Crytek has still not learnt the art of story telling, although its now much better than FarCry

But it still isnt mature enough.
1. Which nut-head will charge against an alien Exosuit(i think its called that, the big alien) like what Major Strickland does in Crysis ? his death was a joke! i mean the way Eli Vance dies in EP2 was a real shocker(and emotional).
2. Whats the point of teammates, when it was YOU who did all the killing. You were a One man Army in that game.
In the 'Rescue stage' Psycho says he will go into the village and provide support. But he never does. He just shows up during the door breach. loser! Also when there is a NK counterattack (when you are supposed to destroy the tanks) he stays with the hostage and tell YOU to take care of the tanks and just stays there. i wish i could say ingame 'A little help here?'
In the 'Assault' Stage, he tell over the radio that hez supposed to provide 'sniper support'. I do find him on top on that red metallic structure inside the harbour. But hez just frozen over there. He wont even shoot the enemies down below while attacking me, he'll just stay there. Even if i am directly standing next to him, the enemies for some reason only shoot me , while he just stays there.
3. The Final Boss is stupid. It can destroy an aircraft carrier, but all it can fire at a person on the deck (player) is a punny Freeze ray???
4. General KYONG ( LOLz, nice name Crytek) boss battle was one of the worst. I got him in such a position that he couldnt hit me, but i could hit him very easily. I there was a box in the may, so could shoot me, but i could see the entire side of his body, so i started shooting him, and he didnt even move! so i just did that and he didnt even take a step untill he was dead.
5. The aliens in Crysis ( the small mech ones) are as dumb as Trijen Monkeys in FarCry
6. Most of the later levels are Linear.
7. Put the silencer on and you'll be shooting peanuts at the enemy

. So much for the stealthy approach.
8. The crytek CEO had said that the death of any Character in game will cause the story to change drastiaclly. But the game turned out to be
Scripted. i think he had called it Dynamic Storytelling. (In Deus Ex , you can actually do this)
many more left......
Crysis would have been a great game, but it was full of broken promises. Somehow i get the feeling that they removed some stuff and added some stupid things just to make the game 'COOL'. (Judging from the First Crysis videos)
If you read the docs / discussions in when Crysis was in Development, the developers had said a lot of features will be included, like GPS tagging ammo, ability to lower the temp of nanosuit so that it becomes invisible to aliens etc...
GAMEPLAY wasnt also great. All i used mostly were the Cloak and Armor modes. Deus Ex gave you a wide variety of nano - augmentations.
I'm not saying Crysis is BAD, but it was definitely not worth the HYPE!
I was a Crysis Fan too, always used to read everything that would leak out on the net about Crysis, but the final product dissappointed me.
Maybe you should try Bioshock, the story is awesome! amazing gameplay too.
even Max Payne, if you havent played it already.
Still i think you haven't play deus ex , if you had, you would know crysis is very similar, & the writer of tweakguides is a great guy, you can see for yourself, both DX9 & DX10 on very high look the same, also the most of games you have played are FPS without stories, COD 4 : MW had a good story but not great, if you want to know what a good story is, you need play planscape : torment, Metal Gear Solid 3, Star wars : Knight of the old republic I & II, even Deus EX has a great story, Crysis is decent, a game cannot be great because of visuals & physics, it needs many story, gameplay & it also needs to be longer.
Yo man, Deus Ex rulez.

One of all time my favourite games along with KOTOR and MAx Payne. that game was FAR ahead of its time. I didnt like Invisble war that much though.
KOTOR 1 and 2 are awesome RPGs. MUST PLAY! although i was dissappointed by KOTOR 2's ending...was pretty abrupt.