weaker to 5970 cf and asus ares ?

and fudzilla is reliable they were atleast right about the prices

and man metro 2033 is crysis daddy no decent fps at any setting or res. are there any benchmarks for this game for 5970 and asus ares

you're forgetting the gtx 580 sli. 6970cf is also weaker to it.


Latest games are coming with Physx ! whether it is Nvidia or Aegia Physx -> Nvidia Owns It !!
mafia 2 and metro 2033 are the only ones i could name in 2010. lol.

and yes..i own a nvidia card and i think it is a gimmick. lol.


I am the night...I am...
You think AMD should come up with their own gimmick and create more retarded confusion? How naive. :|

No i'm not being naive but for the sake of competition amd should up the ante.

Afterall confusion will lead to better competition until something universal is accepted.

Just my thought but don't know if it will lead to fruitition.:-|

AMD seriously has less software support and need to work out in this area.
Don't you think the same?
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Super Moderator
Staff member
Top gear i never knew that u know RUSSIAN language ...:cool:

lol...privet AMD Radeon HD 6950/6970: îïèñàíèå âèäåîêàðòû è ðåçóëüòàòû ñèíòåòè÷åñêèõ òåñòîâ > Google Translate

Google rocks! :p

@ damngoodman999 and Faun -I don't knwo russian langugae and look at Krazzy Warrior post - I think you guys got your answers. Let's not discuss it any further.

get this thread back to topic..enough offtopic shite.

Looks like PhySyX is taking away all the lime lights !.

@ ico - thanks for making this one a separate thread.

BTW, updated the first post with specs and links to more reviews.


Very true. Cf has improved. 6950cf are the cards that scales well and beats gtx 570 sli in some benchmarks but thats due to improved driver optimisations and large frame buffer.Expect nvidia to release new drivers to improve sli scaling and thus fight back.(we all know about nvidia's drivers prowess). But a gtx 580 sli will still be at top but that increases the costs much higher than caymans.

Tesselation is also a factor and though amd has improved a lot and stress on geometry more unlike its earlier iterations but they are no match for nvidia. This is an important consideration imo because i see games like crysis 2 to utilize tesselation.

yea, in comparison to 6970, 570 is a better buy...but wait for 2~3 driver updates from amd.But, in price, 6950 is unbeatable.
in tesselletion, see this.
Radeon HD 6950 & 6970 review

AMD Radeon HD 6970 and HD 6950 Review - Page 15

nd this


Might not be in 2010 but may be in 2011. So you are saying anybody interested in physx effects should turn away from amd camp and look nowhere except nvidia right?

Even i think like you. I would choose a card according to its true power. But to be honest ICO i sometimes regret of not choosing the gts 450 when i made my purchase.Atleast it would have given me playable framerates in physx titles like mirror's edge and mafia 2.

But that is a personal choice anyways.

like Ico said 60% hit with enabling that bu**sh*t with a single nv card, an enthusiast surely will buy an xtra card for phys(if he really a fan of that).so, it is indeed not a even tiny factor for choosing gfx card...but , seriously ,in case of mine(and i think other price concern players) physx s*cks balls...and again it is already being saidthat those effects with physx ,could easily be achieved by in_built softwares.physx is worthless, coz, it isn't optimised for todays cpus, no SSE2 instruction,no multicore optimised.nv said ,'it is developer who made the choice ,we have those sse2 supports'. my question is 'why developers made the choice?


YouTube - GTX 480 Vs HD 5870 Crysis Showdown

Sometimes i need to agree with Ati since Physx OFF The ATI cards sure Gona Kick the Nvidia Higher ends , If some needs eye candy Better Be gone with Nvidia !!:cool:


laborare est orare
How will this affect the manufacturing cost.
If you ar using very wide bus, it introduces lots of other problems. For example
1. When you are using a very wide bus, they are grouped in some logical divisions. In Nvidia each of the group is 64 bit wide and have 6 of them in GTX 580. This is done to reduce induction among the each of the BUS channels as each of the BUS has their own electromagnetic field (although very weak) and can induce the nearest ones with noise or wrong electrical signal.
So the grouping is necessary to cut that induction. So more the bus width, more precaution needed to stop that effect. In increase

2. In increases die size also. Now in a nano architecture (55nm or 40 nm) there is an incident called "Quantum Tunneling" The thing is when die size becomes very thin, sometimes electrons overcome their internal bonding force and travel through a barrier that it classically could not be possible.
It introduces an opposite flowing electron current which increases the power consumption and heat dissipation. So special hardware need to be used to fight those problems.

3. Even normal fabrication process of 256 bit bus is simpler compared to 384 bit bus fabrication. In all the tech sites like guru3d, toms hardware it is mentioned. This is the reason Nvidia was not able to reduce the price of their high end 200 series GPUs like GTX 285, 275 to fight back. They use 448 bit or 512 Bit memory bus resulting huge manufacturing cost.


I am the night...I am...
@ damngoodman999

No buddy , even with physx off, ati is lagging behind nvidia high end cards this time. The 6970 & 6950 trails behind the gtx 580 and gtx 570 duo in all the benchmarks and all resolutions.

And talk about sli vs cf, sli needs some further optimisations for the newer cards and probably a new driver would fix it. And the competitor of 6850cf will come in the form of gtx 560 sli. This time its all nvidia in the top segment and expect that trend to follow till the midrange territory.

If ati can get the pricing right, we can see some decent competition.

@ cilus

Nice piece of info buddy. But what has bus width to do with die size?

If manufactures know about "quantum tunneling effect", why will they fabricate thinner dies in the first place? A sillicon die which has more area can incorporate large no. of transistors & nano architecture i.e 55nm , 40nm refers to transistor size.

Transistors being small in size, can be incorporated in smaller dies but without sacrificing their number strength because total no. of transistors is directly proportional to performance. But to reduce power consumption and heat, the die shrink and nano fabrication are necessary which also cuts down cost.

Both amd and nvidia are currently using 40nm transistors in their dies but amd's die size is smaller than nvidia and the latter has more no. of transistors.

like Ico said 60% hit with enabling that bu**sh*t with a single nv card, an enthusiast surely will buy an xtra card for phys(if he really a fan of that).so, it is indeed not a even tiny factor for choosing gfx card...but , seriously ,in case of mine(and i think other price concern players) physx s*cks balls...and again it is already being saidthat those effects with physx ,could easily be achieved by in_built softwares.physx is worthless, coz, it isn't optimised for todays cpus, no SSE2 instruction,no multicore optimised.nv said ,'it is developer who made the choice ,we have those sse2 supports'. my question is 'why developers made the choice?

Post properly cause that sms style looks crappy imo.

Amd has no trick up its sleeve from a software point of view. nvidia did this to gain an upper hand & if more games supporting physx sell more nvidia cards will.

Why would nvidia want amd cards to support physx? Thats the reason of not adding that sse2 instruction just because to cripple amd in nvidia titles.

And a person who wants physx would never go for an amd card even high end ones. They would prefer nvidia and current amd owners who wants to go the physx way will add a second nvidia card.

Nvidia is supporting more titles than amd & some are even aaa titles.Thats why the developer does what nvidia tells them to do.

And if that sort of effects can be done without physx code, why doesn't amd do it and then do the talking. Atleast we will have some fair competition.

yea, in comparison to 6970, 570 is a better buy...but wait for 2~3 driver updates from amd.But, in price, 6950 is unbeatable.
in tesselletion, see this.
Radeon HD 6950 & 6970 review

AMD Radeon HD 6970 and HD 6950 Review - Page 15

nd this

After amd's 2-3 driver updates, nvidia will also have 2-3 driver updates.

The bottomline is both the caymans lag their nvidia counterparts in all the benchmarks. Even the 570 touches 6970 in performance. Nvidia will release a driver to improve its sli performance.

In tesselation amd still lags nvidia and in higher resolutions the gap increases.
If anything will save amd caymans now is going to be pricing.
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laborare est orare
vickybat, if you put a huge memory bus then it will take some extra place right... that's why a huge memory bus always increase the total Die size. Plus the extra hardware to arrange the Bus and to prevent the incidents I've mentioned earlier will increase it further.
Check the Die size of GTX 285 and 280, using 512 bit memory bus. The are HUGE.

If manufactures know about "quantum tunneling effect", why will they fabricate thinner dies in the first place? A sillicon die which has more area can incorporate large no. of transistors & nano architecture i.e 55nm , 40nm refers to transistor size.
They are using because they know how to counter it. Now more the die size is the number of this effect occurring also increases. So you need some extra piece of hardware to counter it.

Regarding PhysX, we are again fighting.
As I've mentioned earlier as per all the main review sites PhysX is a nice add on but not at all deciding factor. It is the gaming performance which is still the deciding factor till day.
And a person who wants physx would never go for an amd card even high end ones.
This is not entirely true bro. I've checked several forums and the numbers of ATI+nVidia configuration for PhySX is pretty high.
Let me give you an example, just consider you have 17-18K to spend for Gfx card setup. In nVidia front the best performance will come from a Custom PCB GTX 470, available @ 16K
In Radeon front the card is say HD 6870, available @ 14.5K. Both card will deliver the almost same performance in gaming (forget PhysX for now).
Now if you enable PhysX in a single GTX 470, your FPS will feel a sudden shock will drop to almost half of the fps when PhysX was disabled. So your gaming performance is now actually worse than HD 6870, actually on a GTX460 768 Mb level or max 1 GB level.
Lets consider other scenario: get a HD 6870 @ 14.5K + GT 240 @ 4K = 18K.
Gaming performance : superb; PhysX performance: above average.
Less Heat, less Power consumption

Now which solutions look better to you? When you have some amount, buying a single nVidia card for both PhysX and game is not a good choice unless you are buying a very very high end card. Oherwise you have to be satisfied with a GTX 470 with GTX 460s performance when physX enabled. In @ price point except very recent time (release of HD 69 series), AMD is still in leading bench. That's why just PhysX just simply can't be any deciding factor at all.
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I am the night...I am...
get this thread back to topic..enough offtopic shite.

Nobody is talking offtopic shite here. Anything involving the cayman gpu's is not offtopic at all in this thread.

Regarding PhysX, we are again fighting.
As I've mentioned earlier as per all the main review sites PhysX is a nice add on but not at all deciding factor. It is the gaming performance which is still the deciding factor till day.

This is not entirely true bro. I've checked several forums and the numbers of ATI+nVidia configuration for PhySX is pretty high.
Let me give you an example, just consider you have 17-18K to spend for Gfx card setup. In nVidia front the best performance will come from a Custom PCB GTX 470, available @ 16K
In Radeon front the card is say HD 6870, available @ 14.5K. Both card will deliver the almost same performance in gaming (forget PhysX for now).
Now if you enable PhysX in a single GTX 470, your FPS will feel a sudden shock will drop to almost half of the fps when PhysX was disabled. So your gaming performance is now actually worse than HD 6870, actually on a GTX460 768 Mb level or max 1 GB level.
Lets consider other scenario: get a HD 6870 @ 14.5K + GT 240 @ 4K = 18K.
Gaming performance : superb; PhysX performance: above average.
Less Heat, less Power consumption

Now which solutions look better to you? When you have some amount, buying a single nVidia card for both PhysX and game is not a good choice unless you are buying a very very high end card. Oherwise you have to be satisfied with a GTX 470 with GTX 460s performance when physX enabled. In @ price point except very recent time (release of HD 69 series), AMD is still in leading bench. That's why just PhysX just simply can't be any deciding factor at all.

I got that bro but 6870 will have a significant performance hit compared to gtx 470 in framerates. 6870 will be unplayable but 470 will still provide great playable framerates and as you say in the league of a gtx 460 which is good.

Now lets say if we have 20-25k budget, what should we chose? A gtx570 or radeon 6950 considering physx. Lets say both will cost the same in india what shall a buyer choose if he or she prioritizes physx.

And if in future nvidia releases a driver that stops the second nvidia card if it realizes an amd in the vicinity then. We all know nvidia can or will release a driver to stop this. What will happen then considering physx in the picture?
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Chosen of the Omnissiah
You prioritize PhysX, get an nVidia card at any cost. End of discussion. :| Hardly two games I can name which came out in 2010 support PhysX.


No buddy , even with physx off, ati is lagging behind nvidia high end cards this time. The 6970 & 6950 trails behind the gtx 580 and gtx 570 duo in all the benchmarks and all resolutions.
first thing...there is NO competition to HD is in a unique range and GTX 560 is still 1.5 months away.
HD 6970 = GTX 570...a draw.....and it wasnt even targetted at nvida's top card acknowledged by AMD itself...they were not able to move to 32nm properly so they had to switch back to 40nm hence the new architecture isnt delivering well here.
GTX 580 will get pipped by 6990 in April which will actually be 6950x2 and most definitely it will cuz AMD chips are scaling excellent.

now can nvidia make a GTX 580X2???? thermally impossible task....GTX 580 is a huge die a 520sq mm die and they obviously cant without clock deficits.

AMD just doesnt have the top card but it is still way more competitive in the midrange section.


Chosen of the Omnissiah
I got that bro but 6870 will have a significant performance hit compared to gtx 470 in framerates. 6870 will be unplayable but 470 will still provide great playable framerates and as you say in the league of a gtx 460 which is good.
GTX 470 is crap. Overheats and power problems.

GTX 460 is excellent around the 10k price mark. Slightly above it is the HD 6850 @ 11.3k which performs better. Then we have their OCed versions respectively.

Now lets say if we have 20-25k budget, what should we chose? A gtx570 or radeon 6950 considering physx. Lets say both will cost the same in india
They will not cost the same. HD 6950 will be cheaper.

what shall a buyer choose if he or she prioritizes physx.
You know the answer and you still keep on asking the same question 100 times? :|
And if in future nvidia releases a driver that stops the second nvidia card if it realizes an amd in the vicinity then. We all know nvidia can or will release a driver to stop this. What will happen then considering physx in the picture?
afaik, nVidia has already done that. You've to use this patch: Hybrid PhysX mod v1.03 / v1.04ff

And if that sort of effects can be done without physx code, why doesn't amd do it and then do the talking. Atleast we will have some fair competition.
AMD is a chip maker, not a game developer. ;-) AMD is already fair, it's nVidia which started that PhysX thing; one company which was being dominated by AMD since 3 years needed a gimmick to sell their cards off during that period because they knew they are getting spanked all corners.

I might sound like an AMD fanboy from my posts, but I have always owned a nVidia chip. lol.
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I am the night...I am...
first thing...there is NO competition to HD is in a unique range and GTX 560 is still 1.5 months away.
HD 6970 = GTX 570...a draw.....and it wasnt even targetted at nvida's top card acknowledged by AMD itself...they were not able to move to 32nm properly so they had to switch back to 40nm hence the new architecture isnt delivering well here.
GTX 580 will get pipped by 6990 in April which will actually be 6950x2 and most definitely it will cuz AMD chips are scaling excellent.

now can nvidia make a GTX 580X2???? thermally impossible task....GTX 580 is a huge die a 520sq mm die and they obviously cant without clock deficits.

AMD just doesnt have the top card but it is still way more competitive in the midrange section.

Check this for the competition to 6990. 6970 is their top end single card and not 6990 cause its goin to be dual.

I guess that answers your question.

GTX 470 is crap. Overheats and power problems.

GTX 460 is excellent around the 10k price mark. Slightly above it is the HD 6850 @ 11.3k which performs better. Then we have their OCed versions respectively..

470 is not crap and many gamers all around the world are satisfied by its performance. It has done its job well.

They will not cost the same. HD 6950 will be cheaper.

From indian sites, we see 6950 to be costing around 20k or more which is in 570's league and the latter is a much better card.

You know the answer and you still keep on asking the same question 100 times? :|

I'm not asking any questions now cause i already know the answers.

afaik, nVidia has already done that. You've to use this patch: Hybrid PhysX mod v1.03 / v1.04ff

Amd has never matched nvidia in driver support. You will definitely see better sli scaling with the upcoming drivers. What i meant to say was if nvidia sort of disables or that mod doesn't work in a future driver release, where will the amd owners prioritizing physx will go with their second physx card?

Thats what i was asking buddy.:neutral:

AMD is a chip maker, not a game developer. ;-) AMD is already fair, it's nVidia which started that PhysX thing; one company which was being dominated by AMD since 3 years needed a gimmick to sell their cards off during that period because they knew they are getting spanked all corners.

Nonetheless nvidia cards were selling always and never lagged in that department. I know amd is a chipmaker but it should offer better software support for proper utilization of its chips. Does amd has an answer to cuda?

It does actually in the form of STREAM but where is the support? This is where AMD lags and physx is just another example but as you say not so much like cuda.

I might sound like an AMD fanboy from my posts, but I have always owned a nVidia chip. lol.

Its not about being loyal to any camps. Even i had never owned an AMD card before until now that is. LOL
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