3G iPhone announced

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Aspiring Novelist
Ah, well, that’s where common sense and reason step in. There was no way that those twenty countries wouldn’t include India. :)


 Macboy
Although its not like Apple has shown any favour to the billion strong in the past. So those 20 countries could have included Chad and Guatemala before including India. Still, nice to know.


Aspiring Novelist
Oh c’mon, the situation isn’t that bad. In fact, we have it pretty good compared to people in countries like Brazil and Russia. Even Canada, in fact.


Ah, well, that’s where common sense and reason step in. There was no way that those twenty countries wouldn’t include India. :)

I agree with you that using common sense & reason one can easily conclude that it would include India.

But as I said, today they OFFICIALLY confirmed it. :)

@ Moderators: I strongly feel that this thread should be moved to the "Mobile Monsters" section. Currently its a misfit. Just my thoughts.


The Devil's Advocate
^^ This thread has been here since the day iPhone 3G was announced. :lol: Now you want to move it? :lol:


Tech Savvy UFO
Mail from Vodafone : 2 mins ago !!

We are delighted to announce that the iPhone 3G will be available in India from August 22, 2008
It will be available in 8GB & 16GB models, priced at Rs 31,000 and Rs 36,100 respectively


When I went to a Airtel office a few days back, I was informed that the iPhone would be available for 15k from Aug 28th!!! But they had no info on whether I could use my existing Airtel card, etc...



Mail from Vodafone : 2 mins ago !!

We are delighted to announce that the iPhone 3G will be available in India from August 22, 2008
It will be available in 8GB & 16GB models, priced at Rs 31,000 and Rs 36,100 respectively

insane prices ...its a total flop show ...its not worth more than 15k ...if it costs $199 in us .......only a mad person would buy a iphone 3g at that price .....


Aspiring Novelist
And only an even madder person would expect the iPhone to sell for Rs. 15,000. I didn’t want to be the one to break this to you but any product’s pricing isn’t decided by how much you can afford to pay for it, and Apple products in particular.


Super Moderator
Staff member
And only an even madder person would expect the iPhone to sell for Rs. 15,000.
Why does it always get personal?.....Even I can say that only a mad person would like the iPhone to be sold for 31K and that too locked.......

Well, one more thing...Guys you can also wait for Nokia XpressMedia 5800, it made a cameo appearance in The Dark Knight...(I hope you've seen it).......:D
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Beyond Smart
And only an even madder person would expect the iPhone to sell for Rs. 15,000. I didn’t want to be the one to break this to you but any product’s pricing isn’t decided by how much you can afford to pay for it, and Apple products in particular.

He is still better. Many indians want/wanted iPhone 3G for around 9k :lol:
There is no end to peoples ignorance.
See for example this:

when is reliance switching to GSM?? they will launch iPhone at 12k.

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Bond, Desi Bond!
He is still better. Many indians want/wanted iPhone 3G for around 9k :lol:
There is no end to peoples ignorance.
See for example this:


The phone that is shown in that news is the first gen iphone, right? h


i am planning to get somebody to buy iphone from usa
i have certain questions plz reply soon
is unlocked version available in usa then how much? plz plz tell the cost first in INR
if it is locked then shall i get it unlocked and jailbroken in usa or it canbe done in gaffar market in delhi?
what about the warranty for it ? there r many sites offering sim cards to jail break .whom shud i trust.they say u don't have to open or flashbios for that and warranty will not be void
has anybody on thinkdigit bought it?
how is the older version working 2g one does it gets locked again after updating its firmware
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