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"The Gentleman"
Intellectual bot
munna-boi> Voldy,hey babes,how are you doinf today?
<TheMatrixHasYou> I heard that today is sunday FTW
<munna-boi> doing*
<munna-boi> TheMatrixHasYou,retard bot
<TheMatrixHasYou> munna-boi: I am a robot.
<Voldy> munna-boi:hi biatche..nothing besides study :D
<Filled-Void> lol^


Proud to be Linux
<ray|raven> and did u guys see infinite these days?
<Voldy> ray|raven:yeah..infintie invovled in some wht of a competition named "Measure the boobs" and yeah he also contributed in adding some work of art in "the Legend of Praka and Open source Lungi " tales
<Voldy> :p
<krazzy> lolz
<krazzy> open source lungi
<krazzy> :D
<cool> heh
<Abhinand> Voldy, lololololol
lololololol :razz::razz::razz:


Its half story, here is the full episode:p
* cool is listening to Adema - Everyone [3:29 (25%)]
<Abhinand> ray|raven, yea....yesterday
<cool> ray|raven, whats going between you and infinite, you both appear at random time, and ask for each other
<cool> and never appear at same time
<Abhinand> cool, they are l337 theme consultants so they haf a business to look after :P
<Abhinand> wtf whole archlinux.org is down
<krazzy> who is goatblood??
<TheMatrixHasYou> I heard that goatblood is evil
<Voldy> ray|raven:yeah..infintie invovled in some wht of a competition named "Measure the boobs" and yeah he also contributed in adding some work of art in "the Legend of Praka and Open source Lungi " tales
<Voldy> :P
<krazzy> lolz
<krazzy> open source lungi
<krazzy> :D
<cool> heh
<Abhinand> Voldy,  lololololol
<krazzy> why don't they permanently ban praka?
<cool> anyone tried bulding apps on Google app engine?
<ray|raven> cool: nuthin much goin on :p
<Abhinand> ray|raven, <Voldy> ray|raven:yeah..infintie invovled in some wht of a competition named "Measure the boobs" and yeah he also contributed in adding some work of art in "the Legend of Praka and Open source Lungi " tales
<ray|raven> cool: like Abhinand said ,we got a business to look out
<ray|raven> ah Voldy's havin fun
* ray|raven has kicked Voldy from #think-digit (come back with more open source stories)
<Abhinand> lol
<cool> ray|raven, what took to you so loooooooooong to reply?
<krazzy> lulz
<ray|raven> was afk
<ray|raven> am @ work dude
* Voldy (n=darthvad@ has joined #think-digit
<cool> yeah, chatting at IRC is called work
<cool> good
<Abhinand> i cant stop lookin at this >> "the Legend of Praka and Open source Lungi "
<ray|raven> cool: no seriously , i try to work
<Voldy> wtf
<ray|raven> once in a while
<ray|raven> lololol Abhinand
* Filled-Void has quit (Remote closed the connection)
<ray|raven> Voldy: got anythin new thats funny? :p
<Voldy> ray|raven: I R shaving my head :P
<ray|raven> Voldy: hahaha
<cool> why my website does not have a PR?
<ray|raven> Abhinand: post that in irc thread :p
<Abhinand> k
<ray|raven> cool: maybe google decided it was unsafe
<ray|raven> :p
<cool> :o
<krazzy> don't post my permanently ban comment
<krazzy> :D
<ray|raven> hahaha
<cool> krazzy, gotcha!
<krazzy> nooooooooo
<cool> check the iHammer - Hottest iPhone accessories from Apple for your iPhone.
<cool> [url]*www.2dayblog.com/blog/2008/07/09/the-ihammer/?lang=en[/url]
<Abhinand> krazzy, may u be attacked by the cat
<ray|raven> Abhinand: nice highlighting :p
<Abhinand> :)
<krazzy> Abhinand: tune meri izzat bacha di
* Filled-Void (n=filledvo@unaffiliated/Filled-Void) has joined #think-digit
<TheMatrixHasYou> [Filled-Void] I R RPG LOVER
<krazzy> :P
* Filled-Void has quit (Remote closed the connection)
<ray|raven> Abhinand: highlight krazzy's post too please :D
<Abhinand> ray|raven, kick him here too
* ray|raven has kicked QwertyM from #think-digit (speak or die)
<Abhinand> ray|raven, <krazzy> why don't they permanently ban praka?
<krazzy> noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
<Abhinand> ^^that one????
<ray|raven> :o
<krazzy> ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
<krazzy> ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
<ray|raven> yea
<cool> I WILL POST IT !!!!!!!!!
<krazzy> don't dooooooooooo iiiiiiiiittttttttttttttt
<ray|raven> les vote
<ray|raven> +1
<cool> +2
<Abhinand> +3
<krazzy>  or praka will follow me to the depths of hellll
<cool> HAHA
<ray|raven> 2 : 0
<ray|raven> vote's in favour of yes
* Abhinand warns kalpik to fear the cat
<ray|raven> do it Abhinand
<ray|raven> :D
<krazzy> -10000000000000000000
<Abhinand> er
<krazzy> no
* Abhinand warns krazzy  to fear the cat
<krazzy> no
<krazzy> no
<krazzy> no
<ray|raven> 3 :  -1000000000000000000000

Someone has to watch his mouth::p


left this forum longback
oye krazzy :why dont you thought about banning pro-M$ fanboys too ? :p

ps:my lungi cannot be open sourced btw :p


die blizzard die! D3?
(09:29:12) —› nick: you are now known as (munna-boi)
(15:23:22) —› kick: you were kicked out of (#think-digit) by (ray|raven) (ray|raven)
(15:23:37) —› kick: you were kicked out of (#think-digit) by (pulsars) (pulsars)
(15:23:40) —› Adresses from (#think-digit) saved. Now (0) entries.
(15:23:55) —› Adresses from (#think-digit) saved. Now (15) entries.
(15:23:55) —› kick: you were kicked out of (#think-digit) by (pulsars) (kid)
(15:24:08) —› kick: you were kicked out of (#think-digit) by (pulsars) (shoo kiddie)
(15:24:16) —› kick: you were kicked out of (#think-digit) by (pulsars) (shoo kiddie)

frustrated human beings trying to find solace on irc,lol.
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